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Oxidative stress has been considered as major factors involved in senile cataract formation and there is a little information about some elements status in cataract us subject particularly in Iranian population. The aim of this study is to investigate relation between serum Zn+,+ Cu++ and Fe ++ levels, nutritional behavior and related cataract.For this purpose a population base case-control study was conducted on 102 patients with cataract attending the ophthalmology clinic of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and 102 healthy volunteers both over 50 years old. Capillary blood was obtained to determine some serum trace elements using atomic absorption method. A food frequency questionnaire was used to collect information on the consumption of a wide variety of food items. Differences were considered significant at (P<0.05).Results show serum Zn++ and Fe++ levels in the patients were found to be significantly lover than the control (0.98±0.02, 0.22±0.1 vs. 1.09±0.03, 0.42±0.04 mg/dl respectively) but no significant difference was observed in Cu ++ levels in both patient and control groups. The nutritional assessment showed that the patient groups with cataract had consumed significantly less fruits and meats compared with the control group. The systolic and diastolic pressure levels of control group were significantly lower than the case group. According to this study, patients with cataract have a low serum Zn++ and Fe++ levels compared with normal subjects. The lack of enough knowledge of the population about the quantities of nutrient intake may play an important role in this matter.

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Interaction of ionizing radiation causes ionization and excitation in atoms and molecules at biological system and production a number of deleterious and abnormal productions in a living system. Having advers effects of ionizing radiations necessitate exact determination of administrative amounts and patient doses, in order to prevent impermissible exposures of patients and theirs surroundings. Accurate calculation of radiation dose requires accurate data about the physical deacay characteristics of the radionuclide and its distribution in the body. On the other hand, the biologic function of different tissues of human body is different among persons. Therefore, there is the variability of the biological response of different individuals to the same radiation dose. How does on compute the total dose the patient form the time of administration (t=0) to the time when the dose rate has finally been reduced to zero In this article, our goal is the calculation and determination of dose in patients and providing the protectoral survey. In nuclear med clear procedures it is almost impossible to measure the radiation dose directly using any kind of radiation detection. Instead, this has to be calculated by using a variety of physical and biological data and special mathematical equations. An approach to determined radiation doses is the absorbed fraction method. This is the proceeded in four steps: calculation of the rate of energy emission by radionuclide in the source volume (s), calculation of the energy absorption by the target volume (T), calculation of the average dose rate (dD/dt), and calculation of the average dose D. That finally results dose. The overall expression may be used.                                        D(T¬S)=(1.44).F.A0.T1/2(eff) .s(T¬S) radWhere S factors is the dose rate form I mCi activity. It depends only on the phisical data that biokinetics of the radionuclidic distribution is more complex, and the uptake in the oragan is instantaneous, on the other hand, the disapperance of the radioactivity from the source doesn't have a single exponential term. In the case of a radiopharmaceutical with complex biokinetics, for radiation dose valculations, cumulated activity A needed for radiation dose calculations is determined by either graphic methods or multiexpontial curve-fitting methods. Then, Cumulated activity A in each organ may be calculated from the actual biokinetic data:The physical data such as radiations emitted by a radionuclide and the absorbed fractions for various source and target combinations of a standard main into on single term, 'S" factor, for radionuclide’s used in nuclear medicine, dose rate is nearly equivalent to the absorbed dose and can uses the principle of reducing exposure to the body, that is distance, time, and adequate shielding, to provide the ALARA.E(R) = (N.GAMMA/d2). em(linear)++x.tTherefore, it may provide necessarily safety in nuclear medicine by observing of protection principles and by mindfully application of radioisotopes and this increase the advantage of using ionizing radiation against on deleterious effects. 

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The alteration in serum levels of lipids and lipoproteins in smokers have been reported by many workers. Cigarette smoke causes increased production of free radicals and oxidative stress which lead to lipid peroxdation. Antioxidants play an important role in reduction of the lipid peroxidation. Vitamine E and vitamines. C are most important antioxidant in the human. In this study effects of these vitamines on the serum levels of lipids and lipoproteins in smokers were estimated.Sixty males, smoking more than Six cigarette per day at least for one year, were selected. The selected person was divided into three groups. The first group received Vit. C and Vit E together.Second group Vit. E and third group Vit.C for30days.Beforeandafterrecievingthe vitamines , serum levels of lipids (cholesterol and triglyceride) and lipoproteins (LDL-C, VLDL-C and HDL- C) were measured by standard methods and HDL-C/LDL-Cratio calculated., by statistical analysis the results obtained in the two steps were compared with each others.In the first group after receiving vitamine E and Vit. C significant reduction in the serum levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, VLDL-C and LDL-C and marked elevation in those of HLD-C and HDL-C/LDL-C ratio were observed (P<0.05 in all cases). In the second group receiving only Vit. E significant decrease in the serum levels of total cholesterol and LDL-C were noticed (P<0.05 in both cases.). In the third group receiving only Vit. C a maked reduction in the serum levels of total cholesterol, VLDL-C and significant elevation in those of HDL-C/LDL-C ratio and HDL-C were found (P<0.05 in all cases). No significant changes were noticed in the cases of the other parameters. It was concluded that the use of supplementary antioxidant vitamines (E+C) by prevention of lipids and lipoproteins oxidation decline their concentrations in plasma.

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Cimetidine , Ranitidine and Famotidine occur in a number of dosage forms, and the USP monograph methods has listed a HPLC method as the official assay procedure for quality control.The goal of this work was to demonstrate an alternative FT-IR technique with ability to determine the amount of drugs in pharmaceutical dosage forms.In this study the three commercial H2 blockers were quantitatively analyzed using FT-IR spectrometer. Methods were used for sample preparation and different wave numbers were investigated .The calibration curves were drawn and the commercial tablets were analyzed accordingly. The selected FT-IR method was compared with the HPLC method of USP .The spectra were studied for the pure drug and the tablets. A sharp peak in which the excipients did not show any absorbance was selected for each drug and the peak height was used as a measure of the drug concentration. The selected peaks were in the wave numbers of 1173.08, 1237.79 and 2168.06 for famotidine, ranitidine and cimetidine respectively. The results showed that in tablets containing 200 mg cimetidine 206.7±2.33 (mg) and 201.05±1.31 (mg) was obtained by FT-IR and HPLC methods, respectively. The similar results were obtained for the tablets containing 150mg Ranitidine, and 40 mg Famotidine. For example 150.04±2.87 (mg) and 151.39±12.70) mg Ranitidine and 40.48 and 40.12 (mg) Famotidine, was obtained by FT-IR and HPLC methods, respectively.It is clear that the standard deviations of the amount of the drug in tablets are similar in FT-IR and HPLC methods.

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In spite of over 40 years of 6-mercaptopurine application, many aspects of complex pharmacology and metabolism of this drug remain unclear. It is thought that 6- mercaptopurine is oxidized to the inactive metabolite, 6-thiouric acid through 6-thioxanthine or 8-oxo-6-mercaptopurine in its catabolic metabolic pathways. Although this oxidative deactivation of 6-mercaptopurine has been attributed to the action of one of two molybdenum hydroxylases, xanthine oxidase, the role of other molybdenum hydroxylase, aldehyde oxidase, in the oxidation of 6-mercaptopurine has not been investigated in more details. In the present study, the role of aldehyde oxi'dase and xanthine oxidase in the oxidation of 6-mercaptopurine has been investigated. 6-Mercaptopurine was incubated with bovine milk xanthine oxidase or partially purified guinea pig liver molybdenum hydroxylase fractions and the reactions were monitored by spectrophotometric and HPLC methods in the absence and presence of xanthine oxidase inhibitor, allopurinol, and some aldehyde oxidase inhibitors. Xanthine oxidase-catalyzed oxidation of 6-mercaptopurine was completely inhibited by allopurinol with aldehyde oxidase inhibitors having no significant inhibitory effects. With guinea pig liver fractions, however, the initial oxidation rate of 6-mercaptopurine was inhibited by 39-66% in the presence of allopurinol and aldehyde oxidase inhibitor. The HPLC analysis of the reaction was indicative of oxidative conversion of 6-mercaptopurine to 6-thiouric acid through 6-thioxanthine. The oxidation of 6- mercaptopurine was inhibited by >90% and 45-49% in the presence of allopurinol and aldehyde oxidase inhibitors, respectively. Based on the results obtained, it may be suggested that 6-mercaptopurine is oxidized by both molybdenum hydroxylases to 6-thiouric acid through 6-thioxanthine. The first reaction which is the rate limiting step is catalyzed by xanthine oxidase, whereas the second reaction is catalyzed by both molybdenum hydroxylases.

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The formulation of effervescent granules of ranitidine hydrochloride was performed by use of citric acid, tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate as effervescent base of formulation. To find the best percent of each of these compounds, tertiary diagram was applied. Sixty six different mixtures obtained from diagram was prepared and compared in respect to characteristics. Like clarity, pH, taste and other physical properties. The best mixtures was selected and granulated with wet and dry granulation methods. Other ingredients such as flavor, sweetener, and granulator also determined by use of various amount from each of them, and determined the best formulation for each of granulation methods.

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Salvia macrosiphon Boiss. (Labiatae) is one of the Salvia species growing wild in Iran. The seeds of S. macrosiphon have been used as anti-tussive in Iranian folk medicine. In this study, the volatile oil of the aerial parts of S. macrosiphon, collected from Kolahghazi in south of Isfahan, was analyzed using a GC/MS method. The results- of this investigation indicate that, the oil of this plant contains over 46 components. The major components were b- pinene (15.3%), germacrene-D (10.1%), spathulenol (7.7%), 1,8-cineole (7.4%), limonene (5.2%), a-pinene (4.7%) and a-terpineol (4.1%).

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Vitamin A deficiency remains a major cause of pediatric ocular morbidity. over five million children develop xerophthalmia annually, a quarter million or more becoming blind. Treatment is practical and inexpensive, based upon the oral administration of 200, 000 Iu vitamin A on two successive day even among children without evidence of xerophthalmia, the same prophylactic regimen may improve child survival by 35% or more, 2000 Preschool children Were examined from 1990. Five of the children had bilateral corneal perforation (due to severe gastroenteritis). In clinical trial patients under 7 years old with Bitot's spots were randomly assigned to 200000 IU of oral Vitamin A or without drug. And follow up for Two months. 17 patients receiving vitamin A, ten patients showed compete cure and disappearance. of Bitot's spots and seven patients had disappearance of some but not all Bitot's spots. The nonresponsive children were older. In 17 children who were not treated with Vitamine A, two children Spontaneous cure, 3 patients some of Bitots disappearance and seven were unchanged and 5 patients are worsene.

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Background: recently antiperspirants constitue' one of main products for personal care used by all strata of the population. In general astringent agents with relative blocking of the duct of eccrine glands decrease the rate of perspiration and malodors. In this study aluminum cholorohydrate (coded A) and gallic acid (coded G) were used as active materials, veegum as viscosity modifier and glyceryl monostearate as oil phase.Methods: Emulsions were prepared with inversion method and final product was roll-on. For assessment of samples tests were carried out including: viscosity measurement, freeze & thaw, pH measurement and consumner panel test. Besides to evaluate effectiveness of the samples, difference in rate of perspiration before and after using the samples were determined gravimetrically.Results: Both samples were thixotrop and gravimetry test indicated that antiperspirant activity of sample A was 47% and sample G was 33%. These results were in good agreement with those of consumer panel test, and no irritation reaction was reported.Discussion: Veegum in these formulations conferred consistency, and physical stability. Sample A with antibacterial and deodorant effects was more suitable than sample G. Sample G was an acceptable antiperspirant, but it was susceptible to water and changing its color by oxidation. The gravimetry method proved to be a practical method to measure the rate of antiperspirant sample in ordinary conditions.

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wettability of pharmaceutical powders is an important controlling factor in preparation of dispersed systems, coating and dissolution rates. This investigation is attempted to find quantitative relationships between wettability of pharmaceutical powders and chemical structure descriptors. The resulting equations (QSPRs) indicate the structural characteristics determining the wettability and they are predictive of wettability of other compounds. Structural parameters were determined mainly by theoretical chemistry software’s and also using group contributions. Statistical analyses showed that the most significant parameters controlling contact angles of different series of pharmaceutical powders were the highest atomic charge on the hydrogen bonding hydrogens and the nucleophilic superdelocalizability index. The other parameters of importance included the energy of vaporization, number of oxygen or nitrogen atoms, reentrant accessible surface area, the most negative atomic charge on heteroatom’s of a molecule, number of hydrogen bonding hydrogens and solubility parameter. The barbiturates and sulfonamides were also analyzed separately resulting in statistically better equations in case of sulfonamides.

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There is much evidence indicating that the serotonergic system involves in the central regulation of nociceptive sensitivity. However, the exact mechanism of serotonergic system and also its interaction with other neural systems has not yet been understood. In this study, the effect of serotonin (5-HT) and fenfluramine, as a serotonin releaser, on formalin induced pain and also its possible interaction with opioidergic system have been studied. Results obtained from this study show that serotonin in intrathecal (100 mg/rat, i.t.) and intracerebroventricular (100 mg/rat, i.c.v.) administration produces significant (P < 0.05) analgesia in early and late phase offormalin test. These analgesic effects were abolished by pretreatment with the naloxone hydrochloride (2 mg/kg, Lp.). Furthennore, fenfluramine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) induced analgesia in both phases which has been reversed by pretreatment with the naloxone (2 mg/kg, i.p.). The results of our study may indicate that serotonin induces antinociceptive effect in chronic inflammatory pain through activation of opioidergic neurons, but it needs more investigation in order to clarify the mechanism of this interaction.

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