Traumatic reticuloperitonitis/pericarditis (TRP) is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases in cattle. It is caused by penetration of sharp foreign bodies to reticulum and heart. This condition initially causes local peritonitis. In this study, blood glucose, protein, fibrinogen, billirubin, BHB, Ca, IP, Mg, ALT, ALP and AST were investigated in 19 cows suffering from traumatic reticulopericaditis and compared with 10 healthy cows in 2007 in Urmia. Mean for glucose, Ca, Mg, IP and ALT in TRP cows was 54.7, 9.1, 2.6, 3.3 and 32.7 mg/dl, respectively. The values in TRP cows were lower than healthy animals (P<0.01). The highest percent of decline belonged to IP. The mean for protein, fibrinogen, billirubin, BHB, ALP and AST was 11.01 g/dl, 1192.9, 1.52 mg/dl, 0.57 mmol/l, 147 and 129.1 U/L, respectively, in that they were higher than control cows (P<0.01). The highest increase among parameters was shown for fibrinogen, billirubin and AST, respectively. The maximum values were observed in TRP cows except for Ca and IP and the minimum were in control cows. The correlations among parameters under study showed that glucose, electrolytes and AST, respectively, have the highest relationship among themselves and then other parameters. Thus, it is concluded that the glucose, electrolytes and AST accompanied by other hematological finding could support each other and would be useful as a diagnostic value in traumatic reliculoperitonitis.