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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2147

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Cyclosporine is a potent immunosuppressive agent used to prolong the survival of allogenic transplants. Transplant patients who become pregnant require continued immunosuppression. Therefore this study intends to investigate the teratogenic and pattological effects of Cyclosporine on kidneys of rat infants. Fifty rats of N- Mari strain (40 female and 10 male) were kept under the same condition. The rats were divided into four groups (10 female and 2 male). After mating, observation of vaginal plug in the female rats was carried out on the first day of pregnancy. Then, Cyclosporine was administered to 3 groups of pregnant rats in accordance with their embryo's development stageie (predifferentiation, embryonic, fetal), with a dosage of 50 mg/kg/day of body weight per day. The control group of pregnant rats did not receive drugs during pregnancy. The second, third and fourth groups of pregnant rats were treated with in the first, second and third weeks of pregnancy respectively. Infants of each group were counted and kept in special cages. The statistical assessment of survived embryos shows the significant difference between the control group and testing ones (P<0.05). The differences between the second and third group as well as the second and fourth group were also significant (P<0.05). However, the difference between the third and fourth group (P>0.05) was not significant. The newborns of all groups were stopped taking milk at 3 weeks of age. At this stage, they were anaesthetized and samples were taken from their kidneys. In macroscopical investigation were not difference between the control and the treated ones. Pathological studies showed that in each embryo developmental stage Cyclosporine had caused coagulative necrosis and cell swelling of renal tubules as well as prolifiration of visceral layer of bowman's capsule. However, no lesion were seen in kidney of the rat infants in the control group.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1392

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Twelve healthy native dogs (six male and six female) aged about 2 years with average body weight of 19±2.6kg were divided randomly into four equal groups (n=3). After clinical examination dogs were kept in 12 separated cages under similar conditions of temperature, light, ventilation and identical rations of chicken by products for two weeks. The dogs were treated for parasite elimination during the study. Blood samples were collected from cephalic vein for laboratory examinations before injection of tylosin. In the control group the equal amounts of tylosin in saline solution was injected. The dosages of 25, 75 and 125 mg/kg/day of tylosin were injected for 7 days in the hind limb muscles of each dog in the first, second and third groups, respectively. Blood samples were collected at different time intervals (3, 7, 14,21 and 28 days) after injection of tylosin and examined for PCV, MCV, MCHC, MCH, WBC, RBC, ALT, AST, CPK, BUN, creatinine, BUN, creatinine and glucose. Data was analyzed statistically by one way ANOVA and Duncan test. Statistical analysis of data indicated significant increase (P<0.05) in ALT, AST and CPK. This increase probably is due to degeneration al changes, hepatocellular destruction, inflammation and muscle damage. Significant decrease in RBC counts, Hb and PCV were observed which could be related to stem cell destruction by high doses of tylosin. It was concluded tylosin had hepatotoxic and myotoxic effects in high doses and causeed liver and muscle damage. In addition to these effects, tylosin can cause anemia due to stem cell destruction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2205

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    2 (13)
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In order to investigate the seroprevalence of BHV-1 infections in cattle in Ahvaz, blood samples were taken from 572 (51 male and 521 female) cattles. Sera were tested to determine antibodies against BHV-1 by a commercial ELISA kit. The results revealed that 180 cattle ie (31.48%) were seropositive with BHV-1. Statistical analysis (Chi-square) showed a significant difference between females (33.59%) and males (9.81%) with BHV-1 infection. However, the difference between females in industrial forms of (38.60%) and traditional farms (32.14%) was not significant.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1076

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    2 (13)
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In order to evaluate the physicochemical factors of fetal fluids in goat, eighty-six pregnant goat uteri were collected from goats slaughtered from Ahvaz abattoir at the various stages of pregnancy. Concentration of some biochemical parameters including AST, ALT, ALP, LDH, cholesterol, triglyceride, pH and specific gravity were measured in the amniotic and allantoic fluids. Regardless of age the mean value of AST, ALT, ALP, LDH, cholesterol, triglyceride, pH, and specific gravity in amniotic fluid were 5.2±0.6, 1.0±0.2, 16.5±3.7, 44.5±6.1U/1,2.4±0.4, 61.8±3.3 mg/dl, 8.1±0.1 and 1.007±0.1 and in allantoic fluid were 30.1±4.5, 3.9±0.8, 132.5±33.3, 127.1 ±22.9u/l, 1.6±0.2, 84.4±4.5 mg/dl, 7.1±0.1 and 1.018±0.6, respectively.Amniotic fluid had higher cholesterol and pH and lower AST, ALT, ALP, LDH, triglyceride and specific gravity as compared with allantoic fluid (P<0.001). The results show that, the mean values of AST, ALP, LDH, triglyceride and pH in the allantoic fluid were decreased with increase in age but the mean values of ALT and specific gravity were increased (P<0.01). Also in amniotic fluid the mean values of AST, ALP, LDH, cholesterol, triglyceride and specific gravity increased and pH decreased (P<0.01) with increase in age.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 882

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    2 (13)
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In present study, the effects of propofol as an intravenous anesthetic drug on the electrocardiogram of dogs before and during anesthesia were studied. Five healthy adult dogs were induced with propofol (8 mg/kg IV) and maintained under anesthesia with continuous infusion of the same drug (04 mg/kg/min IV) for 60 minutes. An electrocardiogram (lead II) was obtained before induction (time 0), and at 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after initiation of the anesthesia. Data was analyzed by using the analysis of repeated measures design. No significant changes were observed in heart rate during anesthesia (P>0.05). The P duration was increased during 0 to 15 minutes after anesthesia but it was decreased in 15 to 60 minutes after anesthesia significantly (P<0.05). The P amplitude increased during anesthesia significantly (P<0.05). The T-P interval was decreased during anesthesia significantly (P<0.05). Therefore, propofol may be considered as a safe anesthetic drug which has not any considerable effects on electrical cardiac activity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1798

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    2 (13)
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There are a few reports on Monogenea termatoda of the Barbus sharpeyi's gill in Khoozestan but there is not any report about the Barbus sharpeyi of the Shadegan marsh. In this study, Monogenea, were typed and their colony sites and population frequency were identified. Alive or freshly captured Barbus sharpeyi from four sites of shadegan marsh were carried on ice to laboratory. After cutting the operculum, 0.5 centimeter of each left or right gill arch was studied by microscope. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and student T-test were used for comparison of data. The result showed that the average of total number of Dactylogyrus anchoratus were significantly more than three other species and also infestation in the right gill was more than left gill (p<0.05). The average number of Dactylogyrus carassobarbi in the upper holobranchi was significantly more than its average in the lower ones and also the average number of Dogielius persicus in the lower holobranchi was significantly more than the upper ones. The results of this study showed that Dactylogyrus carassobarbi had a tendency in attachment to the upper holobranchi but Dogielius persicus had more tendency in attachment to the lower holobranchi. The site specific habitats of these Monogenea may relate to the presence or absence of some enzymes or intensity of the blood or water flow in gill filaments. The average number of parasites in gill arch didn't show any significant difference. Therefore it can be concluded that the study of each gill arch (right or left) can be representative of the total monogenic infestation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1026

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    2 (13)
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The meat and eggs of birds, and their products are the major sources of Salmonellae for human, causing thousands of deaths in the world annually. The objective of the present work was to determine the Salmonella infection status in the eggs of native chickens. From January 2003 to June 2004, 300 eggs with apparently clean shells were purchased from different markets in Ahvaz. Every 3 eggs, as a pooled sample, were put into a plastic bag containing 45ml of tetrathionate broth (TB) with 40 mg/l novobiocin, and massaged from the outside for a few minutes. Then, isolation and identification of salmonela was carried out as recommended by Douglas Waltman. Out of 100 samples, 5 (5%) were known to be infected with Salmonella. Salmonella typhimurium and method Salmonella enteritidis were isolated from the shells (4 cases) and the content (1 case) respectively. As each 3 eggs were considered as a pooled sample, it was concluded that at least 5 eggs (1.66%) were contaminated with Salmonella.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1263

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    2 (13)
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Early diagnosis of fasciolosis in livestock is important for timely prevention of the disease and economic losses. In this study, ELISA method was employed for early diagnosis of infection. For this purpose, 50 sheep of less than one year of age were infected experimentally with 100 metacercaria of Fasciola gigantica, while Lymnaea gedrosiana was used as an intermediate host in this experiment. Blood was drawn from the sheep at 1st, 2nd and 3rd weeks prior to infection; also at months 1 to 6 after the infection. As a control, the serum of 50 sheep prior to their infection with Fasciola gigantica, and 15 sheep infected with hydatid cyst and another 15 infected with Ornitobilharzia turkestanicum were used. For ELISA, 5 mg of excretory-secretary antigens and 1: 10000 Anti-sheep IgG peroxidase conjugate were used. The serum was diluted to 1:200 and cut-off OD of 0.743 was selected for these tests. The results indicated that in third week of infection the disease was diagnosed and 94% of the cases were appeared positive, while in the twelfth week, the antibody titer was at its maximum. The sensitivity and specificity of the test were 96% and 83.7%, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1252

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    2 (13)
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A total of 100 samples including 50 samples of raw and 50 samples of pasteurized milk were obtained from dairy farms and one of dairy plants in Shahrekord area by Simple and Systematic Randomized Sampling. The ashes were obtained from the samples by using heat at 500°c, and then examined by potentiometric stripping analysis (P.S.A) method to determine the residual of lead and cadmium. One-way ANOVA and Pair T-test were used to compare the data and value of P<0.05 was considered significant. In these results, the mean concentration of lead (Pb) in raw milk and pasteurized milk were 60.72 ppb and 13.57 ppb, respectively. The mean concentrations of cadmium (Cd) in raw and pasteurized milks were 2.87 ppb and 1.03 ppb respectively. In the samples cadmium residuals were lower than the standard level (0.01 ppm). Regarding the maximum permitted level (Codex 2000) of Pb in milk (1ppm), the concentrations of this heavily metal in the samples were lower than the standard level. In this study the mean concentrations of lead and cadmium in raw milk were higher than corresponding values in pasteurized milk (P<0.05). It means, the pasteurization process may reduce the concentration of lead and cadmium in milk.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2850

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    2 (13)
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The aim of present study was determination of alimentary canal helminthic parasites of sheep and goat at shahrekord slaughter house. Sixty alimentary canal (from oesophagus to rectum) were examined. Oesophagus was examined with direct observation. Other parts of digestive canal were examined by washing their contents separately. The worms found in the washed contents of alimentary canal were collected, counted and identified microscopically after being cleaved in lactophenol. Abomasum, small and large intestine were infected with 9 species of nematodes and 3 species of cestode. The rate of helminthic infection in goats and sheep were 46.6% and 51.6% respectively. The number of nematodes recovered from the gastro-intestinal ranged from 1 to 1169 per host. Helminthic infection was not seen in oesophaguo, Rumen or reticulum. The results of helminthic infection relating to other parts of alimintary canal were seen as follows. Abomasum: Haemonchus contortus, Marshallagia marshalli, Ostertagi occidentalis, O.circumcincta and O.trifurcata, Small intestine: Nematodirus oiratianus, Moniezia benedeni, Mexpansa and Avitellina centripunctata, Large intestine: Oesophagostomum venulosum, Trichuris ovis and Skrjabinema ovis.

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View 3509

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    2 (13)
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There is no report on the development of Teniae uterina in water buffalo. This study was performed on 89 uterines of khouzestan water buffalo fetuses that were collected from Ahvaz slaughterhouse. According to macroscopic studies 42 samples (47.19%) had both Teniae uterina on the dorsal surface of the uterine horns, 1 sample (1.12%) had only Teniae uterine on the left uterine horn, 2 samples (2.25%) had only Teniae uterina on the right uterine horn, and 44 samples (49.44%) did not show Teniae uterina at all. On the basis of microscopic studies, the Teniae uterina was shown as a prominent projection of perimetrium. It consisted of a loose connective tissue with a few collagen fibers, scattered smooth muscle fibers, and abounded ground substance which the external subface was covered by a layer of epithelial cells, with round nucleus as low cuboidal cells. During the fetal period, the connective tissue of Teniae uterina composed of fibrocytes with heterochromatin and elongated nucleus, and fibroblasts with euchromatin and ovoid nucleus. The Teniae uterina were observed in uterine fetuses with CRL of 24cm, and were gradually increased in sized and were more distinguishable by increasing fetal age and uterine development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 831

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    2 (13)
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The purpose of this study was the investigation of morphometry and histological structure of the ovary in Lori sheep. The Lori sheep ovaries were collected from apparently healthy cyclic sheep in khorramabad abattoir. After removing of non-ovarian tissues, the specimens underwent biometrical measurements of parameters and then processed for histological studies. The results of the biometrical studies showed that the mean length, width and diameter of ovaries were 1.7±0.31, 1.26±0.24, 0.98±0.23cm, respectively. The ovarian mean weight was 1.23±0.85gr. The histological study revealed that the majority of primordial follicles were distributed in close contact to the tunica albuginea. At first, with the initiation of follicular growth, the distance between follicles and surface epithelium increased. However, with continuation of the follicular growth, this distance was reduced. Our study revealed that zona pellucida formation is more pronounced in secondary follicle.

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View 997

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This study was made on the skin of 20 normal, mature and same size fish (27.27±3.33).The fish were fixed in 10% formalin. In order to conduct a microscopical study the samples were taken from different regions of the skin, including lips, pectoral fin, head, dorsal, lateral (on lateral line) and ventral body skin. The sections were made by routine paraffin embedding and stained by H&E and PAS. In order to do histometrical study and determination of mucous secreting chief cells distribution in different regions of skin, the cell number were counted in a 100m mlength of epidermis.Microscopical results showed that large goblet-shaped cells existed in middle to outer layers of non-keratinization stratified squamous epidermis in several rows. These cells contained flat heterochromatic nucleus in basal cytoplasm. The cytoplasm showed positive reaction to PAS. Histometrical results showed that numbers of these cells varied in different regions of skin, so that these differences were significant in all regions except for dorsal and ventral regions (p<0.05).Based on distribution of mucous secreting chief cells, the skin was divided into five regions: 1- Ventral and dorsal trunk skin, 2- Latteral trunk skin, 3- Pectoral fin skin, 4- External surface of lip skin, 5- Head skin.

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View 2496

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In present study four biochemical parameters of the serum have been evaluated. The samples were collected in spring at 2003 in south east of Caspian sea. The blood serums were separated and Na, P, Ca and K were measured. Data was compared statistically by parametric test. Mea±SD of measured parameters for male and female were Na 157/40±11/96 and 161/92±5/78 mmol/L, K 2/88±0/70 and 2/82±0/48mmol/L, Ca 9/50±1/86 and 9/25±1/88,P, 11/90±1/95 and 13/85±1/77mg/dL. Significant differences were seen between sexes for phosphorus levels with higher levels were measured in female (P<0.05). According to Pearson correlation, there was a significant correlation between calcium and phosphorus, (r=0.542).

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View 1073

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Acquired dental diseases in rabbits according to progression of the disease are classified as 5 grades (1 to 5). In these dental disorders, the root of abnormal teeth starts to penetrate to skull bones and can cause dental abscess. The root of incisior teeth that are elongated can put pressure on nasolacrimal duct and cause epiphora due to blockage of the duct. Authors have seen 4 cases in grade 2 and 2 cases in grade 4 of root elongation and malocclusion in one hundred rabbits referred to the Small Animal Hospital of Tehran University, Iran. Affected animals had signs of epiphora, pain, anorexia, disability in grooming, dermatologic problems, digestive disorders and salivation. Using special fluoresce in paper for examination of eyes revealed that nasolacrimal ducts were closed, but ophtalmoscopy examination did not show abnormalities. The skull radiography revealed dental disorders. Acquired dental diseases were seen in rabbits which were maintained in doors, away from sunlight and fed by soft fiber without hard food. Since treatment of these dental disorders are very difficult and expensive, so more attention should be paid to the methods of prevention of this problem such as use of hard food materials in their nutritional regim.

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View 4764

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