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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: The aim of this study was to investigate through the environmental risks in which Paverood Dam causes in its constructions stage.Methods: After collecting the information related to the environmental conditions of the under study area and the technical conditions of the dam during its construction stage, a list of the possible risk factors were prepared and combined into a questionnaire and presented to a group of professionals including elites and professors with relevant field of study in dam civil engineering. The number of samples was determined on the basis of Cochran’s formula. First, the samples were asked to score the risks present in the area as in Likert type scale form. The given scores were analyzed through PHA and TOPSIS methods to prioritize the identified risks of Paverood.Results: RAM-D method was used to assess the risks; accordingly, the effect on Sorkhabad conservatory with score 9, erosion with score of 6 and working in heights and danger of earthquake with score of 3 were identified as the most crucial risks of Paverood Dam.Conclusion: Environmental management plans are essential to decrease environmental risk factors of the dam in its construction phase; therefore, the risk decreasing procedures are suggested at the end for the purposes of dealing with the identified risks.

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Background: Women and men significantly differ in the extent of anterior cruciate ligament injury. Based on the evidence, gender especially contributes in non-contact mechanism of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The purpose of this study was to compare the movement patterns of the ACL injury risk between men and women during cutting maneuver.Methods: 13 men and 13 women of national squash team (mean (SD) age: 23.04±6.6 and 24.7±4.1, respectively) selected as subjects of this study. Reflective markers set on their body and cutting maneuver recorded in sagittal and frontal plane by two high speed cameras. “Winanalyze Software” analyzed the recorded video and the collected data were analyzed using independent t test through SPSS 21 and p value less than 0.05 was considered significant.Results: The results showed that at initial contact there was significant difference in knee flexion (p=0.001), knee valgus (p=0.013) and trunk flexion angles p=0.001) while at mid stance phase trunk flexion angle showed significant difference between men and women (Pp£0.05).Conclusion: Women significantly have increased knee valgus, knee extension and trunk extension during cutting maneuver. These factors clearly explain high potential of ACL injury risk.

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Background: Today, different types of tapes used for prevention and treatment of chronic inversion ankle sprain. The purpose of current study was to investigate the effect of two different tapes (white and Kinesio tape) on peak knee anterior shear force during landing after the jump among elite volleyball players with chronic inversion ankle sprain.Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 12 elite male volleyball players with history of chronic inversion ankle sprain with age (SD) of 22.04±3.10 years, mass (SD) of 79.74±4.56 kg and height (SD) of 188.75±5.85 cm were selected. Jump-landing task was performed in three conditions: barefoot, ankle white taping and ankle Kinesio taping. A force plate system was used to record the ground reaction forces. Posterior component of reaction forces in sagittal plane considered as knee anterior shear force and normalized to body weight. For analysis the data, ANOVA repeated measures method was used in SPSS v. 20 (p<0.05).Results: There was no significant difference between three conditions of white tape, Kinesio tape and barefoot landing in knee anterior shear force (p>0.05, for all conditions).Conclusion: Intervention of two types of tape could not lead to reduction in risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury in single limb landing. Thus, two studding tape could not recommend as safe intervention in ACL injury prevention during landing.

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View 854

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Background: Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often experience academic difficulties. Stimulants have limited effect on cognitive abilities important to academic progress and that academic interventions are indicated in children with ADHD. Poor academic programs and other aspects of ADHD occur conflict with parents and there is little information on the efficacy of multimodal parental management training that includes academic assistance and PMT combined with methylphenidate. The current study evaluates the adjunctive efficacy multimodal parental management training in children with ADHD treated with methylphenidate.Methods: Participants were 62 parents of children with a principal diagnosis of ADHD, being treated by child and adolescent psychiatrist. The children were aged between 6 to 12 years. Parents were randomly divided 2 groups: the intervention group (who participated in 6 sessions for 2 hours multimodal PMT, (N=31) and a control group (N=31). Individuals were included only if their children were taking Ritalin for at least 3 month and they should not be absent more than 1 session in a program then participants in 2 groups filled demographic data questionnaires and were given a pretest that was Conners' Parent Rating Scale-Revised (CPRS-R) plus academic questions. Postest was given after 6 educational sessions education in sample group and after 1 and3 month in both groups. Finally, the mean pretest and post test scores were analyzed with SPSS16 software.Results: There were no significant differences in pre intervention measures between the two group. After intervention, the mean scores CPRS-R between the two groups was significantly different the two groups for academic achievement (p£0.001), hyperactivity (p£0.004), inattention (p£0.008), impulsivity (p£0.001) and oppositional behaviors (p£0.001).Conclusion: Multimodal PMT combined with methylphenidate can be recommended for parents of children with ADHD to enhance the academic achievement and reduce problem behaviors of School aged children (hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity, oppositional).

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View 993

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Background: Identification of correlated genes with survival by gene expression data is an important application of microarray data. The purpose of this study is to identify correlated genes with survival of conventional renal cell carcinoma (cRCC) patients based on gene expression profiles.Methods: This study is a survival analysis with high dimensional covariates and containing 14814 gene expression measurements from 177 patients with cRCC. Lassoed principal components (LPC) method is used for identification associated genes with survival. LPC score uses information of all of gene expressions for computation a gene score. Finally False Discovery Rate (FDR) method is used to identify significant genes. Statistical analysis is done with using the R software.Results: The lowest error is satisfied with using the cutoff 0.001 for FDR criteria and with studying 1041 related genes with survival of cRCC patients.Conclusion: 11 genes are identified as most significant genes with survival of cRCC patients, after ranking the genes with their LPC scores with regard to their differentially expressions. The LPC scores of these 11 genes are negative, so increase of these gene expressions are related to increase of the survival of cRCC patients and in the other words the increase of these gene expressions are protective factors in cRCC patients.

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Modern radiotherapy techniques try to deliver the radiation dose by steep gradient. Protocols for these complex treatment delivery techniques are important and extremely sensitive to errors in treatment delivery. To minimize such errors, 3D dosimeters were developed as a relative method for improving dose monitoring and delivery. The aim of this study is to analyze the capability and drawbacks of different types of 3D dosimeters such as Fricke gel dosimeters, Hypoxic gel polymers, Normoxic gel polymers and 3D radiochromic solid polymer known as PRESAGE. The results of studies show that the optimum method of dosimetry in radiation therapy is using PRESAGE dosimeter.

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View 1109

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Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of the most dangerous risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D deficiency may have a role in MetS. The purpose of this study was to determine some of the factors of MetS including abdominal obesity, hypertension (HTN), and impaired fasting blood glucose (IFG) according to the new IDF (International Diabetes Federation) definition among the employed women in the administrative section of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2012.Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in 2012. Women were selected by census method (N=161). The formal consent was received; individual questionnaire was completed for each part icipant. Blood pressure and anthropometric indices including height, weight and waist circumference were measured using standard equipment. Participants were asked for taking fast blood sample in a special private laboratory. HTN, abdominal obesity, and impaired fasting glucose or diabetes mellitus were detected by IDF criteria. Vitamin D was detected equal or more than 31 ng/dl as adequate and less was considered as deficiency or insufficient.Results: Results showed that 6% of participants have sufficient vitamin D and 94% of them had vitamin D deficiency. Accompaniment of vitamin D concentration and fasting blood glucose was observed. The mean level of vitamin D in individuals at risk of raised blood pressure, IFG and central obesity was lower compared to the normal individuals. The prevalence of HTN, central obesity and IFG were 16.6%, 84.5% and 26.6%, respectively.Conclusion: Accompaniment of vitamin D concentration and fasting blood glucose may be a predicator of diabetes mellitus. High prevalence of HTN, central obesity and IFG are alarming, because they will increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes in future.

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View 665

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Background: Interferon beta is one of the most important members of group I interferons and is the main drug for multiple sclerosis treatment. Interferon beta has short half-life and this compels patients to make frequent use of medicine. According to its clinical usage there is broad effort to improve translation level and protein production. There are several important factors which effect protein production that Kozak sequence is one of the most important one.Methods: Specific primers were designed due to induce site directed mutations by SOEing PCR (Splicing by overlap extension / Splicing by overhang extension (SOE) PCR) method. Three PCR reactions needed to amplify recombinant interferon beta gene. The final recombinant gene and pSVM plasmid were digested by EcoRI and then ligated by DNA ligase enzyme. After transformation plasmid extraction was done and the structure of the recombinant plasmid confirmed by digestion and PCR. Finally, approved recombinant plasmid was transfected to CHO cell line by using Lipofectamine kit.Results: Genetic engineering methods were used to produce recombinant interferon beta gene. Production of recombinant construct including specific mutations in Kozak sequence was done by using SOEing PCR method. The white colonies were detected after transformation. Plasmid extraction was done and the structure of recombinant plasmid was confirmed by digestion and PCR. Expected length of fragment was observed after digestion. The CHO cells were cultured and recombinant plasmids were transfected to CHO cell line.Conclusion: These mutations will enhance and improve interferon beta protein production. The influence of these mutations in protein production will survey by using ELISA method in next phase of research.

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Background: Drug addiction is one of the main concerns of mental and social damages in current century with unpleasant consequences for affected person. The present study aims to compare the attention functions in heroin abusers compared with normal controls.Methods: The method of current research was causative-comparative with two groups of heroin abusers and normal individuals. Therefore, 30 men consumers of heroin and 30 normal individuals were selected using convenience sampling. The substance users were selected from addiction treatment center in Gonabab city. The normal group included 30 normal individuals matched in terms of age, sex and education with the first group. The data were collected using Stroop test, Spatial Cueing and Change Detection. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis through SPSS v.19 software.Results: The outcomes of multivariate analysis showed that significant difference was between attention functions in group of heroin abusers with normal individuals (p<0.0001).Conclusion: Heroin abuse has undesired adverse effects on attention function in heroin abusers. Attention dysfunction affects on the everyday life of the individual and his activities. It is recommended that desirable treatment strategy is designed for heroin abusers for remove and reduce the deficit of attention.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 907

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Background: In recent decades, assessment of the learning environment is considered an important factor in improving the quality of environment and consequently the quality of training. This a cross-sectional study aimed to measure laparoscopic training environment of Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Center.Methods: After attaining approval from the authorities, Persian version of PHEEM was filled by the research community involved in the project, including specialists of general surgery, laparoscopic courses, gynecology, urology, and colorectal fields. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (version 16).Results: The scores of all items except "manual is full of learners" item was greater than 2. The mean score for the learning environment was 116.08±17.43; mean of items in domain of “Perception of teaching”, “Perception of role independence”, and “Perception of social support” was 45.81±7.05, 38.45±6.92, and 32.54±5.39, respectively. In this study, the participants' perception of the learning environment of Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Center was assessed as a unit, in which 45 patients (66.2%) had a positive view and the rest of the 23 patients (33.8%) assessed it as an ideal environment. In comparison of perception of the participants from the educational environment, there was not statistically significant difference between two fields of gynecology and general surgery (p=0.786*). Also significant difference was observed between men and women in the mean total score (p=0.328).Conclusion: This study aimed to assess the overall educational environment in training courses Laparoscopy Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery from the perspective of participants that was perceived more positive to negative and has opportunity to promote.

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