Many famous philosophers have paid attention to the concepts of sleep and dream and their status in philosophy, and have discussed about them within the framework of their own philosophical foundations and principles. According to Muslim philosophers, dream occurs when the soul separates from external senses and tends towards intrinsic forces, that is, man sometimes apprehends the realities of the existence and sees future events, thus attains an intuitive knowledge and apprehension. If these states occur in natural dream world and are clear, then they are "veridical dreams". If they are unclear and obscure, then their message should be explained and analyzed (interpreted). Avicenna shares with Mulla Sadra in the belief that imaginal faculty connects to sanctified world in world of dream and attains inspiration and manifestation through common sense, but the latter believes that a person should attain the status and stage of all-comprehensiveness in three intellectual, spiritual and sensual modes of being in order to unite with active intellect. Such questions as "what is the nature of dream? ", "are dreams needed to be interpreted ", if so, "should all dreams be interpreted or some of them", "is there any difference between interpretation and esoteric interpretation" etc. may be asked by anyone with common sense. The present paper analyzes the aforementioned issues from the view of Avicenna and Mulla Sadra.