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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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با توجه به اهمیت علوم انسانی و نقش مهم آن در زندگی، فرهنگ و تمدن هر جامعه و با عنایت به تفاوت ماهیت، الگوی ارتباط و رفتار علمی آن با سایر حوزه های علمی، این مقاله رفتار انتشاراتی و استنادی علوم انسانی و اجتماعی را در پیوند با شاخصهای علم سنجی در دو سطح ملی و بین المللی مورد مطالعه قرار داده است.برای این منظور با استفاده از روش تحلیل ثانویه در سطح ملی مقاله های تالیفی حوزه علوم انسانی به زبان فارسی مندرج در مجله های علمی پژوهشی در یک دوره زمانی 5 ساله و در سطح بین المللی به عنوان نمونه مقالات یک رشته علوم اجتماعی (کتابداری و اطلاع رسانی) نمایه شده در پایگاه اطلاعاتی SSCI از مجموعه پایگاههای اطلاعاتی موسسه ISI در یک دوره پنج ساله مطالعه شده است. بر مبنای داده های بدست آمده چالش های روش شناسی و روشی علم سنجی مانند مدارک قابل استناد، عامل تاثیر، شاخص فوریت، نرخ استناد و خود استنادی تحلیل شده است. یافته های پژوهش نشان داد که رفتار انتشاراتی و استنادی حوزه علوم انسانی متفاوت از حوزه علوم است. بنابراین، شاخص های اساسی علم سنجی مانند نرخ استناد، عامل تاثیر و شاخص فوریت با توجه به اینکه نیمه عمر استنادی در حوزه علوم انسانی طولانی است، از کارایی چندانی برخوردار نیستند.

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This article pursues two goals: First, the identification of substructural factors and the domains in which faculty members can participate for decision-making. Second, the formulation of a pattern for faculty members' participative decision-making. In order to achieve these goals, at first, by an academic consideration of the research work, the components of decision-making pattern both substructural ones (five components) and domains (eight components) have been reckoned, and then faculty members' outlooks have been gathered. Research method, from the goal standpoint, is an applied one, and for the purposes of data gathering device is of a survey study type. The statistical population includes faculty members of three northeastern universities of the country – 1020 people in all. 270 individuals were selected among them by using a stratified random sampling. 198 faculty members' views were collected and analysed. The face validity of the questionnaires has been assessed by using factor analysis. The reliability of data gathering tools on the pilot stage has been obtained by using re-trial device (0.86), and by calculating Cronbach's a  Coefficient as well (0.89(.The results obtained are suggestive of the fact that the substructural components of the participative pattern of decision-making have been supported. Of course, among these components, the psychological one has had a higher mean, in comparison with the other components: Goals, and values, structural, managerial and technical ones. Within the domains of the participative patterns of decision-making as well, the means of all components have been greater than the speculative mean of the rates described in the data gathering tools. But teaching and profession components, scientifico-research, expectations, services and counseling have had a greater factor load, and a higher mean as opposed to the components of investigation into future, facilities, managerial-administrative, budget and financial affairs. Among these components that of budget and financial affairs has had less participation importance than the other components of decision-making pattern domains. Pearson's correlation results also indicate that there is a direct and significant relationship among the means pertaining to the substructural components, and the participative pattern of decision-making domains. Also based on the results obtained in relation to the components of participative patterns of decision-making in terms of academic ranks, managerial record of service no significant relationship was observed among the sample groups of research, and we can draw the conclusion that there is a consensus of opinion among faculty members on the state of affairs described. In a consideration of the difference in field of study, and the academic record of service, there is a significant variation in certain components which does not follow a set pattern.

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The aim of the present study is a comparison of the effect of the group problem based learning and traditional teaching on critical thinking of teacher students. The research method adopted was semi-experimental and a two- group design of pre-test and post-test. The subject were 55 students from different fields in associate degree of Sarab Azad University from which 30 formed experimental group for group problem-based learning and 25 made a control group in traditional teaching. The material employed in the study was the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (‍CTDI) and t-test was used for data analysis. the results revealed that the experimental group which was taught  through group problem-based learning method showed a greater disposition toward critical thinking (systemacity and maturity).however, the two group exposed no difference in other factors of critical thinking dispositions (truth seeking, open mindedness analyticity, self- confidence and inquisitiveness).

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The main objective of this study is to assess the cultural identification of Guidance School students based on the extend of their cultural awareness and attitudes.To conduct the study a 37 item scale was designed and its validity and reliability was tested and verified. By conducting cluster sampling procedure a sample of 600students (302 female & 298 male) out of a target population of 79151 students were selected and participated in the study by responding to the scale. The collected data was analysised via t-test, ANOVA, scheffe post hoc test and Chi-Square, utilizing SPSS package.The following results were concluded:1-It was observed that the cultural identification mean of students was higher than scale expected mean (Me=111<Ms=141.51).2-A meaningful difference was observed between female and male students' cultural identification. Female students' mean was higher than the male students' mean. (Mm=140.1<Mf=142.9) on the scale.3-No difference was observed among cultural identification of students based on their parents educational level.4-A meaningful difference was observed between cultural identification of students based on their locality of residence and their school district. The mean difference of F=3.629 was meaningful at (p=0.05) level of significance. The students from school district No.3 (a low socio–economic locality) earned a higher mean (M=144.52) than other three school districts having a better socio- economic environment.5-It was observed that students had the highest appreciation for Persian Language(sub-scale1, M=4.25), National Customs and Religious Manners (sub-scale6,M=4.14), Pride of Iranian Great Men (sub-scale15, M=4.31),Nationalism (sub-scale16,M=4.15) and Islamic-Iranian Value System and Norms (sub-scale18, M=4.36).They had the least appreciation for Evaluating Foreign Cultural Factors (sub-scale21, M=2.94),and Iranian Music (sub-scale12, M=2.98).

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Prepared Survey doing deliberat on effective reasons on Mashhad Citizens intention to Sutelite with descriptive explanation Method that is the kind of comparative reason and effect that on Mashhad Citizen, s religious beliefs and behaviours Statistical community of this survey contains 400 person of Mashhad Citizen that ages are about 15 and more it on 1385 year. Bulk of Sample assigns by ranking method like kokran formula.Finding of research shows thah Age, Sex, leavel of education, locotion, how is spending rest times and evalution persons of internal Tv programmes are effectivy on intention them to Satelite. In testing of cognitive aspect, intention to Satelite the majority of those who were under study, believed that Satelit is the reason of increasing their knowledge and it satisfied the different needs o any age and sex group and in emotional aspect of intention to satellite again they consider the satelite program, fun, intresting and attractive In behaviour aspect most persons are tendency to watching the satelite program. but don,t pension to encouraging others to watching satelite and results of research shows that average of confidence to religious beliefs and behaviours so many difference between two groups that access to satelite and don't access to it” so that persons don't use satilite more confidence to religious beliefs and behaviours.

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The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between personality dimensions and emotional intelligence in a sample of students from the University of Tehran. A correlational analysis was performed to assess the kind of association exist among five personality dimensions including neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness and emotional intelligence. Four hundred and fourty three students (237 girls, 206 boys) were included in this study. All participants were asked to complete Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) and Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R). Analysis of the data involved both descriptive and inferential statistics including means, standard deviations, t-test and pearson's correlation coefficients and regression analysis. The results revealed that emotional intelligence could positively and negatively predicted by extraversion and neuroticism, respectively. Associations of the two constructs could be explained by "affect regulation", "tendency to have positive experiences", and "tendency to have negative experiences".

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between emotional intelligence and outcomes of leadership of department chairpersons at university of Isfahan based on multifactor Bernard Bass model. Research method was descriptive – correlative. Statistical population included all 33 chairs and 454 faculty members whom from was chosen 33 and 80 as statistical sample, respectively. Research instruments were two questionnaires of multifactor leadership styles and emotional capability, which had ra=0/90 and ra =0/94 respectively. Findings showed that:1) There was  significant relation between emotional intelligence and outcomes of leadership r=0/360 at p<0/05 level., 2) There was a correlation between emotional intelligence and extra effort r=0/371 which was  significant at p<0/05 level., 3) There was no significant correlation between emotional intelligence and satisfaction r=0/202 at  p<0/05 level., 4) There was significant correlation between emotional intelligence and effectiveness r=0/343 at  p<0/05 level.

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The aim of this research was to study the effect of gender, family process, and family social context on self-discrepancy. The sample of this study includes 388 high school students from Shiraz and Kazeron (mean age=17.37, SD=0.52). The sampling method was random cluster sampling. Family cohesion scale, family religious beliefs scale, and self-discrepancy scale were used in this study. The results of this study revealed that gender, father and mother cohesion, family religious beliefs, and social context predict self-discrepancy of adolescents significantly. Also the results of this study confirmed the family process and content model.

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The aim of this study is to assess the effect of information processing on driving performance. The question is that whether driving by practice become automatic. This article, first, will argue the important role of psychology in safety enhancement. Then, it will investigate how cognitive components, such as cognitive capacity and mental overload, may affect driving skills. For example, cognitive requirements of some of driving skills, such as gear changing, time to collision and dynamic risk-taking judgments are discussed. Finally, the effect of concurrent mobile phone use on driving performance is discussed. It is concluded that driving is not automated. Since the cognitive capacity is limited, overloading may increase the probability of error in driving performance, which in consequence may result in road accident.

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This research has been carried out in order to investigate the relationship between the knowledge of management and the styles of decision making in the seven region of education of mashhad. In this research in order to examine the management knowledge of managers, 34 cases of managers were selected among the staff managers and to investigate their styles in decision making,74 cases of staff which were selected among the office workers.This research is in the form survey method and for each variation there is different questionnaires, also the information which are collected from two type of questionnaires were analyzed by spss.10 saftware and the results is mentioned below.1-there are not meaningful relationship between management knowledge and participative decision making.2- there are not meaningful relationship between  management knowledge and consultative decision making.3-There are not meaningful relationship between management knowledge and autocratic decision making.

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