The present research aims at investigating the relationship between religious orientation, religious beliefs and belief in social justice among pedagogical pedagogues. To this end, 180 pedagogues (132 female and 48 male) completed three questionnaires on religious orientation, religious belief, and belief in social justice. Religious orientation with two dimensions-internal and external-, religious beliefs with four dimensions- sin, self-centered love, other-centered love and conventional love- and belief in social justice with a total score have been dealt with in this research. The research findings indicate that people with internal religious orientation and people with other-centered love have more firm belief in social justice. Furthermore, both kinds of religious orientation predicted all four kinds of religious belief positively and significantly. In other words, those pedagogues who look for religion for the sake of religion itself have deeper belief in social justice. On the contrary, pedagogues who have an instrumental and purposeful view of religion do not believe in social justice as required.