Saudi Arabia, with the centrality of Mecca and Medina as two major loci of divine revelation, constitutes an important part of the world of Islam. However, the fact that to what extent the most important part of the ruling system of this country, i.e., its system of legislation, is based on Islamic doctrines and what role the Divine Law plays in its legislation system is a matter of controversy and has to be fully scrutinized.Constitutional law, as a document with the highest authenticity, in which the power structure of a governmental system is depicted, can be a good criterion for making value judgments. Saudi Arabia introduces its constitution as based on the QurÞÁn and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. However, the political system of Saudi Arabia is ruled by one person with absolute power (autocracy of some kind) whose legislative authority is granted through appointment and the laws made by the legislative body are enacted after they have been decided on in the last resort by the king in power. Thus, the legislative structure of this country, as it is not fully based on the Islamic Law, except for certain minor personal status or penal code, and, most importantly, due to the lack of an authority as a refining source, is more influenced by legislative systems in western countries than by Islam and the Islamic Law, so that its legislative structure has no deep root in the QurÞÁn and the Islamic Law as expected.