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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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In the process of deliberation aimed at the vital issue of centralization and decentralization, polar positions are inherently unqualified and do not yield fruitful results. Rather, simultaneous consideration of all possible alternatives or the range of decisions is suggested to be the more appropriate route to take. By considering all levels ( and all kinds) of delegation of responsibility to other concerned bodies, the author contends, none of the alternatives should be categorically eliminated and that all possible kinds of decentralization could turn out to be good candidates for different milieus.This article proceeds with identifying six levels (or kind) of decentralization or degrees of freedom which can be put to practice at the same time by the central curriculum decision making body. The major responsibility of the central body, then, is to constantly monitor the conditions of different regions and localities to find out if the data calls for a more restrictive(centralized) treatment or ,conversely, more degrees of freedom (decentralization) should be the order of business in that particular locale.Accordingly, a model has been proposed for better understanding the complexities that curriculum systems will encounter while trying to align their activities with the assumptions entertained above. The model is called "chaotic" to voice serious inadequacies deemed associated with the prevalent order seeking approaches.

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In recent years, national curriculum policies have been developed in several countries of the western world, although the best example of centralization in curriculum policies is still the English policy. A sweeping educational reform, made in the 1980s during Margaret Thatcher's term of office, had as one of its milestones the curriculum established by the Educational Reform Acts of 1988 and 1990. Some modifications in that project were introduced in 1993, but its principal centralizing characteristics continued (Whitty et al, 1999), imparting to the English curriculum guidelines concentrated on developing flexible production methods in industry and for retrieving an imaginary past of national glories, which it was hoped would have a civilizing influence (Ball, 1994). That reform was a significant breakaway from the policies developed until then in England. Not only because the previous curriculum was basically organized by local authorities, was much more flexible and designed to adapt to the characteristics of the schools and the pupils, but also the curricular change came associated to a group of actions related to conservative viewpoints tuned to the market (Whitty et al, 1999). The schools were then organized into ranking through which they received -or not - investments. In response, many of them began to enroll pupils they considered would guarantee good results in the evaluations, giving rise to the exclusion of black candidates and children with special needs. The possibility was established for the parents to choose where they would enroll their children, according to the school's performance in the exams. Likewise, the functions of the local authorities in the relationship with the schools and the independence of teachers in curricular decisions were reduced….

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Third International Math and Science Study (TIMSS) indicate that national education systems with centralized organizations outperform decentralized systems. This is an important finding especially for education systems like Iran with pronounced inclinations towards decentralization. The main reason for inadequate performance of students is prevalently thought to be attributable to the centralized character of the education system in Iran. It seems as if many countries share this perception and think of decentralization as a solution to all the ills of their education system. This is while looking upon such a policy as an all out solution or panacea is nothing more than an illusion.This article deals first with the objectives sought by decentralization and discusses its levels and kinds. Next, the authors attend to the analysis of a recent policy and the resulting outcomes of decentralization in the United States in the field of mathematics curriculum. The analysis takes into consideration the political climate surrounding this particular incident of decentralization and reaches the conclusion affirming the proposition stated above.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The emergence of the information society is the most important transformation mankind had experienced so far. The distinguishing feature of such society is said to be reflected in the association of information and power. Education systems therefore enjoy a special status in such situations since the manpower quality is shaped first and foremost in the process of education.This article attends first to the evolution of concepts related to education in light of the requirement of an information society. The authors then investigate the age- compatible concept of literacy and emphasize information literacy as the most vital responsibility of education system, preparing the ground for life long learning as well.The main contention of authors is that education consistent with the exigencies of information age (society) is by necessity carried out within a centralized system, which ensures both quality and equality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Iranian curriculum development system (K-12) is faced with both theoretical (conceptual) and practical problems. Among the most significant problems is the centralized character plaguing both the design and the development process, leading to predetermined programs with dismal flexibility. Such curricula are to a great extent irresponsive to individual differences of students, differences in socio-cultural conditions in various regions of the country and new developments in the global field of curriculum studies. This is while many factors, educational and otherwise, have contributed to the rising skepticism about the virtues of centralized curriculum in many parts of the world. Review of relevant literature had in fact indicated that 1980's have been the era notable for failures in large scale curriculum reform produced by central bodies.The last decade of 20th century, however, is ripe with recommendations which favor decentralized policies in the curriculum decision making process. Decentralization in the design and development is thought to contribute to the improvement of the quality of the school by providing for teachers' participation and making the school a more attractive working environment, in turn, mitigating against teacher burnout and student apathy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The degree of centralization accorded to an education system is a function of the composition of decision making bodies and the resulting flexibility characterizing the curriculum. The rate of participation in the decision making process is different in different political systems. Web based curriculum can provide opportunities of or higher degree of participation by groups and individuals at different levels of the education hierarchy including policy makers, teachers, parents, and students. Such curricula also manifests higher degrees of flexibility since it provides for teachers engagement with adapting the elements of the program based on their competencies, experiences, and perceived requirements of the situation. The web based curriculum, therefore, can fulfill the demands of decentralization and promise curricula that fair better in terms of relevance to students needs and compatibility with local factors affecting its quality. The author qualifies his conclusion by emphasizing teachers’ level of competency and professional capabilities as the most decisive factor in making the perceived changes a positive event.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of negotiated curriculum and to investigate its role in the process of decentralizing secondary school curriculum.By definition, this design of curriculum involves students in the deliberating policy and program development. Students' role, in other words, is not limited to the implementation or enactment phase.The main questions that have guided author's pursuit in writing this essay are as follows:How could secondary curriculum be designed to ensure responsiveness to the issues and challenges that are faced by students?How could this model of curriculum contribute to the decentralization process at the secondary level?

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Decentralization is understood as greater participation of people and entities at different levels. Greater participation leads to a greater sense of ownership and by raising the legitimacy of curriculum, increase its implementation potentials.Catering for teachers' positive attitude towards implementing the new curricula, is the basis for encouraging decentralization especially when compatible or semi-compatible implementation format is desired.Teachers are the ultimate decision makers in the process of implementation and literally determine the extent of the reform's actual impact. To further document this process, two investigations were carried out and the results are reported in this article. In the first investigation, 200 high school physics teachers from Fars province were selected as the sample and the second investigation included 540 middle school math teachers from Khozestan province. Both investigations found meaningful relationship between teacher's involvements in the reform process with their tendency towards implementing the required change.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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