Epistemological presuppositions include supposition affairs that are in beyond theoretical and practical activities, more or less consciously or unconsciously, regardless that scholars and researchers are aware or unaware of results; they are even assumed crucial. The origin of many differences of opinions, critics and problems that exist nowadays about use of Scientometrics methods, indices, and techniques in evaluating scientific activities and caused hesitation on theoretical and practical usage, originated from disagreement about basic Epistemological presuppositions. Therefore, in order to create more consensus among scholars and pay comprehensive attention to various dimensions of scientific evaluation - through identification and questioning presuppositions must revisen and provide background in order to analyse fundamental presuppositions. This work will lead to better understanding of current situation in this domain and will shed light on its real situation. On the other hand, strengthening Scientometrics' theoretical and practical basis need architecture and reconstruction of its basis on reliable presuppositions. Therefore, analysis of Epistemological presuppositions of Scientometrics would provide stronger (more consolidated) basis for it and would facilitate theorizing and even operation of izing research results. In this direction, this article for the first time has considered such a relatively comprehensive identification, classification and analysis of epistemological presuppositions of Scientometrics.