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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 9)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1733

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Introduction: The aim of this survey was to assess psychometric properties of GHQ-28 in Iranian psychiatric population and appropriating it as a screening instrument for assessing general health in this population.Method and Materials: This was a psychometric study executed on 80 psychiatric patients and 80 matched normal participants. The assessments consisted of a psychiatrist’s interview based on DSM.IV criteria, and administration of GHQ-28 and a demographic questionnaire. Data was analyzed using factor, discrimination and regression analysis methods, as well as Pearson’s correlation co-efficient, Spearman- Brown’s and Guttmann’s split tests.Findings: Four factors were extracted from the GHQ-28, of which the first three explained the most percenttage of variance. Clinical cut-off point, sensitivity, specificity and classification error were found to be 24, 0.80, 0.99, 0.10 respectively. Criterion validity Chronbach's alpha and split reliability co-efficient were found to be 0.78, 0.97 and 0.90 respectively.Discussion: Factor analysis revealed that the four factors which are the basics in this questionnaire have a high internal consistency. The calculated optimal clinical cut-off point for screening general health in Iranian population was 24 which ensure optimal psychometric indices. Coefficients of criterion validity, structural validity and reliability showed that GHQ-28 is one of the most valid instruments for screening general health.

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    1 (9)
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Introduction: Many women in fertile period of their lives experience some bothering mental and physical symptoms that begin around 7-10 days before menses (lutheal phase) and cease in the first days of menstrual bleeding. After presentation of the Text Revision of the Fourth version of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of psychiatric disorders (DSM-IV), these symptoms already known as Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) were called Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). This process was associated with addition of some criteria about duration and intensity. The prevalence of PMS has been estimated to be about 40% to 70% but severe signs (PMDD) have lower prevalence. This study has evaluated the frequency of PMS and PMDD and some related factors in students of girls’ high schools in Kermanshah.Methods and Materials: In this descriptive-analytic study, 800 students of girls’ high schools were chosen by randomized cluster sampling. A researcher made questionnaire assessing PMS and PMDD according to DSM.IV.TR criteria as well as a demographic questionnaire were administered to participants. Data were analyzed running SPSS software -version 11.5.Findings: Frequencies of PMS and PMDD were 41.5% and 9.4% respectively. The disorder was more frequent in students older than 16 years old. Mood symptoms were the most frequent presentation, followed by physical and behavioral symptoms. There was a lower frequency of the disorder despite a higher frequency of the syndrome in students with highly educated mothers. The frequency of PMS was higher in students with positive family history.Discussion: Because of the potential adverse effects of PMS and PMDD on academic achievement and mental health of students, the high frequency of these problems need urgent attention. Planning mental health evaluations and interventions is necessary for these age group students. Diagnosis of severe cases and referring them should be considered in such programs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1649

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    1 (9)
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Introduction: Incidence of childhood asthma and diabetes type 1 is being increased in children. Considering evidences which indicate a probable correlation between maternal depression and childhood chronic physical illness, this study aimed to compare relative frequency of depression in mothers with asthmatic, diabetic and normal children and to assess the time priority between maternal depression and the onset of the child’s illness.Methods and Materials: In a cross-sectional study, mothers of diabetic children, asthmatic children & normal children were enrolled in 3 groups of participants, each consisting of 100 mothers. Using the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II), depression was assessed in all participants & mothers of ill children who were detected to be depressed according to the inventory, were referred to a psychiatrist for a DSM.IV clinical interview for approving the diagnosis, assessing co morbidities & evaluating the onset-time of the first depression episode. Relative frequency of depression was compared in the three groups & the time priority between onset of maternal depression and onset of child illness were compared between the two groups of mothers with chronically ill children. Data were analysed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA), Chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests, running the SPSS-11 software.Findings: Relative frequency of depression in mothers of normal children, diabetic children & asthmatic children was reported to be 16%, 30% and 27% respectively. Mothers with ill children had a significantly higher rate of depression compared to mothers of normal children (P<0.05). There was no difference between mothers of diabetic and asthmatic children with respect of depression relative frequency. Time priority of maternal depression onset relative to child’s illness onset was significantly more prevalent among mothers of asthmatic children(21%) compared with mothers of diabetic ones(15%) (P<0.05).Discussion: The higher rate of depression among mothers with chronically ill children & the higher rate of time priority of maternal depression relative to the child’s disease onset in mothers of asthmatic children indicate the necessity of preventive mental health programming for mothers with chronically ill children. It also sets a probable causal link between maternal depression & childhood asthma forth for discussion & further investigation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1760

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    1 (9)
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Introduction: Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric disorder which results in severe impairments in job, education and family relationships. We compared different domains of Quality Of Life (QOL) in schizophrenic patients with those in healthy persons.Methods and Materials: In a descriptive analytic study, a total number of 160 participants, including 80 schizophrenic patients (case group) and 80 healthy persons (control group) were studied. They were 15 to 45 years old. In order to get them matched regarding the psycho-socio-cultural status, we selected the control group participants from the patients' family members. We also matched the two groups for age, marital status and educational level. Patients’ were in the remission phase and 2 years or more had passed from the onset of their psychiatric disorder. We applied Hawthorne & Richardson QOL questionnaire for assessing QOL. Data were analyzed using T student test by SPSS-software.Findings: Each group contained 48 men and 32 women. A number of 39 participants were married and the others were single, divorced or widowed. Mean age of the patient group (38.2±4.3 years) was not significantly different from the control one (40.5±3.1 years). Mean score of QOL was 33.9±4.75 in the case group and 54.6±1.12 in the control one, which indicates a significant difference. The case and the control groups’ scores for different domains of QOL were respectively as follows: (the domain of) disease (4.5±15 vs. 10.8±0.98), independent life (8.10±1.14 vs. 10.9±0.83), social relations (6.4±1.97 vs. 11±0.77), bodily sensations (8.7±1.49 vs. 10.90±0.70), and psychiatric rehabilitation (6.2±1.89 vs. 11±0.9). The mean score of each domain showed a significant difference between the two groups.Discussion: Schizophrenic patients were found to have a lower QOL than healthy individuals. This was true in all of the QOL domains. The patients’ lowest score was in the disease domain and their highest score was in the bodily sensation domain. This can be considered in determining priorities for pharmaceutical, psycho-logical and social interventions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1039

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    1 (9)
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Introduction: As a result of their stressful job, nurses are supposed to be vulnerable to aggressive behaviors. This study was done to assess the rate of aggression among nurses.Method and Materials: This was a descriptive-analytic study on 100 nurses working in pediatric wards of all general hospitals in Isfahan in 2006. Aggression Questionnaire (AGQ) as well as a Demographic questionnaire was administered. Data was analyzed using Fisher Exact Test running SPSS software.Findings: A total of 23% of nurses had scores more than 45. Considering the sex, 10% of men, and 24.2% of women had scores more than 45. There was no significant relationship between aggression and sex. Considering the age group, 34.8% of the nurses in the age group of 22 to 29 years old, 16.6% of those in the age group of 30 to 39 and 7% of those in the age group over 40 had scores more than 45. There was a significant relationship between aggression and age. A rate of 14.9% of the single nurses versus 35.6% of the married ones had scores more than 45. A significant relationship was found between aggression and marital status. There was also a significant positive relationship between aggression and the years of service. No significant relationship was found between aggression and the level of education, shift of work, different wards of hospital, different hospitals and the salary pay.Discussion: Based on the results of this study, aggression was higher in the lower age group and those with lower work experience. Aggression was higher in the married group. These results should be considered in planning appropriate mental health intervention.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2139

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    1 (9)
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Introduction: Presentations of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is influenced by numerous cultural, racial and social factors. Some evidences indicate that psycho-education can potentially improve the Quality Of Life (QOL) in these patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of psycho-education on the QOL in a sample of Iranian patients with IBS.Method and Materials: This clinical trial was conducted on 44 patients who were randomly assigned to an experiment group and a control one. The two groups were matched for age, sex, level of education, job status and level of stress. The control group received only drug therapy while the case group participated in a three-session educational program as well. The content of educations included information about anatomy of the intestines, pathopysiology of IBS and potential causes of symptom aggravation, as well as stress manage-ment and problem solving skills training. The QOL Short Form scale for IBS patients (IBS QOL-SF36) were administerd to both groups before the first and one month after the last session of psycho-education. Data were analysed using T-student and Chi-square tests running SPSS-10 software.Findings: The mean age of the control and the case group was 33.5±8 and 37.5±10 years respectively. Most of the patients in both groups were female, married and urban resident, with no significant differences in this regards. There was also no significant difference between the two groups regarding the mean scores of IBS-QOL-SF36.Discussion: In the short term follow up psycho-education was not effective in improving the QOL in patients with IBS. A long-term evaluation as well as a large sample size is needed for more reliable conclusions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1227

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    1 (9)
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Introduction: Identifying the factors which affect the level of the workers’ satisfaction, has a potential important role in sustainability of the satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors which affect the employees' satisfaction of the governmental organizations in Hamedan Province.Method and Materials: In this descriptive-analytic study, 2923 employees were selected from the eight province districts through stratified randomized sampling. The sample consisted of 1793 men (61.3%) and 1130 (38.7%) women. The average age of the employees was 34.86±6.23 (years-old). From all employees, 2516 (68.1%) were married and the rest 407 (13.9%) were single. Data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire whose reliability and validity had been already examined. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Spearman correlation tests, running SPSS software.Findings: The following factors were found to significantly contribute in the employees’ satisfaction: Definite and scientific approach toward the evaluation of the employees’ function (mean=3.75, B=0.096, P<0.0001), getting feedback about the outcome of the performed tasks through various ways (mean=4.29, B=0.11, P<0.0001), providing all employees with opportunities to progress (mean=3.53, B=0.306, P<0.0001), and the manager’s competency (mean=3.83, B=0.454, P<0.0001).Discussion: The findings are consistent with other studies in many ways, while presenting some different aspects as well. While the findings were generally in keeping with the previous studies conceptual model, the manager related factors were found more significant in this study. The managers should pay more attention toward the employees’ job satisfaction.

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    1 (9)
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In the last 50 years, numerous methods of neuro-psychological assessment have been developed to fill in a gap in the medical diagnostics for locating brain lesions or functional deficits. ADHD is a common psychiatric disorder of the childhood which mainly presents with impulsivity and inattentiveness. It is a major focus of attention for neuropsychologists. One of the important etiological hypotheses of ADHD is the impaired function of the frontal cortex associated with slow metabolism and hypo perfusion as well as impairments in the normal connections between cortical and sub cortical structures. Despite a wide consensus over the associated neuropsychological deficits, there are a few related fields in which many inconsistencies still present. Examples include the differences related to sex and subtypes of the ADHD, the long-term maintenance of neuropsychological signs and symptoms and the efficacy of various treatment methods. To have a deep understanding, we need a more comprehensive picture of the neuropsychological profile of ADHD patients in various illness presentations.

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