To investigate adaptability the forage production of introduced and indigenous annual medics species in dry farming system, an experiment was carried out in experimental station in Maraveh-Tapeh of Golestan Province in 2001 and 2002. The design of the experiment was randomised complete block with 4 replications. Cultivars were Medicago scutellata cv. Robinson, M. scutellata cV.sava, M. truncatula cv. Caliph, M. truncatula cv. Mogul, and an indigenous species (M. minima). Results showed that, forage yield of cultivars and amount of crude protein were significantly different (P<0.01). At the first year Medicago scutellata cv. Robinson produced higher forage production (764.3 kg/ha) however, at the second year M. truncatula cv. Mogul with 1179.1 kg/ha was the highest forage production. Crude protein production for Robinson and Mogul cultivars were 139.4, and 185.4 kg/ha respectively. At the third year of experiment compared to last two years, temperature range and rainfall rates were very different, So that in germination and seedling stage, temperature was lower than long term average and the seedlings were killed affected by cold before emergence. This result showed that annual medics forage production was considerably affected by environmental conditions.