Study on autecology of range plant species is an essential step to arrange key information for managing rangeland ecosystems. This study was conducted to provide information about some autecological functions of three range plant species namely Artemisia sieberi, stipa hohenackeriana, and Ferultt gumosa in Ghom province of Iran. Some topographic, climatic, and edaphic aspects, as well as the boundaries, of the ecological habitats of these species were delineated. phenological stages, root system, and the way of presence of each of these three species in the vegetation composition were determined. The names of other species that grow in the same ecological habitat of each of these three species were listed. The results show that the ecological habitats of Artemisia sieberi in Ghom province are in an elevation range of 1000-1900m above sea level. In these habitats, average annual precipitation is 100-260 mm; absolute minimum and absolute maximum temperatures are -12 and 49 C, respectively. In study sites, the average of canopy cover, frequency, and density of this plant were 8.12%, 48%, and 8750 plants/ha, respectively.Vegetative growth of this range plant starts in early March and ends in early July. The period of summer dormancy is from early July until early September. Its flowering stage starts in late September, and the seeds ripen in mid November. This species has a taproot system with one primary root and numerous secondary roots. Ecological habitats of Stipa hohenackeriana species in Ghom province were located in some parts of rangeland areas with altitudes of 1000-2700m above sea level and slopes of 2-60%. In these habitats, average annual precipitation is 140-300 mm; absolute minimum and absolute maximum temperatures are -23.5 and 49 Co, respectively. In the study site, the average of canopy cover and frequency of this range plant were %3.3 and %50, respectively. At altitudes below 1900m above sea level, vegetative growth of this plant is in March, and seed ripening stage is in mid May to late June. While, at 2500 m above sea level, vegetative growth starts in mid April, and seeds ripen in mid July. The plant has a fibrous root system with so many fine roots of similar diameter. Mountainous habitats of Ferula gumosa in Ghom province were located in altitude range of 2150-3220 m above sea level, with slopes of 40-60%, and average annual precipitation of 307 mm. Absolute minimum and absolute maximum temperatures in these habitats are -23.5'C and 39'C, respectively. In study sites, the average of canopy cover, frequency, and density of this plant were 14. 2%, 44.5%, and 6400 plants/ha, respectively. Vegetative growth of Ferula gumosa starts in early April, and seeds ripen in mid July. The root system of this range plant is a thickened taproot from which several branch roots arise. The results of this study suggests that considering the autecological characteristics of these three species is highly essential for managing of such rangeland ecosystems.