Until 1980s scholars and development planners placed emphasis upon the
economic aspects of development which in contrast would give rise to further
under-development, unsustainability of development, and environmental
damage, especially in the .poor and underdeveloped countries. As a result,
sustainable development, ecological development, green development, or in
other words, development by the nature-lover and environment-protector have
met with immense interest among scholars and scientists ever since. This new
type of development consists of cultural, social, economic, environmental, and
even political aspects which all put together the process of development.
Although each single one of these aspects is invariably important in the
process of development, the cultural aspect is fundamental and, for that
matter, undeniably prominent. Therefore, the emphasis in this article is upon
the cultural aspect of sustainable development: the aim is to study culture in
relation to sustainable development and environmental protection.