Basatin Estuary is located in the north of the Persian Gulf and in the east of Boushehr province, which is opening into the Nayband Bay and is connected to the Gavbandi River. This estuary is considered as one of mangroves forests in the northern shores of the Persian Gulf because of its spectacular ecological condition. On the other hand, Basatin estuary is setting for enrichment of several kinds of pollutions during the recent years. Therefore, this research aimed at 1) highlighting the role of the mangrove forest in mitigation and reducing concentration of pollutions, 2) estimating the concentration of metallic and metalloid elements, in particular oil bonded and terrestrial bonded in surface and in the sediment columns of Basatin Estuary, and 3) identifying key horizons in the column sediments and their compatibility with the environment and man-made events. Therefore, a comprehensive sampling of the sedimentary faces and chemical analysis of wide range of elements (50 elements) were implemented. Totally 120 sediment samples were recorded and were analyzed using ICP-OES devices. In addition, statistical analysis was carried out to reveal relationships between similarity or dissimilarity elements. The results approved the research hypothesis, and e.g. showed that changing in the estuary mouth in 1991 has resulted in limitation of hydraulic circulation of tidal currents and caused a severe increase in sediment accumulation, followed by covering aerial roots by sediments and finally drying of mangrove trees.This process has a direct role in the enrichment of heavy metals in the environment.Furthermore, the uppermost layer of sediment column (0-25 cm) has experienced moderate to high degrees of pollution by petrochemical industries. This layer was significantly enriched by Zr, V, Ti, S, P, Ni, Mn, Li, Cr, Co, Ce, Cd, Bi, Ba, as elements. Finally, time correlation of key horizons and environmental events showed that the average rate of sedimentation in the estuary Basatin fluctuated between 1.8 and 2 cm per year.