Media organization has different functions in the field of information. These functions would result effective information if they are accompanied with the measures (principles) of management on programming, guiding, monitoring, decision making, and organizing.Therefore, managing media organization in the news information has the goals of generating and distributing information and news in order for making the society aware of the events and incidents or different issues. During a crisis in the society, news management will face different difficulties and the news generation process, from choosing the news topic to news announcement or broadcasting must have a program proportional to the crisis. In a way that, during crisis one must confront the gossips, news ambiguities, tension on editorial staff of the news and also on society, and also must have a fast decision making in the available time limit. Also, the news which will be presented to the society by the news room must be true, up- to- date and without any gossiping. In order to do this, a model for news room is needed to enable the groups of the editorial staff or news room to act with the following items:More choices, interaction and participation, decision making with more confidence, constant interchange of information (about crisis), quick action.Therefore, to this end, the following model will be presented which consists of different parts:News policy making and consultation council, fast reaction newsgroups, stingers, news areas.In this model, the needed conditions for information interchange and constant news assessment is available. Also, quickness in news generation and avoiding parallel measures and access to the news resources will be possible by this model. Consequently, the needed news can be generated through integrated measures of the news quick action groups and with a ideal news management in crisis.