Instructional design is art and science of designation, detailed characterization for development, evaluates and maintains the positions that will facilitate learning and performance (Reigeluth, 2009). Instructional design is a very active area of instructional technology, which seeks to facilitate learning and performance (Reiser & Dempsey, 1391, translation by Vahdani Assadi., et al). Morality of the most important issues, that educational system focuses on it (Bagheri, 1389). To achieve educational goals in the teaching of moral education, we need better methods. The aim of this study is to provide instructional design model for moral education. For this purpose, multiple method of exploratory research with developed and confirmed model was used, for this purpose, in first step the concepts and theories in the field of moral education were reviewed, and after the classification, the conceptual framework developed, and instructional design model of ethics education was presented. Then moral instructional content, based on this instructional design model was designed, and on sixth grade students was conducted. The results show the impact of this model on moral growth and moral behavior students.