Background and Aim: In our country, Wright test is used to detect brucellosis. Due to the lowsensitivity of this test, false negative cases are reported. In this study, the results of Wrightand ELISA tests were compared in suspected cases of brucellosis. Material and Method: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, blood samples of 304suspected cases of brucellosis with clinical symptoms, were taken and the results of Rapid testand Wright Tube test and determination of IgG, IgM classes against Brucella were evaluatedby ELISA method. Results: Of the 304 suspected cases in the control group, 134 people (44. 1%) were male and170 people (55. 9%) were female. In this study, using rapid Wright test, to screen 304 samplesfrom the control group, 193 patients (63. 5%) were reported Negative for Brucellosis And 111Samples were positive (36. 5%). Also, using the Wright Tube test, 189 patients (62. 2%) werereported negative for brucellosis and 115 patients (37. 8%) were positive. For all people inaddition to the Wright test, Antibody Tests against Brucella, IgG and IgM classes, wereperformed. In this study, using IgG test for screening 304 samples from the control group, 185 patients (60. 9%) were reported Negative for Brucellosis and by using IgM test forscreening 304 samples, 261 patients (85. 9%) were reported Negative for Brucellosis. Conclusion: Due to the lack of compatibility of the results of Wright and ELISA tests andwith regard to availability, High sensitivity and determining the type of antibody class in theELISA method, this method emphasizes the diagnosis of brucellosis.