Present research explores the relationships between two central elements of marketing communication programs (advertising and sales promotions) and brand equity dimensions (perceived quality, brand awareness, brand associations and brand loyalty). In particular, the research focuses on advertising spend and individuals' attitudes toward the advertisements. The study also investigates the effects of two kinds of sales promotions, monetary and non-monetary promotions. Appliances. Required data was collected using 37-item questionnaire. In this research was used non probability sampling method and available. This paper shows significant effects advertisement on perceived quality (t=3, β =0. 383), and on brand associations (t=2. 987, β =-0. 361), individuals' attitudes toward the advertisements on brand associations (t=2. 191, β =0. 255), brand awareness on brand quality (t=5. 681, β =0. 459) and on brand associations (t=4. 033, β =0. 391) and brand associations on brand loyalty (t=5. 161, β =0. 591) at the 5% error level and also shows significant effects non-monetary promotions on quality (t=1. 66, β =0. 159) and on brand associations (t=1. 67, β =0. 164) and perceived quality on loyalty (t=1. 689, β =0. 197) at the 5% error level. Also, the effect of the monetary promotions including cash discount on dimensions of brand equity hasn’ t been confirmed.