In the competitive market where customers have the power to set the rules of the game, in order to survive and be successful companies need to pay careful attention to their marketing activities. One important concept, is brand positioning. In the recent years, increasing the amount of importing variety kinds of products in Home Appliances Industry and protecting policies of domestic products by Iranian government are lead to make a new competitive phase in this industry. In this study, in order to identify the competitive position and status of the companies' brands which are active in Home appliances industry, Emersun Company (Domestic producer, Iranian Brand) and LG Company (Korean Brand) were selected to be assessed through the perspectives of their costumers, who serve as their most valuable asset. According to the results obtained from the tests and the perceptual maps, LG company was found to assume a better position in comparison to Emersun company in three of the four marketing mix (Product, Promotion, Place).