microsatellites are widely used for designing of gene mapping, genetic distance estimation and evaluation of different animals. The aim of present study was investigation of association of microsatellite markers polymorphism with production and reproduction traits of Sanjabi sheep. Blood samples were randomly collected from 78 ewes and 22 rams of Sanjabi sheep and transported to laboratory. After extraction of DNA by salting out method, 11 microsatellite loci (GC101, LSCV043, TGLA377, CSSM47, OarFCB128, OarAE101, BM1329, BM143, OarHH55, OarHH35 and OarHH64) were amplified by specific primers and polymerase chain reaction. By electrophoresis of productions on 8% polyacrylamide gel, different alleles were recognized and then data were analyzed by using of software program SAS 9.1 and POPGENE. The mean of number of observed and effective alleles were 5.82 and 4.05, respectively. PIC amount of markers was in range of 0.63 (TGLA377) to 0.82 (OarHH35). The mean of observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.64 and 0.77 in between loci, respectively. Also, the statistical analysis showed that genotypes associated with markers TGLA377, CSSM47, OarFCB128, OarHH35, OarHH55 and OarHH64 have had a significant effect (P<0.01) on the twinning of Sanjabi sheep and genotypes associated with markers GC101, LSCV043, TGLA377, CSSM47, OarAE101, BM143 and OarHH64 have had a significant effect (P<0.05) on body weight gain traits in different ages. Due to the findings, it can be concluded that except of marker BM1329, other studied markers are suitable on body weight gain and twinning traits in breeding programs of Sanjabi sheep.