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The role of culture in foreign language education has been long discussed and has a large opposing. Being acquired, way of life and habits is further emphasized. The language as a social phenomenon, called the sociology of language. From this point of view learning a new language is not limited to vocabulary and phonetic system of language but has become a "quest for social participation in the new culture". Language is a cognitive and social process. In this article, we'll talk more about another kind of language learning which deals with teaching, that we say linguistic training. Language is recognized as an essential component and manufacturer of educational processes in the classroom and also is the main instrument of course content. We want to know how teaching and learning a second language is associated with the culture. The main evidence that we cannot separate culture and language from each other's is learning. Learning does not occur unless we are familiar with the culture of that language is used in. Actually the difference is mainly due to the role of teacher and student learning, not teaching methods. Relationship between language and culture has a large impact on teaching and this is what the teacher is required to pay more attention to it. New perception of the relationship between these two categories, has led second language theorists to a different approach. Until today we are witnessing more than 40 theories about second language education. In most countries, foreign language training forms part of general education. And even in some countries, second language education begins from primary school starts. It is assumed that learning a foreign language should begin from the intersection point of two cultures and this represents a shift from structuralism to advocates.

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Language has always played an important role in the construction and expression of identity. This role has become even more significant in the current age of information and communication technology. One of the main reasons for the ever increasing role of language in the construction and expression of identity is the fact that other indicators of identity such as sex, race, nationality, color, and geographical location have been marginalized as a result of the influences of information and communication technologies. The internet, in particular, has revolutionized the processes of identity construction and expression. These changes are, to a great extent, due to the complex interactions between language, identity, and the internet.The present study attempts to explore these complex relationships. It first explains the role of language and the internet in the construction and expression of identity. Then it enumerates some of the most important features of the language used for communication through the internet. Finally, it refers to some of the educational consequences of unequal access to the internet and offers some suggestions for the better use of modern technology and for further research in this area.

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Language is a means to exchange ideas broadly and universally. Language is among the tools which lie in the path to cultural political changes and assumes different forms in human history. However, what is of importance to every government's authority is the power to conserve its own ethnic national language through these changes. Education is one factor which can guarantee that, to some extent. The study utilizes both inside and outside the country research findings, utilizing the library method. Obviously, education per se makes no sense; nonetheless the process of education involves also education of culture given that language is culture-oriented. i.e. language is one aspect of socio-cultural behavior. The article aims to ponder over political, cultural structure of language with an educational approach.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Of the considerably- paid -attention-to concepts in anthropological studies is the attention to language and culture. Language, as Edward Burnett Tylor suggests, is one of the cultural elements that depicts new images in people's socio-cultural life, overtaking common culture and fashioning literary inventions. Among these are ethnic stories and legends reflecting different levels of human society. Employing library sources and content analysis, the article investigates the linguistic structure of some Lori stories in which the relationship between women, fertility and water has been emphasized to demonstrate its connection to the socio-cultural methodology as well as apply ……. and…….. viewpoint. Research findings indicate the linguistic structure of these stories correlates with cultural and anthropological features of the region. As active performers who are seeking promotion from a good status to a noble one in social hierarchy, women operate through fertility and marriage in a culture in which this part of society promotes by the abovementioned phenomena. Furthermore, the analysis of cultural context and anthropology indicates the constituting components and elements of these stories have been deeply rooted historically in the Najd civilization, manifesting as goddesses of water and fertility, public rituals and myths of water and fertility, displaying the liveliness and revival of the said cultural symbols and elements in the everyday life of people in the region.

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The article is extracted from a field investigation conducted in 91-92, Rezvanshahr ,Gilan with a population of 25 teachers and 99 first grade (fe) male students (50 Persian speakers and 49 bilinguals). the sample was chosen selectively, purposefully and all-inclusively. Self-made questionnaires for teachers and oral test for students have been employed as the research tools. The study aims to investigate the relationship between language and culture in the educational process of the above mentioned region. Additionally, bilingual children's problems as well as the relationship between bilingualism and their academic achievement have been taken into consideration.

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Language has so much importance as a meditation and thinking axis and one of importance factors of cultural identity in globalization that media’s powers use of it as an important way of expanding globalization. Americans have aim at legitimate to and west Imperialism and introducing western culture as a universal civilization want to weak culture and language of other countries.So Americans culture Imperialism with challenging Arabic culture and language from expanding popular dialects and erasing Arabic language and its inefficiency claim wants to impose American culture and language to them in this soft cultural war changing and death of national identity.

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The present article pursues to study a phenomenon of cultural elements related to Hamedan folklore called proverb. It seeks to know which socio-cultural concepts and issues the Hamedani proverbs epitomize. Hence, it is accomplished through qualitative research. The theoretical framework of the article is Clifford’s cultural interpretation hypothesis. Accordingly, the data collected is in line with sub-theories of interpretivism including structuralism, functionalism, semiotics and semantics to dramatize the social language for folklore and Hamedani proverbs.Furthermore, this qualitative research has utilized documentation technique and episodic interview to collect the required data. The study was conducted in the traditional areas of Hamedan like Needless to say, the interviews were conducted randomly. Research interpretation indicates that proverbs apply in various subjects social life which will be described later in the article.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Anthropology, the science of human studying and examining, studies the cultural knowledge, values, identity, beliefs, culture, language, natural phenomena and environmental changes of human. One of the functions of anthropology is to describe vivid events as well as material and spiritual phenomena. Human, firstly used language to describe issues and phenomena, and then described it by reason and mind for abstract ideas. Whatever observed formally and interpreted is language-based and transferred through generations. Hence, cultural development and its relationship with language has always existed and will. Linguistics is a subcategory of cultural anthropology. Therefore, is could be said that the close relationship between language and anthropology is the association of two science combined together to complement each other. Nevertheless, we are talking about one culture when talking about one language. Language, consequently the cultural window of the heart as culture transfers through a symbolic communication system named language. To provide answers for questions about humanity, anthropology studies the intracultural process, general public, people's general knowledge or folklore, customs, traditions and beliefs of a nation through those studies, legends and myths. The issue can be studied by establishing the relationship between anthropology and its viewpoint to language and culture of general public which is what follows. The article mainly aims to analyze these approaches descriptively for anthropological studies and to find the language share in culture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In recent decades, language as the nucleus of culture and the key element affecting identity formation has been paid considerable attention to by scholars and experts on humanitarian and social sciences. In the midst of it, the role of foreign language in identity is placed emphasis on. Accordingly, various theoretical approaches like the Sapir-Whorf view point, Saussure, Burger and Luqman, Bakhtin et al has emphasized the role of language in identity. Hence, the present study mainly aims to find out how the link and relation between learning foreign language learning affects the identity status of people, either personally, socially, nationally or culturally in the population. The study being a social survey, research data has been collected through questionnaire. The population contains all students of foreign languages in the university and educational institutions of Kashan in 1391out of whom 180 students were randomly selected and surveyed as the research sample. Research results indicate a positive relationship between foreign language proficiency and personal identity (r=.,237) as well as between its negative relationship and national identity, coefficient confidence rating 99 and 95 per cent. Besides, a positive correlation between rate of interest in foreign language and rate of socio-cultural identity has been registered as r=.,147, r=.,200 with a confidence level of 99 per cent.

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