Many models has been established and developed to evaluate operations in organizations. Some of these models include European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), Malcom Baldrige Award, and Balanced Score Card (BSC). This article has suggested a model to evaluate the operations of Imam Khomeini Port and Maritime Organization. This model is based on the Balanced Score Card model. After identifying missions and visions of the organization, this model describes the objectives of Imam Khomeini Port and Maritime Organization as well as four standpoints of BSC (financial, customer, internal process, and learning and knowledge acquisition) as the authority aspects. Then, success criteria, key performance indicators (KPI), and appropriate volume for each objective is determined. Finally, after preparing the model, its results are evaluated. Moreover, due to the developing of information technology (IT) in organizations, the obtained model is applied to Quality Performance Result Software (QPR). Using this software, all the obtained indicators are monitored and controlled automatically from various point of views. Results of evaluating the performance using QPR software caused in recognizing the processes, determining key processes, aligning processes and strategies and using the business intelligent software to monitor the measures, and implement management dashboard system.