God’s accompanying the universe is among the controversial issues in theosophy, theology and Islamic gnosticism. This issue has been pointed out in different ways in various verses of the Quran and narrations. The important point here is not the sheer fact that God as mabd’a-ol-mabadi (the origin of origins) accompanies the creation and the universe, since every cause is necessarily in contact with its effect and an effect can never get separated from its absolute cause even for a moment. The central point here is that theosophists, theologians and Islamic gnostics ponder upon this issue and present some kind of justification for it so that they may not give explanations incompatible with the true Unity of God, on the one hand, and with the domains of multiplicity of the universe, on the other, and in one way or another they may free themselves from being caught in a morass of purification and anthropomorphism. Our assumption is that without philosophical principles, it is not possible to give logical and acceptable justification in explication of these issues in Quranic verses and narrations, since the verses dealing with developmental issues require philosophical and worldview principles taken from the Quran itself and narrations. Accordingly, this article, first, deals with types of Unity, and, then, types of companionship, and finally provides a philosophical analysis on companionship concurrent with Unity using Quranic verses and narrations from the Infallibles (as).