The aim of this study was to examine renormalization of Kyriacou and Sutcliffe's teachers' stress prevalence, source and symptoms scale (TSS) through factor analysis and assessing its validity and reliability. 430 male and female teachers, consisting of both physical education and non- physical education high school teachers at West Azarbaijan province filled out the TSS questionnaire. Diffluent and convergent validity of TSS were computed through determining coefficient of correlation by Mental Health Inventory (MHI) as well as Job Descriptive Index (JDI). TSS reliability was calculated through tester test and internal consistency. Reliability and validity indices obtained for TSS were satisfactory and significant at p<0.01. Seven factors were obtained by factor analysis applying varimax method. These factors had eigenvalues higher than I and 49041 percent of the total variance was explained by them. The seventh factor was removed because its reliability was lower than 0.7. The Remaining six factors are: teacher's inappropriate socioeconomic and family statues, issues concerning the school’s atmosphere and facilities, students' behavior problems and difficulties, teachers' professional qualifications, students' low amount of educational motivation and time pressure. Regarding the source and symptoms of stress, criterion validity concerning those who had stressful experiences during the past 12 months yielded that there was significance difference between two groups with low and high stress. Results showed that 8.2, 18.1, 40.0, 30.5 and 3.2 percent of the teachers were at non-risk, low risk, average risk, high risk and extreme risk areas, respectively, but none of them were at the critical area. According to the results of the research, TSS scale had necessary psychometrics characteristics to be applied at psychological research and clinical diagnosis in investigation of the teachers' stress.