The porphyry copper deposit (PCD) at Sungun is located in East Azarbaijan, NW of Iran. The Sungun porphyries occur as stocks and dikes ranging in composition from quartz monzodiorite through quartz monzonite and granodiorite to granite. The stocks are divided into two groups (1) Porphyry Stocks I and (2) Porphyry Stock n. Porphyry Stock n, hosting the copper ore, experienced intense hydro-fracturing leading to the formation of stockwork-type, veinlets and micro-veinlets of quartz, sulfides, carbonates, and sulfates. Three distinct types of hydrothermal alteration and sulfide mineralization are recognized at Sungun (1) hypogene, (2) contact metasomatic (skarn), and (3) supergene. Four types of hypogene alteration are developed at Sungun, potassic, propylitic, potassic-phyllic, and phyllic. Based upon their phase content, four types of fluid inclusions are common at Sungun (1) vapor, mono-phase (2) vapor-rich, two-phase, (3) liquid-rich two-phase, and (4) multi-phase. Halite is the principal solid phase. The distribution pattern, shape, and phase contents of fluid inclusions in quartz veinlets at Sungun are analogous to those from Bingham and Globe-Miami in western USA. We used multiphase inclusions to calculate the point pressure and hydrothermal fluid density. Four variables have been measured and calculated for forty seven separated samples, including the homogenization temperature, salinity, pressure and density. Histograms of variables represented that no variable could separate potassic and phyllic alterations lonely. In potassic alteration zone, the average of homogenization temperature is 413.6°C while in phyllic alteration, it is 375.9°C. As it is expected in potassic alteration, the temperature of hydrothermal is higher than that in phyllic zone, but there is not high difference between them. The salinity of the hydrothermal has a high coherency with homogenization temperature, so the average amount of salinity in potassic samples is 46.3 (w% NaCl) which is higher than phyllic samples. Based on the location of potassic alteration, it is expected that the lithostatic pressure is much more than the phyllic one, so it is realized that the average of pressure in the potassic alteration is -1195 (bar) while the average pressure in phyllic is -623 (bar). The amount of the density depends on the amount of the salinity of hydrothermal fluid, so the average density of the samples in potassic alteration is 1.124 (gr/cm3) which is higher than that in phyllic zone (1.083 gr/cm3).