Background: The ethical relationship between buyers and sellers, office workers and marketers, producers and consumers …, and also physicians and patients, in recent decade have been severely damaged more or less all over the world, including in our society.Professions which provide services to the people and society, with no possible material replacement, had eminent values. Physicians, teachers, spiritual leaders, judges, to begin with, all considered as highly esteemed occupations, have special status and holiness with their benefits reflected on the society.In any society, including home, school, town, city …violence causes violence and kindness results kindness in return. Investigations have been proved that kindness, as a merited ethical indicator, is effective and has produced positive feedback.In the society, values such as desire to serve the people, respect, kindness, gartiude, apologetic, ought to be instituted, In unhealthy and damaged societies, continuously and gradullay, fear from power replaces respect and competence. Hypocrisy, pretence, flattery, lying, opportunisticity, profiteering, with the label of politeness, and complements, replace sincere respect, humbleness, kindness and generosity.Conclusion: In the present paper, ethical recommendations are aimed at the medical profession, but at the same time necessary reminders to patients, their families and companions, also the society, including government institutions and non governmental organizations that together guarantee a healthy and strong society, as a social capital, for a sustainable development.