The four principles of classical ethics, including autonomy, benefit, non-malice, and justice, are the well-known principles and principles of " medical ethics " developed by members of the World Health Organization's Committee on Ethics and Medical Genetics. Numerous meetings have been organized, approved, and announced in the WHO guidelines for all countries since 1995 (1-4). Although even these clear and decisive principles are often overlooked by some physicians, what is overlooked is " medical etiquette. " One of the honors of the world's leading medical schools is the training of Nobel Prize-winning physicians in basic or clinical sciences. Of course, the training of these " knowledge-oriented doctors " is important, but in the meantime, the training and attention to " human-oriented doctors " should not be neglected. We must always remember that medicine is a spiritual mission, not a material profession. From the perspective of people and patients, successful physicians are the ones who have the most healing statistics, not the highest. Empathy is one of the most important characteristics of a good doctor. A study of empathy in the United States found that social workers and enthusiasts had a factor of 60-70, artists (music, painters, etc. ) had a factor of 50, physicians had a factor of 40, and psychopaths had a factor of 10 (5). It is emphasized that the inability to empathize and as a result of inattention, carelessness and failure to provide complete, adequate and timely medical services to patients, constitute most cases of medical complaints, in many cases, the possibility of resolving complaints and claims of patients and their companions There is empathy, sympathy, humility and material compensation. Indeed, if intermediaries and agents are the divine cure for the sick, they must always maintain the status and competence of such a moral and spiritual order. Observing and maintaining the etiquette of dealing with patients and the way medical services are provided are in line with the principles of medical ethics (9-6). The purpose of this paper is to prepare and compile a list of medical behaviors, in For the patient's health, the dignity of the doctor and the well-being and peace of the family and society. This list is presented in Table 1. I hope that you, dear colleague, enjoy these pleasant and worthy behaviors. Kindness is the only language that all human beings understand, even animals! !