Mystics inspired from the Holy Quran have considered the world from one side the Image of God and from the other side the manifestation of Divine Names and Attributes, which the later has been divided into two types: The Names of Majesty and the Name of Beauty. Those Names which relate with grace, mercy, generosity, have been named the Names of Beauty and those ones deal with vengeance, anger, retribution, have been named the Names of Majesty. On the other hand, since the Divine Attribute have one existence, the paradoxical combination of Majesty and Beauty here appears.In the present paper, after representing the mentioned points, the authors discuss on the status of Majesty and Beauty based on the mystical ontology, epistemology, psychology and symbology. Then, they show that in the love mysticism this paradox has been called coquetry -Naz-, which is a mixture of refutation and attraction, and through symbols such as face and hair, eye and lip and the other related idioms has been represented. Reflection of this symbolic usage in the Persian poetry is the final section of the article.