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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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اصفهان از زیباترین شهرهای جهان است که محله های مسکونی با قدمت و زیبایی منحصر به فردی دارد. یکی از این نواحی قدیمی محله ای به نام «دردشت» است که دارای ارزش تاریخی فراوان و محلة «جماله» جزئی از آن است. این محله که بافت تاریخی ارزشمندی دارد، در جنگ تحمیلی عراق به ایران مورد حمله هوایی و موشکی قرار گرفت و آسیب دید که پس از آن بازسازی شد. برنامه بازسازی در جماله با هدف احیای محله با استفاده از پایه های نظری منطبق بر اصول معماری سنتی صورت گرفت، که انتظار می رفت نمونه موفقی ارایه کند، اما در اجرا نتوانست موفق عمل کند و خروجی این پروژة بازسازی، چهرة متفاوتی از معماری بومی منبعث از اصول معماری ایرانی و زندگی ساکنان نشان داده است. در نتیجه بافت از نظر کالبد، نظام اجتماعی و اقتصادی، دگرگونی های غیرمنتظره ای یافت. این مقاله با هدف بررسی نظریه ها و روند بازسازی بافت های ارزشمند تاریخی و استخراج درس هایی از آن، صورت گرفت. روش تجزیه و تحلیل در این پژوهش، کیفی و از نوع توصیفی تحلیلی است، اما استفاده از داده های آماری (در مواقع لزوم) نیز در اثبات فرضیه ها صورت گرفته است. پس از بررسی نظریات بازسازی و استخراج شاخص ها، آن ها را با وضع موجود در محله جماله سنجیده تا بتوان دریافت که آیا اجرای عملیات بازسازی با مبانی نظری مورد نظر منطبق بوده است یا خیر؟ در انتها از تحلیل های نظری و آماری جهت اثبات فرضیه و پاسخگویی به پرسش های تحقیق استفاده شده است. نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش گویای این نکته است که آنچه در چارچوب نظری این پروژه مطرح شده با آنچه نتیجه آن پس از گذشت سی سال می نماید، بسیار متفاوت و اهداف موردنظر، محقق نشده است. در حین تدوین این مقاله با انجام مطالعات بیشتر این نتیجه نیز حاصل شد که در شهرهای با قدمت تاریخی، دخالت در بافت تاریخی به هر دلیل، امری خطیر و بسیار حساس است. مسئولین و برنامه ریزان برای دخالت و به خصوص بازسازی در بافت های تاریخی باید با ابعاد گوناگون آن آشنا باشند و با نگاهی همه جانبه و ژرف برنامه ریزی بازسازی را انجام دهند. داشتن چارچوب نظری مناسب و طرح و اجرای صحیح آن، باعث می شود بازسازی بسیار اثرگذار باشد تا جایی که می تواند موجب احیا یا اضمحلال و مرگ یک محله شود؛ مانند آنچه در محلة جماله اصفهان رخ داده است. علی رغم وجود چارچوب و مبانی نظری مناسب، پس از گذشت حدود سی سال از بازسازی این محله، هیچ یک از اصول موردنظر برنامه بازسازی امروزه دیده نمی شود. .

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بیان مسئله: روند سریع توسعه شهرها چرخة حیات زیستی را بر هم زده و موجب بروز مشکلاتی ازجمله آلودگی هوا شده است. برنامه های مدیریت آلودگی هوا عمدتاً بر کنترل منابع تولید آلاینده ها متمرکزند. این راهبرد به طور مؤثری میزان آلاینده های جدید وارد شده به هوا را کاهش داده اما در مورد آلاینده های موجود در هوا بی تأثیر است. اما این نوشتار با پذیرش وضع موجود، به دنبال کنترل آلودگی هوا در جهت کاهش سطح آسیب به انسان بوده، این مهم را در حیطة معماری و شهرسازی و تأثیر پوسته های ساختمانی دنبال می کند. در این راستا قابلیت های طبیعت در بحث کنترل آلودگی های هوا، به حوزة معماری وارد و این راهکارها در عناوین «سه گانة نماهای آبی»، «نماهای جلبک» و «پوسته های زندة سبز» بررسی می شود. هدف: یکی از رویکردهای مهم در حوزة معماری و شهرسازی توجه به طبیعت به مثابه الگو و راهکاری برای تعدیل مشکلات زیست محیطی است، و هدف اصلی این پژوهش درک بهتر چگونگی تعامل دیوارهای زیست مبنا برای ارتقای کیفیت هوا و کاهش سطح آلاینده ها، و دستیابی به بیوپوستة بهینه در این خصوص است. روش تحقیق: به دلیل میان رشته ای بودن پژوهش حاضر، پیشبرد این تحقیق نیازمند روش های خاص ترکیبی بوده و اگرچه عمده مطالعات این نوشتار متکی بر روش کتابخانه ای و بررسی منابع موجود است، اما بسط چنین پژوهشی نیازمند تحقیق ترکیبی در حوزه های میان رشته ای است. به دلیل عدم وجود داده های کمی در مورد عملکرد هرکدام از سیستم ها، در این مجال، پس از معرفی سیستم ها در قالب جداولی با شناسایی ضعف ها و قوت ها، تحقیق به شیوه کاربردی صورت گرفته، و با مقایسة کیفی میان سیستم ها، روش بهینه انتخاب می شود. نتیجه گیری: بنابر کلیه مراحل طی شده در این نوشتار و با توجه به مقایسة کیفی سه گونة نماهای زیست مبنا و بررسی نقاط قوت و ضعف هریک از سیستم ها، می توان اذعان داشت که جداره های سبز می توانند ساختاری مناسب را در خصوص کنترل آلودگی هوا در شهر تهران ارایه دهند و با توجه به برنامه ها و پیش بینی های شهرداری تهران در خصوص زیباسازی، باید اذعان داشت که نماهای سبز از شانس بیشتری جهت بهره وری در کوتاه مدت برای رفع این معضل در پایتخت برخوردارند.

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For centuries, ritual spaces have played an important role in shaping the cities landscapes andcultural foundations of human societies. Some historians believe that one of the main causes ofthe city’ s formation is due to its ritual and spiritual performance. Thanks to the experience ofspatial co-participation, ritual spaces are considered as the strongest collective space experiencesin Iranian culture which have created positive environmental qualities for interactions andsocial relationships by having a close relationship with the natural factors such as the water andtree, and enjoying a collective and ritual nature; consequently, they have created the possibilityof the formation of a single mindset in the inhabitants of different cities. Since the beginningof the Islamic era, ritual landscapes have continued in a particular way in the landscape andidentity of Iranian cities. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of ritual landscapes on the identity of Iraniancities through integrating their common form (natural) and subjective (social) content. at first, the common pattern of their naturalistic and social meanings was investigated and thentheir impact on the identity of cities was studied as the social and semantic milestones. Afterthat, considering the concept of the spatial organization of cities, the scope of the influence ofthese landscapes on the identity of cities was investigated at the three levels of the centrality ofcity in the ritual cities (macro), a network of ritual neighborhoods in the city center (middle), and the independent religious neighborhoods (micro). similar pattern of ritual landscapes has caused the development of cities and their neighborhoods, and these common characteristics and effects due to their ritual, social, and semantic natureplay a prominent role in the field of perception of the cities’ mental and conceptual aspect.

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Problem Statement: This article aims at disclosing an authentic essence of traditionalarchitecture and show how it can be approached. Not much exists on this issue and ourknowledge is limited to misconceptions. As a result, we have faced absurdity and chaos incontemporary architecture. This problem has been exacerbated by an inappropriate methodand superficial responses. Objective: The goal of this study is to present an appropriate and comprehensive method toexamine the traditional architecture and to uncover its truth. We assume that phenomenologycan address the methodological issues regarding the essence of traditional architecture. Research methodology: After reviewing pertinent literature systematically and interpretingthem, we attempted to use logical reasoning to find an appropriate method for traditionalarchitecture and fill the gap in the existing literature on the phenomenological method. Conclusion: The results of this research indicate that conceptual thinking and scientific andquantitative approach to works of architecture will not guide us to architecture’ s fundamental. Instead, we need to refer to the artworks and approach them with empathy to find a commonlanguage with those works to uncover their fundamental concepts and hidden implications. The way we choose to reach a better understanding of traditional architecture consists ofseven steps or stages: (1) Wonder and search, (2) Revelation of the universe, (3) Mentalrefinement, (4) Environmental identity, (5) Phenomenological grasp of the environment, (6)Finding a language for assertions, and (7) Uncovering the hidden meanings.

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Bastanfard Matin



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Statement of the problem: The speed with which cities develop cause disruptions to theenvironment and create problems such as air pollution. Air pollution management programsare often focused on controlling the sources that are producing the pollutants. This methodcan effectively reduce the level of new air pollutants but it is does not have any effect onexisting pollutants that are already in the air. This paper, by accepting the current state is looking to control air pollution in order to reducethe level of harm to humans through architecture, municipal engineering, and the effect offacade structures. The capabilities that nature itself has in controlling air pollution haveentered the field of architecture. Three of these capabilities will be studied: water facades, algae facades and green live facades. Purpose: One of the most important approaches in architecture and municipal engineeringis paying attention to nature as a model and solution to environmental problems. The mainpurpose of this research is to have a better understanding of how bio-based walls promote airquality and reduce pollutants and how to create a more productive bio-facade. Research method: Because this research is interdisciplinary, combinative methods need tobe used in order in undertake this research. The majority of the resources for this paperhave been through libraries and available references; however, in order to further expandthere is a need for combining the research from interdisciplinary fields. Because there is alack of quantitative data about each system’ s performance, the systems will be introducedthrough tables and their strengths and weaknesses will be identified. The research will thenbe applied to practical methods, which will allow for the qualitative comparison of these systems. The most productive method will be chosen. Conclusion: Based on all stages of this paper, and by considering the qualitative comparisonof 3 bio-based facades and studying each system’ s strengths and weaknesses, it should beacknowledged that green facades, can present a suitable structure for controlling Tehran’ s airpollution. In regards to plans and predictions of Tehran’ s municipality about beautification, itshould be acknowledged that green facades have a higher chance for short-term productivityin solving this problem in the capital.

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Isfahan is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with unique residential quarters of old ageand unique beauty. One of such ancient districts is a quarter called “ Dardasht” , which is of a greathistorical value and hosts Jamaleh quarter. This area, which has an invaluable historical texture, was attacked and damaged by Iraqi missiles and bombs during Iran-Iraq 8-year war and was thenrebuilt. The reconstruction program was conducted in Jamaleh with the aim of rehabilitating thequarter using theoretical foundations consistent with the principles of traditional architecture, andwas expected to be proved as a successful example, but failed to succeed in the implementationof the project, and the output of this reconstruction project represents a different face of nativearchitecture based on the principles of Iranian architecture and the lives of residents. As a result, the texture underwent unexpected systemic, social and economic changes. This article, extractedfrom the writer’ s master’ s thesis in this regard, aims at examining theories and the process ofrebuilding invaluable historical textures and extracting lessons from it. The method of analysis in this paper is qualitative and descriptive-analytical, but the use ofstatistical data (if necessary) has also been used to prove the hypotheses. After reviewing theviews on the reconstruction and extraction of indicators, they are measured against the situation inJamaleh quarter so that it can be determined whether the implementation of the reconstruction wasconsistent with the theoretical foundations. Finally, theoretical and statistical analyses have beenused to prove the hypothesis and to answer the research questions. The results of this study suggest that what is being discussed in the theoretical framework of thisproject is very different from what was expected after thirty years, and that the goals contemplatedwere not achieved. At the time this paper was being written, further studies indicated that in ancientcities, interference with the historical context is, for any reason, very important and critical. Officialsand planners need to be familiar with various aspects of intervention and rehabilitation in ancienttextures with a comprehensive and profound viewpoint. Having a proper theoretical frameworkand plan and implementing it properly makes the reconstruction very effective, leading either tothe rehabilitation or destruction of a quarter, just as what happened to Jamaleh quarter of Isfahan. Despite the appropriate framework and theoretical foundations, after about thirty years from therebuilding of the quarter, none of the principles of the reconstruction plan can be seen today.

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Statement of the problem: Today, the quality of achieving environmental meaning and subsequentlythe actualization of the sense of place in different levels has been specially considered due to itsimportance in architecture, especially with the emergence of the knowledge of environmentalpsychology. According to this and the belief in the dominant methodology propagated in behaviouralsciences, it seems that attempting to explain the environmental design process in the form of commonmethods in other sciences and presenting it in descriptive patterns is one of the main goals of joiningthese areas of knowledge. The significance of this adaptation is considerable and covers the core ofthis research in point of the effectiveness of architectural products in the contemporary world. Thecurrent study attempts to answer the following questions: “ what are the main effective physical factorsin forming the environmental meaning and actualization of a sense of place? Moreover, what is theirmechanism of action in the process? Also, how can it be described as a generative structural pattern? ” Research Objective: According to the above-mentioned subject, the main goal of this research is toinvestigate the state of achieving the environmental meaning and subsequently actualizing the sense ofplace. It is focused on its structural process by a systematic approach in a form of psychological patternbased on the levels of human existence. Methodology: Regarding the exploratory nature of the study, a qualitative survey method entitled“ Constructivist Grounded Theory” was chosen to identify the variables of the problem and deduce therelations between them. It should be noted that the semi-structured interviews with some specialistsin the field of architecture and environmental design were utilized in this method, in addition to thedescriptive-analytical strategy. Conclusion: In this research, the importance of the variable “ environmental perception” was focused, indifferent aspects, as the center of the considered process in the proposed pattern. Therefore, its key rolein defining human expectations of the built environment and his behavioral reaction was emphasizedas a result. Accordingly, a generative structural pattern consisting of three elements of “ components, syntax, and meaning” is presented, which are equated with physical factors, environmental behavior, and environmental sense respectively. Finally, it could be claimed that the suggested pattern is capableof evaluating the existing environment purposefully and efficient in designing new environments.

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With the development of the systemic approach in urban planning that attempted to identify variousactivities that determine the nature of the human environment and the relationships between them, various techniques have been developed, one of the most important of which is the models. Infact, a models is a simple reformation of reality which reduces the apparent complexity of thereal world and transforms it into an understandable form. Therefore, conceptual and perceptualmodels are used to understand, interpret, and reform the facts in everyday lives. With regard to thecomplexities of urban issues, the possibility of exploiting from past teachings and experiences inthe renovation of distressed urban textures, especially the conceptual model, that is derived froma domestic theory and is compatible with the circumstances in our country is being felt even morethan before. As a domestic theory, “ The theory of balanced renovation in distressed urban fabrics” , which hasbeen proposed with emphasis on producing an innovative pattern in response to today’ s needs forthe renovation of these urban fabrics in Iran, has presented its conceptual model as a practical modelin order to objectify and substantiate the principals of this theory. As a balance-based management, the balanced renovation conceptual model tries to guide towards bringing back the balance and toprevent deviating or getting out of balance in the renovation system of textures, areas and targetdistricts. The method of this research, with emphasis on the scientific research method, is to achieve thegoal of balance while studying, recognizing and identifying the components that affect it. This isdone by exploratory factor analysis and by identifying the factors affecting the nine networks andusing successive dichotomies. The use of hierarchical cluster structure, in total, shapes a texture orneighborhood renovating system which is considered as a system derived from the general systemof the city. The applicable-functional model is a two-dimensional model including index elementsand model components, balance coefficients, deviation from balance, balance equation, and finallytriple applications.

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