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Problem Statement: it seems that in current times, many of the urban designs and plans in Iran have totalitarian, centralized, and monopolistic essences. This condition is predictably originated from the absence of deliberative and collaborative democracies; in light of the foregoing, the inefficiencies of the stages of presentation and implementation have led to neglecting the citizenship rights and the public preferences. Hence, citizens have little social responsibilities for the negative consequences of inefficient urban practices. In addition, an appropriate context is not provided for them to affect the various steps of urban processes, claiming their rights to the city, and expressing their opinions. In this spirit, the urban projects lose their basic figures in providing stability and promoting the role of people in urban development and management. Hence, the impetus behind this study is to improve the urban democracy in the process of urban planning and design. Purpose: this study attempts to investigate the reasons for the lack of democratic involvement by the citizens in the process of urban development and management, as well as to find some solutions to remove this widespread deep-rooted social dilemma. Research hypothesis: the realization of democracy and actual participation of citizens in the process of developing the urban spaces can lead to more accurate and efficient decision makings, as well as more successful implementation of urban plans and projects. Research method: this article was conducted through content analysis and comparative methods. While studying the pillars of the democratic system, the methods of democratic participation of citizens in the processes of urban development and management in Iran was studied regarding the Principles of the Critical Theory. In fact, an effort was made to provide a platform for presenting the findings and suggested solutions through the process of criticizing and analysing the current situation of the Iranian urban plans and designs along with comparing them with the necessary elements for the realization of democratic and people-friendly urban processes. This should be stated that the data collection method was based on interviews with people, studying documents, and also field observations. Conclusion: results indicate that Dilemmas in the Iranian urban system have been originated from the nondemocratic factors, such as the lack of participation, the lack of all-inclusiveness, the violation of citizenship rights and urban justice, illegitimate urban laws, inflexibility, the downfall of pluralism, and etc. Hence, through scheming criteria such as the diversity of opinions, all-inclusiveness, flexibility, forming NGOs, the citizen education and discourse, diversity and respecting the citizen’ s rights, etc., these processes can be democratized and also a platform for the emergence of a comprehensive type of a democratic urban planning and design would be materialized; a process which strengthens the urban democracy and honors the position of people, not as the problem but as the solution, by creating equal opportunities in a disinterested fashion.

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Problem statement: This article has been prepared according to the publication of the book “ Review of the Comprehensive Plan of Tehran 2007” . Today, it has been about ten years since the Comprehensive Plan of Tehran (TCP) was approved. A review of the efforts of a number of university professors while preparing this plan, supported by a group of experts and led to hold workshops at the Iran Student News Agency (ISNA), is a good example for evaluating the position of expert opinions in the process of developing urban development projects in Iran. The present article focuses on the “ Responsiveness” of the planners of the Tehran Comprehensive Plan (consultants and employers) answering the criticism to this plan. So, it has been tried to show how different types of false reasoning can be identified and explained in these answers. Exposing this false reasoning of the planners against critiques can probably more responsibility for future planners to improve their products or answer to criticisms. Objective: The purpose of this article is to explain the types of false reasoning when providers of Tehran Comprehensive Plan answer to critics. Method of Research: The research method in this study is the discourse analysis method. Accordingly, the discussions of nine ISNA workshops have been reviewed, and in particular the responses of the suppliers to the Tehran Comprehensive Plan have been analyzed. It has been tried to categorize the answers according to a framework derived from the Schopenhauer’ s book, entitled The Art of Being Right. Conclusion: The study findings show that there are three general categories of responses to criticisms. The first category of responses, while admitting some criticisms, points out that since these criticisms have already been addressed to previous projects, they cannot be modified in this plan (TCP can merely continue the current procedure of planning). The second category of responses, instead of responding to the critique, attempts to accuse critics with vague statements. The third category also offers criticism: a tempting proposition that silences the critic! The common point in all three ways is that there is no attempt to eliminate defects or respond to criticisms.

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Problem statement: Human beings shape the organization, and structure of their settlements, based on their lifestyle. On the other hand, in every environment, differences in social, economic, cultural, and symbolic capitals lead to the formation of different social classes and differences in the way of life. Accordingly, the search for how the pattern and structure of the houses of the upper and middle-classes of Ardabil in the late Qajar and early Pahlavi periods are shaped by the status of the social class of the inhabitants, is the main issue of research. Aim: The importance and necessity of research in regard to different types of housing, especially middle-class houses, irradiation on part of Ardabil› s architectural history, and attention to the role of Non-structural components (culture and society) in residential architecture. The purpose of the present study is to explain the effect of different capital combinations of the middle and the upper classes on lifestyle and to analyze how the structure of houses is influenced by the way of life in the case studies. Research method: The research method is descriptive-analytical. After analyzing the spatial dimension of the houses, during a comparative review, the effect of lifestyle on the structure of houses based on capital ratios in the middle and the upper classes has been discussed. Required information is extracted through documentary studies, interviewing, observing, and field studies. Conclusion: Findings of the study shows that physical and spatial differences in the houses of the upper and middle-classes of Ardabil in the late Qajar and early Pahlavi periods, has been influenced by the amount of their economic capital. Findings of the study shows that the people of Ardabil have been sharing each other with many components of social and cultural capitals. In the meantime, what made class differentiation was the kind of different approaches to these components. As the upper class often acted more deeply and in a sense of differentiation in the face of issues such as status, social relationships, taste, and so on. Physical-Spatial representation of these items can be seen in the entrance, facade, guestroom, service spaces, home furnishings, and the decorations of the upper and middle-class houses.

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Problem statement: Satisfaction is the process of positive judgment of the phenomena and is influenced by the components that rely on a studied theoretical basis. Today, the urban landscape projects have increased in quantity; however, it is yet a question why the quality of these projects cannot satisfy the citizens’ needs and leave a significant impact on their positive judgment and the tangible quality of the city. Therefore, the main question of this study asks: “ what is the relationship between the components of the landscape approach and the components of satisfaction? ” Aim: The aim of this research is to increase the audience’ s satisfaction from urban landscape projects, and hence the city, and to define a specific setting for urban landscape projects. Research method: This study is conducted using qualitative and content analysis methods. Therefore, the concept of satisfaction and the influential variables are reviewed, and a new definition of satisfaction is presented in the next stage. Thereafter, the experts’ points of view about the concept of the landscape is discussed, and eventually, the relationship between the landscape approach and the effective factors of satisfaction are scrutinized. Conclusion: The results of this study shows that satisfaction and landscape approach are common in paying attention to the audience’ s subjectivity. However, the proprietary nature of landscape approach is to pay concurrent attention to both the objective and the subjective aspects of the phenomenon, which, in principle, cannot be achieved independently and separately. Therefore, the landscape approach provides a better and more favorable condition for promoting satisfaction, since objective factors are transformed according to mental interpretations. The landscape approach emphasizes on the simultaneous function of the object and subject in the presentation of a project and believes that when the urban space is recognized as a landscape, it is impossible to distinguish between its different dimensions, such as the substance and meaning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Problem statement: Studying infill architecture in historic contexts requires an interdisciplinary approach in an interactive framework involving architecture, urbanism, and restoration. Neglecting this interaction may cause irreversible damage to the values of historic contexts, such as the Bazaar Context of Tabriz, and hinder the realization of expectations from infill architecture. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explain infill architecture in historic Contexts via an interactive framework involving urbanism, architecture, and restoration. This will provide us with a deeper insight into the quiddity of infill architecture and help us formulate a design and evaluation model in the framework of an interdisciplinary perspective. Then, we will use this model to evaluate Mashruteh Complex as part of the Historic Bazaar Context of Tabriz. Research method: The study uses a descriptive-analytic research method from an applied perspective. In this way, by studying the theories related to the concept of infill architecture in historic urban contexts, we will provide a model that explains interdisciplinary relations and, then, use it as the basis for evaluating the case study. Conclusion: The results show that infill architecture should be considered in an interdisciplinary framework composed of urbanism (i. e., smart development, sustainable development and new urbanism), restoration (i. e., urban restoration and architectural restoration) and architecture (i. e., preservationism, contemporization and moderationism). An interdisciplinary approach contributes to explaining infill architecture in terms of reciprocating patterns among the three fields mentioned above. Our study of Mashruteh Commercial Complex in the Historic Bazaar Context of Tabriz from the perspective of infill architecture shows that the building conforms to urban restoration in terms of preservation; sustainable development and new urbanism in terms of urbanism; and, contemporization in terms of architecture. The results of our SWOT analysis also suggest that the addition of this new construct, along with the strengths and opportunities, has led to some weaknesses and threats which need to be eliminated based on strength-threat, strengthopportunity and weakness-opportunity axes.

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Problem statement: The Roman garden style is one of the most important products of the ancient Roman empire. Although many of the Roman cultural aspects follows the Greece civilization, the Roman garden layout does not follow the structural characteristics of Greece gardening and it seems to be a follower of the other ideas. This approach is contrary to the Greek garden layout, which lacks regular geometric organization, follows an axial and straight line in the plan. While scholars have several assumptions and hypotheses on justifying the emergence of this geometrical order in Roman gardening, there remain many ambiguities. It must be noted that before the formation of the Roman Empire, the Etruscan civilization: were resided in the region of Tuscany in Italy and affected many cultural achievements of the Roman civilization. Also, the sacred importance of the geometric regulation in the beliefs of these peoples which is reflected in their remained cities, temples and the other buildings can be considered as the roots of the geometrical order in the Roman gardening. Aim: Analyzing and criticizing the existing opinion and assumptions and submitting new evidence, the current study aims to provide a new perspective on the roots of geometrical order in Roman gardening. Research method: The study also applies a content analysis method for the interpretation and criticism of some of the available documents. The study also attempts to achieve a new interpretation of the subject applying interpretive-historical research method. Conclusion: Accordingly the current study by questioning and doubting the available literature assumes the Etruscan civilization as the roots of geometric regulation in the ancient gardening.

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