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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Statement of the problem: One of the major challenges in the field of urban research is the lack of trust between policymakers and researchers. As a result of this challenge, while preventing researchers from the key decision-making and policy-making processes, inadequate resources are being allocated to the research sector. The main policymakers and manager’s argument is that the work of the researchers is far from the realities of the implementation and practice. By creating a vicious cycle, this issue has led to the weakened and underdeveloped infrastructure and research capacities in faculties, and the theoretical and practical weaknesses of the applied research in various areas of urban management studies. The current study aims to analyze and study strategies for promoting the use of research in decisions made by Tehran urban management system.Purpose: This study aims at investigating and analyzing the current process of defining, implementing and leadership of urban research projects in the urban management system of the country. The main approach for this purpose is evidence-based policy-making which provide some solutions for improvement.Method: The research method in this study is “case study” and its type is “single instrumental case study”. Having analyzed a wide range of research studies on the field of research utilization, this paper develops an analytical framework based on the “supply and demand” model. Then, using this analytical framework, the mechanism for defining, implementing, leading and extracting the results of research projects at the Tehran Urban Planning & Research Center is analyzed and eventually, it has become evident that the current mechanism needs specific strengthening interventions for demand sectors.Conclusion: This paper provides two main results. Firstly, an analytical framework for investigating and analyzing research organizations mechanism in the public sector. Secondly, a proposal to establish a structure entitled “Office for the Empowerment of Urban Management Research” in the current mechanism for managing applied research in Tehran Urban Management System. The specific mission of this structure is developing “policy capacity” and “institutional capacity”.

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The hierarchal structures in organizations and unfamiliarity with the network relations governing the management of urban contexts have resulted in the lack of organizational cooperation and coordination in the field of management of such contexts. consequently, numerous problems have occurred in the renewal of urban contexts. On the other hand, the in the recent years, the government has highlighted the necessity of participatory management founding Urban Regeneration Commission. The historical context of Gorgan is one of the Iran`s valuable contexts which like its other predecessors in other cities has suffered from numerous problems that its solution needs to inter-organizational cooperation. However, numerous organizations with different administrative structures are involved in this field.Therefore, this study is an attempt to analyze the participatory structure of organizational network responsible for the renewal of historical context of Gorgan. The main goal of this paper is the analysis of organizational network in relation with participatory management of urban renaissance in the historical context of Gorgan. On this account, the study is seeking for identification of network features, interpretation of participatory structure and analysis of actors in this field. The main question of study is What are the features of the participatory structure of the organizational network used for the renewal of historical context of Gorgan.To answer this question, the study used descriptive- interpretative strategy in pragmatism paradigm of research. Data gathered through semi-structured interviews and then analysed by social network analysis method based on the data of inter-organizational relations.The results of the study indicates that despite government's endeavor for founding Urban Regeneration Commission and its effects on renaissance network, the renaissance network of the historical context of Gorgan is still governed by a hierarchical structure and based on the central governance pattern, in which mentioned and referred in previous researchs.Moreover, the research findings indicated that the inter-organizational relation could be deemed as coordination, which is formed due to the short-term relations for organizational coordination and data sharing. Considering the features of network participatory structure, the study has classified the network actors into three groups of active agents, potential agents, and indifferent agents.

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Statements of problem: Given the rapid changes in architecture, promoting the quality of life cannot necessarily respond to human needs. Residents of modern buildings are often dissatisfied with their living spaces; despite the development of facilities, modern buildings are not more beautiful and human-oriented than the past buildings. Architecture has been almost declined to a shelter or a demonstration of individual styles and moved away from its true status. This article tries to find out why residents of modern buildings are usually dissatisfied with their living spaces and why they have lost their natural and emotional reactions to their habitation. This article aims to define a new pattern for a contemporary house using shape grammar based on the essence of architecture of Qajar houses.Given the physical and semantic features of Qajar houses in Tehran and Tabriz, this article proposes a model for today’s houses. Hence the following objectives are addressed: • How to explain the new pattern using shape grammar• How to create sub-shapes in Qajar houses in Tabriz and Tehran• Understanding the meaning implied in various shapes of Qajar houses in Tabriz and Tehran Research method: Based on qualitative methods, this study employs shape grammar for data analysis. The shape grammar is a manufacturing system leading to a design based on a collection of shape-rules and operates by this algorithm. An algorithm is a process which has outputs derived from instructions or rules that run on a set of data. These rules are identified through phenomenological interpretation of the Qajar houses using Max Van Manen’s method. In this article, the phenomenological inquiry is based on the experience of living in 4 Qajar houses. Outputs are also newly created patterns.Conclusion: In the process of shape grammar, the data of 4 houses is analyzed. Sub-shapes are derived based on the location of spaces in these houses; the shape-rules are defined by Van Manen’s phenomenological method. The rules are made through interpretation of in-depth interviews with people who have experienced living in selected houses. Ultimately, “the link with environment, happiness and relaxation” and “separation from everyday life” are main concepts reflected in spaces such as Eyvan (semi-closed space), basement, landscape, Hashti (entrance to each building and spaces) and Shahneshin (a room usually twice as high as other rooms in the house).In fact, these spaces are the rules of shape grammar and the algorithmic process results in new patterns in the tree decision.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Statement of the problem: The components of the historical core of Tehran used to be integrated and united in the past; that is to say despite the plurality of the constituents of Tehran, its original form was featured with unique identity and integrity.Dramatic and fast growth in Tehran city has caused acute problems whose roots are different socio-economic - political and cultural issues.Such problems have reinforced a negative image of the city.The coherent image of the city in the past included the mass of constructions, buildings, roads (open and covered paths) and open spaces (fields and squares). The disunity or disintegration among the urban components has been caused by two factors: a) Rapid development of the city without considering the rules of historical zones and b) the production of massive and irrational architecture. Currently, the concept of the city has undergone serious changes in terms of social relations and values.The problem is that the historical context of Tehran has seen such a drastic change despite the effort of urban organizations.Fifteen Khordad Avenue, between Cirus and Galobandak crossroads, is one of the most important historical axes in Tehran.Purpose: This axis used to link the government with people in the past and was a platform for social interactions in Tehran.It has been Takiyeh Dowlat that has already changed its historical identity.This research attempts to investigate how historical identity of Takiyeh Dowlat as the center of social interactions of Tehran city can be revived.Method: The research method in the available studies is analytical-descriptive. The present study is applied-developmental in nature. This historical area of the city was analyzed and to identify the factors promoting the relationship between the city and the citizen while maintaining the sustainability and historical authenticity of the urban open space..Conclusion: This research aims to compare the historical open space of Tekyieh Dowlat with the only painting which has been remained from this building. Based on the field and analytical analysis, the study concludes that by revitalizing values through Tekyieh Dowlat, the lost originality and historical identity of this urban area would certainly be reconstructed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The truth comes from a single source, and it has spread in all levels of the universe. The essence and divine truth are of tradition and wisdom does not deny the truth of holiness.One of the old artistic traditions that has been the product of almost eleven centuries of gradual development of Shiite’s ceremonial mourning is coffee-house painting, which was found in fourteenth century.What has given originality to these artworks is the inner feature of them according to which, the artist, in a figurative form, has revealed by code and allegory. What has been problem here, is based on the idea of an ideologist, in Ananda Coomaraswamy1 the content of the definition and function of traditional art with this work, there is a ratio between the painting of a coffee-house with a divine truth or the same examples, that artist also created a virtuous activity based on rational activity.Aims: This paper intends to determine the divine truth of the artwork based on Ananda Coomaraswamy’s ideas and to indicate its relation to the coffee-house painting, as a traditional art.Research methodology: he research methodology in this paper is of a theoretical and qualitative nature, and the data collection is done based on a documentary study. In this regard, two instances of the coffee-house painting, were randomly selected, and the concept of the divine truth and its relation to the above artworks were explained based on Coomaraswamy’s point of view.Conclusion: Divine Truth is the same as heavenly source whose memory conjures upof the immortal representative image. Coomaraswamy considers art as the embodiment of a pre-conceived form in material form that, firstly, perceives the stage of liberation (observing the perception of the immortal truth) and then, dedicating a physical body to the idea, seeks for the stage of captivation.Based on Coomaraswamy’s ideas, the coffee-house painting is a manifestation of the Divine Truth and of those images that the artist creates based on his rational activity and also devotional activity.What makes these works authentic is their inner meaning and the truth the artist has expressed in a symbolic and allegorical manner through physical form. A coffee-house painting is not a crafting skill and art but is based on knowledge and rules whose source of inspiration, methods, and origins transcend the limits of the individual and independent human mind and the artist is merely a channel of mercy motivated by the spiritual universe.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The ideal city (utopia) is a symbol of an idealized reality with no fault. It can also represent an unachievable reality. What Fereydoun Moshiri depicted as an ideal city includes a city with features such as considering humanistic dimensions, equity, tenderness and love among all human beings. The idealistic elements of Sepehri’s poems can be also considered as a mystical and romantic approach. In his magnificent collection of poems named Hasht Ketab, Sepehri has pointed out some architectural elements such as house, portal, room, mosque and etc. and also some materials such as stones, flowers, clay and so on to interpret utopia in his own way.Research objectives: The research attempts to discuss the concepts of utopia and dystopia from contemporary poet’s perspectives in both Sohrab Sepehri and Fereydoun Moshiri’s works.Discussion: In this research, we have tried to analyze Hasht Ketab of Sohrab and Fereydoun Moshiri’s works to interpret the effectiveness of contemporary poetry and its components on the society, and also to depict a clear picture of these two poets’ idealism. The research first studies its background and then defines the utopia and examines the ideal city from great contemporary Iranian poets’ perspective, as well as the ideal and artistic elements in the poems.Research methodology: A library research method and analyzing the content based on library studying is used in this paper.

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