The truth comes from a single source, and it has spread in all levels of the universe. The essence and divine truth are of tradition and wisdom does not deny the truth of holiness.One of the old artistic traditions that has been the product of almost eleven centuries of gradual development of Shiite’s ceremonial mourning is coffee-house painting, which was found in fourteenth century.What has given originality to these artworks is the inner feature of them according to which, the artist, in a figurative form, has revealed by code and allegory. What has been problem here, is based on the idea of an ideologist, in Ananda Coomaraswamy1 the content of the definition and function of traditional art with this work, there is a ratio between the painting of a coffee-house with a divine truth or the same examples, that artist also created a virtuous activity based on rational activity.Aims: This paper intends to determine the divine truth of the artwork based on Ananda Coomaraswamy’s ideas and to indicate its relation to the coffee-house painting, as a traditional art.Research methodology: he research methodology in this paper is of a theoretical and qualitative nature, and the data collection is done based on a documentary study. In this regard, two instances of the coffee-house painting, were randomly selected, and the concept of the divine truth and its relation to the above artworks were explained based on Coomaraswamy’s point of view.Conclusion: Divine Truth is the same as heavenly source whose memory conjures upof the immortal representative image. Coomaraswamy considers art as the embodiment of a pre-conceived form in material form that, firstly, perceives the stage of liberation (observing the perception of the immortal truth) and then, dedicating a physical body to the idea, seeks for the stage of captivation.Based on Coomaraswamy’s ideas, the coffee-house painting is a manifestation of the Divine Truth and of those images that the artist creates based on his rational activity and also devotional activity.What makes these works authentic is their inner meaning and the truth the artist has expressed in a symbolic and allegorical manner through physical form. A coffee-house painting is not a crafting skill and art but is based on knowledge and rules whose source of inspiration, methods, and origins transcend the limits of the individual and independent human mind and the artist is merely a channel of mercy motivated by the spiritual universe.