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Natural deterioration is only one of the identified threats to historic properties. There is abroader range of threats including natural and climatic effects and also human activities. The human acts are not limited to such anti-social behaviors that in behavioral sociology areknown as vandalism; they also include culturally approved acts such as cultural rituals, etc. that are truly valued by their entire society. Sometimes these cultural acts could directly orindirectly cause damages to historic properties. This raises an important dilemma vis-à-visto the preservation of cultural heritage and its tangible and intangible values: What shouldwe preserve, the cultural property or the cultural practice? How is it possible to preventdamages to historic properties, but also to be able to preserve cultural practices that areessential characters to Cultural Landscape richness? In the preservation of cultural heritage, and more particularly those subjects related to the cultural landscape, understanding theintegrity of the historic property and its related cultural beliefs support its success andauthenticity. This paper considers three such kinds of cultural behaviors from the wide variety of Iran’ scultural geography and analyzes their psychological, social and traditional aspects in orderto examine the possibility of multi-preservation methods for these difficult cases.

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Issue statement: The Sphinx is one of the types of composite creature’ s motif that theancient man created it with his own mind and imagination and developed it with differentconcepts and appearances during different historical periods. This motif had also appearedin Iran and were used in ancient and Islamic times. Despite the use and significance of theSphinx in Iranian historical periods, this motif has been less studied and is still consideredto be ambiguous. Therefore, in this research, the Sphinx has been studied as widely usedmotif in two historical periods of Iran, the Achaemenid in ancient era and the Seljukin Islamic era. Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the differences andsimilarities of the Sphinx in the Achaemenid period and the Seljuk period. Research Methodology: The images of the Sphinx during the Achaemenid period and theSeljuk period and its related concepts were searched and based on descriptive method, the characteristics of each were described in the tables separately and the most importantstructural features of motifs were identified. Then, with an analytical approach, the possiblereasons and sources of their application have been discussed and analyzed. In addition, from a visual perspective, they were examined and finally matched together. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the similarities and distinctions of theSphinx in these two historical periods. In general, it can be said that in the most cases, Achaemenid art and Seljuk art, the Sphinx in terms of structural features are different andin terms of concepts and functional role have many similarities. In the visual examination, it was also found that both of them are similar in terms of composition, rhythm, and typeof script. The Sphinx in the Achaemenid period symbolizes the sun, the power of thekingdom, the protector of the tree of life and palace guardian, the prayers on both sides ofthe tree of life. In the Seljuk period, it is the symbol of the sun, blessing, mystical aspects, constellations, magic, palace guardian, the protector of the tree of life, and the prayers onboth sides of the tree of life.

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Statement of Problem: According to existing statistics, there are more than four thousanddescendants of Shia Imams in Iran as the major hub of Shiism. During Islamic era in Iran, anumber of magnificent mausoleums were constructed for these respected descendants of ShiaImams which have given rise to a special style within Iranian architecture after the mosques. It isnoteworthy that in many of the mausoleums of descendants of Shia Imams their basic influenceon the process of formation, identity and expansion of many of Iranian cities in the Islamic era. Therefore, according to the fundamental and ideological importance of the holy shrines in Iran, it is important to perform explorations and researches in various aspects regarding the origin andthe genesis and the formation foundations and development of them so that the architects canbe provided with a better recognition thereby to copy their models and patterns. Of course, it isworth mentioning that, besides the Shiite holy shrines, there are many other mausoleums in Iran’ sSunni-dwelling regions constructed with the same patterns that belong to the assistors of theprophet (may Allah bestow him and his sacred progeny with the best of His regards), Rashedincaliphs and Sunni Scholars. Study Objectives: the present study aims at investigating the importance and the position ofarchitectural basics of the honorable holy shrines in Shiite denomination that can open a novelorifice to discussions on Iranian-Islamic architecture and, in fact, the main objective of thestudy is acquiring the architectural principles and basics of the holy shrines and figuring out andrecognizing the quality of their commonalities in conceptual and objective forms and, eventually, using these principles as theoretical foundations in the contemporary memorial holy shrinearchitecture. Study Method: the present study has been carried out based on an analytical-descriptive methodand utilizes qualitative research style to analyze the content and finally infer and express thegeneral principles. The information has been collected through library research and referring toauthentic historical documents as well as via field studies. To do so, the historical backgroundand the theoretical basics of the topic have been seminally investigated. In a second stage, fiveexamples of the prominent architectural styles belonging to various eras have been selected andthe geometry and the constituent elements, spatial position, naturalism and decorations thereinhave been evaluated and analyzed. Study Results: in the end, the study findings revealed many considerable points regarding theprinciples and basics of the holy shrines’ architecture and they are all indicative of the idea thatdespite their being built in various eras and making use of different forms and inscriptions andeven varying functional roles, these holy shrines feature common and identical principles suchas naturalism, symbolism, introversion, similar vernacular masonry, geometry, regular polygons, use of sacred religious symbols and elements like four-dome roofs as well as the collective spacefunctioning.

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The constructions of the building professional body has been a main research subjectin recent two decades. In Iran, the construction industry is mostly based on anoverwhelming pattern of mutual design practices where the majority of expert personalsare design and construction technicians. But these human forces have always beenmarginalized within research discourse as well as the educational context of architecture. The study aims at clarifying the occupational position of draftspersons and constructiontechnicians and their impact on architectural designs. The first part of the article, proposes aconceptual framework for studying status of architectural technicians from antiquity to presentcomparing Iran and the west. For the second part, a logical analysis of official documents isused to produce a general model of the subject. The ethnographical strategy is chosen for thethird part of the research where middle-range forces of the small design practices of Qom arestudied (using deep observation, deep interview, and objective questionnaire technics) to becompared with findings of previous studies and make conclusions. The results of this studyshow that draftsman place in its historical evolution has experienced a vast change from anexpertise-based hierarchy towards societal hierarchy. The all models of the varieties of occupationpatterns of building technicians around the world are summed up in four conceptual models. The difference of the models falls into directness or indirectness of the mediatory role of thetechnician between architectural designer and other human figures in design decision making(clients, law agents, other engineers of building and operational forces). For Iranian small designpractices, official duties, integration with clients and designing of some small projects are threecommon roles of the technician that are not within their official defined education as well asprofessional place. This fact invites to a review of their education an occupational pattern.

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The relationship between man and architecture is usually assessed using behavioralscience. However, this research intended to study architecture as a cognitive componentusing 4E cognition. This is different from the effect of environment on cognition whichis often theorized as externalism within frameworks such as environmental psychology. This approach introduces architecture as an essential part of the mind and cognition. The main research question was: how does architecture act as the causative componentof cognition? The main purpose of this study was to provide a new understanding of thenature of architecture and consequently, a new discourse to be established with architecture, particularly in the case of interactive and adaptive architectures which practically act as anextension of the body (prosthesis). At the strategic level, the research method was logicalargumentation which, at the level of measures, based the analysis of architecture, as theextensive mind, on Merleau-Ponty’ s phenomenology of embodiment, as the external logicof the argument. This study answered the research question by proving the essential roleof metaphor in embodied cognition and consciousness and then, the role of architecturein generating primary and mixed metaphors. Therefore, here, metaphor is not considereda literary device but the foundation of abstract concepts and is strongly dependent on thecharacteristics of the body of the agent and the function of the body within the environment. The results of this study showed that architecture, as a body, acts as part of the extendedmind or as an Exogram and architecture, as space, is the creator, weight-giver, and changerof primary metaphors by means of our sensory-motor behaviors and thus acts as an extensiveand integrated mind.

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آثار تاریخی، به جز این که تحت تأثیرِ روندِ طبیعی افول و زوال قرار دارند، در برخی موارد به طورِ کامل، قابل کنترل نیستند، همواره توسط عوامل متعدد دیگر نیز مورد تهدید و در معرض خطر هستند. از عوامل شناخته شدة طبیعی و اقلیمی گرفته تا برخی رفتارهای انسانی. می توان گذشته از کنش های اجتماعی روانی که در مطالعات رفتارشناسی اجتماعی (جامعه-شناسی رفتاری) از آنها به عنوان وندالیسم یاد می کنند، پاره ای از رفتارهای انسانی خاص را مشاهده کرد که دارای ابعاد قابل بررسی و مهم در حوزة فرهنگ هستند و به شکلی بسیار مهم و کاملاً قابل بررسی، ریشه در باورهای فرهنگی و بومی مناطق مختلف دارند و به گونه ای عمیق مثل هر اعتقاد و باوری دیگر، برای ساکنان یک منطقه و باورمندان به آن دارای ارزش محسوب می شوند. گاهی از اوقات، این گونه باورهای فرهنگی و رفتارهای ناشی و متأثر از آن، به صورت مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم به تخریب آثار فرهنگی تاریخی منجر می شوند. در حوزة حفاظت از ارزش ها و مواریث فرهنگی (ملموس و ناملموس)، پرسش مهم آن است که کدام موضوع دارای اهمیت بیشتر است؟ به تعبیر دیگر؛ در نگهداشت کدام موضوع باید کوشش بیشتر کرد. اثرِ فرهنگی یا رفتارِ فرهنگی؟ و آیا می توان به صورت توأمان از تخریب آثار جلوگیری کرد و هم یک رفتارِفرهنگی را که اساسِ تعریف و غنا در منظرِفرهنگی است حفظ کرد؟ درکِ این موضوع که در حفاظت از مفهوم میراث فرهنگی به ویژه مفاهیم در ارتباط با منظرِفرهنگی، پیوستی غیرقابل انکار میان عناصر و آثار تاریخی و فرهنگی و باورها و رفتارهای متأثر از آن وجود دارد، می-تواند در فهم، تحلیل، معرفی آثار مؤثر واقع شود و در حیطة حفاظت، رفتاری مطمئن تر و اصیل تری را موجب شود. با این نگاه پژوهش حاضر، سه نمونه از این رفتارها را در چند حوزة کاملاً متفاوت از جغرافیای فرهنگیِ بزرگ و متنوعِ ایران مورد بررسی قرار داده است و با تشریحِ جنبه های فرهنگی، روانی و اجتماعی این گونه رفتارها، کوشش نموده با تحلیلِ چنین رفتاری، امکان حفاظت از موضوعات و مفاهیم مورد اشاره را بررسی کند.

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باغ نظر

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یان مسئله: اسفنکس از انواع نقوش جانوران ترکیبی است که انسان پیشین آن را با ذهن و تخیل خودش آفرید و در طی ادوار مختلف تاریخی، با مفاهیم و ظواهر متفاوت پرورش داد. این نقش در ایران هم نمود پیدا کرد و در دوران باستانی و اسلامی مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. با وجود کاربرد و اهمیت اسفنکس در دوره های تاریخی ایران، این نقش کمتر مورد بررسی و قیاس قرار گرفته و کماکان با نقاط مبهمی روبروست. لذا در این تحقیق به بررسی نقش اسفنکس به عنوان نقشی پرکاربرد در دو دوره تاریخی ایران، هخامنشیان در دوران باستانی و سلجوقیان در دوران اسلامی پرداخته شده است. هدف: هدف از این پژوهش، یافتن تفاوت ها و شباهت های مابین نقش اسفنکس در دو دوره هخامنشی و سلجوقی با رویکردی تطبیقی است. روش پژوهش: در راستای دستیابی به هدف، تصاویر اسفنکس ها در دوره هخامنشی و سلجوقی و مفاهیم مرتبط با آن، جستجو و با تکیه بر روش توصیفی به توصیف مشخصات هر یک در جداولی جداگانه پرداخته، مهم ترین ویژگی های ساختاری نقوش، مشخص شد و با رویکرد تحلیلی دلایل و منابع احتمالی کاربرد آنها مورد بحث و تحلیل قرار داده شده است. علاوه بر این، از منظر بصری آنها را مورد بررسی قرار داده و در انتها با یکدیگر تطبیق داده شدند. نتیجه گیری: نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش نمایانگر وجوه اشتراک و افتراق نقش اسفنکس در این دو دوره است. به طور کلی می توان گفت در اغلب موارد، نقش اسفنکس در دو هنر هخامنشیان و سلجوقیان از لحاظ ویژگی های ساختاری متفاوتند ولی از لحاظ مفاهیم و نقش کاربردی آن با یکدیگر نقاط اشتراک زیادی دارند. در بررسی بصری نیز مشخص شد که هر دوی آنها از منظر ترکیب بندی، ریتم و نوع خط به یکدیگر شباهت دارند. این نقش در دوره هخامنشی نماد خورشید، قدرت شاهنشاهی، محافظ درخت زندگی و نگهبان کاخ بوده، در دو طرف درخت مقدس با مفهوم نیایش در ارتباط بوده و در دوره سلجوقی، نماد خورشید، برکت، وجوه عرفانی، صور فلکی، سحر و جادو، نگهبان قصر، محافظ درخت زندگی، و در دو طرف درخت زندگی با مفهوم نیایش مرتبط است.

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Problem statement: Among the various branches of architecture, the monuments of thetomb have a special place; therefore, the tombs after the mosques are the most commonbuilding in Iran and have rooted in the context and culture of Iran. The tomb’ s health ofa large number of Characters, especially scholars and mystics are unknown, and even inmany cases, the date of death and the place of death has not been considered. The Harmonybuilding in the Old Town of Toos is one of the buildings where there is a lot of ambiguityabout the exact operation and construction history. Purpose and method of the research: The main topic in this article is the elimination ofthese ambiguities and the recognition of the Harmony building, by reviewing written andnon-textual sources (library-documentary and field) and comparative study and comparingit with other similar and contemporary works. The type of research in this article isdescriptive-analytic and historical content. The Result of the Research: based on what has previously been mentioned, it can beconcluded that Haroonia is a building that was built in the 8th century AD and duringthe rule of the Shi’ ite ruler of Sarbadā rs dynasty, in order to burial one of the ancientsand dervishes of this dynasty. Political conflicts and power struggles and the early fall ofSarbadā rs in the eighth century AH led to the unfinished construction, and after some time, its historical and religious signs were destroyed by subsequent governments, and it wasrecognized in Haroonia without any historical backing.

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