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The study has intended to research security threats by the Salafi Jihad group Da`esh on resistance pivot and national security of IRI. The question intended to answer is as follows: what threats may be caused by the Salafi and Jihadi group of Da`esh with anti Shi`ite beliefs on the resistant pivot and security of IRI? It is hypothesized that the group`s threats be at different political, security, military, economic and social levels, and presence of the group as threat against Shiite geopolitic will do considerable damage to reputation of Islam, weaken resistance pivot, change the blance of power beneficial for Zionist occupying Regime, conservative Arabs and development of USA`s power and presence under the pretext of fighting against Da`esh to surround IRI at Shiite geopolitic. The paper, using Kopenhagen School, has studied the problem analytico-descriptively with library-based information.

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The discourse of political Islam has been regarded as an interpretation of Islam that has become predominant in challenge with competents` discources since the establishment of IRI and emphasized on Islamic comprehensive and maximum role-creating in human life. This discourse, relying on Islamic identity, has limited and defined its border of identity with other competent sub-discourses. In this way, Islamic discource has considered the identities of nationality, race and world as being under the essential identity of Islamism. This study, using the theory of discourse and analytico-documentive method has intended to response the question: what threatening agents may be found against the identity of political discourse of Islam in contemporary Iran? Identity management and policy-making to oppose the challenges of the discourse of political Islam make it necessary to recognize national, reginal and worldly challenges exactly, the fact studied positively and negatively in this research.

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This paper studies psychological aspects of Rezashah`s autocracy. The hypothesis of the study has been considered as: all Rezashah`s oppressive measures have been originally caused by some psychologogical problems and agents accompanying him from his birth. Therefore, using Adler-Sperner methodological framework, in the process of personality-formation, the two agents of family and society have outweighed other possible ones. If parents, educational system and society do not prepare the ground for the growth of children`s personality, they would be qualified with such states as fear, inferiority and lack of security. Regarding the fact in Rezashah`s life, the effects of his being exposed to many cases of inferiorities and troubles may be clearly seen in such cases of contradiction as fear, phobia, tyranny and violences current in political, social, economic, milltary and, particularly, in their most closed officials and friends during his kingdom.

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USA model of behavior toward IRI has been based on hostility. The model being applied during the years since establishment of IRI in the form of multi-aspect approachs and policies in political, security, military, economic and cultural fields has been failed. Therefore, USA returned to the strategy of penetration. Though this strategy has been always at hand, after the nuclear payment between IRI and 5+1USA became hopeful to use the strategy. The importance of this strategy for USA is to such an extent that the great leader of revolution in his speches after the payment has emphasized it frequently. The paper has been intended to present an analytico-descriptive explanation of the strategy and its effect on IRI national security.

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Following the fall of Ba`th regime in April of 2003, Iraq arrived at new period and experienced vast changes. The changes, in addition to national ones, was accompanied with many reginal effects also. In national field, various political parties and groups from different Iraqi races played their part in the political field. The Shiites, Sunnis and Kords were three ethno-religious main groups with different tendencies that play their parts in the field of the quarrel between power and politics. In the new period, Iraqi Shiites arrived at new stage of their political and organizational life with a very considerable position in comparison to others. The paper has studied the position.

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Elyasi Morteza

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By Divine sovereignty is meant that the main ruler is God and Divine laws and rules. It is manifested in the whole of IRI constitution as manifested in Islamic fiqh, particularly in Shiite fiqh. There may not be, therefore, found any disagreement between fiqh and the content of IRI constitution in the field. In the constitution, Divine idealism has been regarded as the origin of sovereignty, the fact that has caused its content to be known as Islamic. Again, the constitution has proposed the sovereignty and supervision of a faqih of necessary conditions and executor of Divine laws. It has accepted the nation`s vote, control and council as objective realization of Divine sovereignty. It, finally, emphasizes on unchangeability of the contents preparing Islamic state of the system and introduces its laws and regulations as bing necessarily based upon Islamic teachings and beliefs; the fact preparing Divine sovereignty.

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The reflection of Islamic Revolution in different societies is clear, needless of any reason and a little consideration in different societies make us aware of the fact. So various views have been presented on the effect of Islamic Revolution in other societies; yet, as they are founded on the Western thought, disagree with Islamic ontology and may not be known comprehensive, the paper has viewed them critically. The suggestion of the paper lies in the light system of Shaykh IAshraq. Such being the case, the paper has tried to study the system caused by Islamic Revolution in Iran ant its similarities to the particularities of light in the philosopher`s ontology. On this basis, the reflection of Islamic Revolution has been explained as a theory. Then, two particularities of the Revolution including its states of being religious and anti cruel have been qualified. Finally, such states as all-embracing, dynamic, not being embedded in a definite place or time are counted as common properties of light and the Revolution.

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Following the the establishment of IRI, dominance of political Islam and its effect on Pakistan society and regarding weakness of Islamabad state in controlling the extremists`s activities and its involvement in national disputes, the ground for Wahhabi and anti Shiism thought to be fostered increasingly. In this way, Salafi extremist`s groups were organized to oppose Islamic Revolution and its effect in Pakistan society. One may ask: what may be counted as the origin of etremists` threatening activities against IR? As viewed in the paper, the attempts made by the groups for attaing a common extreme identity on the basis of other-making has led to an intense in making opposite identity agains IR. In the paper, the powerful effect of IR on extremists` reaction in Pakistan society has been studied at first and then, the effects of such agents as poverty, political instability, religious education and reginal events on the growth and development of extremism in Pakistan have been explained. Finally, the extremists`movements and threats agains IR have been described.

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Since the time Human Rights Charter sanctioned in The United Nations in 1945, Western countries have attempted much to extend, explain and put it into action. However, rejecting what the Western called human rights, their actions in supporting it and their trueness in claims, Ayatullah Khamne’ i refers to some breeches of the sanctions in Iran, both before and after the Islamic Revolution, in Islamic countries, Europe and USA. The United Nations has added such trumped up charges as issuing the revolution, fundamentalism, anti democracy republic, reactionism, lack of free elections, supporting terrorism, fanaticism, mental rigidity, opposing peace, war seeking, supporting Islamic movements, developing arm-making, trying to build nuclear and chemical weapons to what in the past to make the ground ready for international offices in issuing numerous sanctions agains IRI to press on IRI.

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In the paper, the how of Salafism appearance and development in Syria has been studied. In the study, Wendt`s social structure given in his constructive approach has been applied. On the basis of this approach, the three constructions related to immaterial agents, material agents and interests of Syria have been studied. In this way, therefore, the ground would be ready to assess the goal of immaterial agents and identity agents, physical environment and players` type of perceiving it as well as the four sources including ontological security, material security, development and consciousness in appearance and growth of Syrian crisis with regard to Salafist groups. In the paper, it has been hypothesized that pure material or immaterial agents may not be counted as agent for Syrian crisis and growth of Salafism there. The question of the study, therefore, follows as: constructivistly viewed, how has social construction of Syria and middle east been a cause for appearance and development of salafism in this country? The method of the study is analytico-descriptive.

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