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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This article is aimed at surveying education from the postmodern viewpoint based on Henry Giroux's ideas. Postmodern education has been derived from postmodern theory, a reflection of postmodern views on general education. Henry Giroux, born in 1943, is a postmodern educational theoretician. He has proposed cross-border education, a combination of postmodernism critical thinking, feminism & re-conceptualistic curriculum. Cross-border education is a criticism of traditional education which is based on modern techings specially of Tylorian logic. Giroux believes that education has a political trend by its nature, hence schools must be viewed as the public democratic territory in which critical education must result in critical citizenship. In Giroux's education, much emphasis has been put on differences among minority group, woman, & racial minorities. According to Giroux teachers as intellectuals are social reformists with no authority who criticize general education. This is the case because educational texts are not sacred texts & schoole must try to initiate a language of possibility to create new froms of knowledge. Emphasis on multifarious ideas in classrooms, authority-centered texts, radical democracy & hidden curriculum are some other Giroux's ideas. He asserts that using cultural studies as an integrative course of study in order to enrich critical education & re-identify power-knowledge couple in current education.

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The aim of this research is specifying the effects of cultural products of different Iranian networks on Iranian women’s cultural pathology from the viewpoint of female students of Azad Islamic University of khorasgan in 2006-7. Research questions considered place, quality and presentation models of factors such as spouse selection, familial relationships specially among couples, emergence of violences against women, tendency to luxury, fashion and make up and expantion of female participations to social & economical affairs in TV cultural products. The research method was descriptive-survey. By using krejci and Morgen tables sample voulume determined 380 person number of samples were specific & they chosed randomly according to portional model. Research tool was a quastionnair involved two sections in demographic and veribales 49, close ended and one open ended questions that used 5 point likert scale. chronoboch’s Alpha coefficient was 0.94. Analyzing was done in descriptive and inferential levels. In statistical description abundance, percentage, diagram and average, and in inferential leve, l univeriable T-test, hoteling t2, analyzing of variance, tuky test and regression were used. Results showed that cultural TV products have more than average influence about all scours: spouse selection 3.56 average familial relations 3.56 average, tendency to luxury, fashion and make up 3.97 average, violence against women 3.74 and social economical participation of women 3.97 average. According to demographic features there are differents responses from p£0.01 according to age, course, marriage state and job in effectivenss of cultural products to women cultural damages Maximum average of effectiveness belongs to luxury, fashion and make up tendency (3.97) and Minimum average belong to marriage and familial relationships (3.56).

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Instrumentation and method: This research is a causal-comparative and a semi empirical research which was done in order to investigate relative effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral trainings of self-esteem on social adjustment of male juniors of high school. For this purpose a sample of 40 students has been selected by the multi-phase clustral random method and randomly divided to two groups (control group and test group) of 20 subject. Then, experimental group participated in the cognitive-behavior self-esteem training session and but control group continued their natural educational course. Both groups were tested in three phases of pre-test (before the first session), middle test (1th session) and post-test (5th session) with the use of Alice pep's self esteem scale and California social adjustment scale. The results of research indicated the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral trainings on students social adjustment and self esteem. But there was not any significant correlation between demographic specifications of subject tests with their social adjustment and self esteem. In other words, self-esteem training does not have any effect by taking into account individual characteristic.

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The purpose of this research is to determine the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, threats and strategies of Anar Islamic Azad university by using the SWOT analysis model. For this purpose the process of internal evaluation and survey research method was used, and the information was gathered by a questionnaire and research among 219 people of senior managers, scientific board, students, employees and political officials of the university and the city by using a complete census procedures and random classified sampling. The results of internal factors matrix analysis (2.05) showed that the university faced many weaknesses in the dimensions of educational, research, cultural, developing, official and students affairs. Also, analysis of external factors matrix (3.09) showed that the most important chances are technological, social, cultural and involvement milt post education on virtual courses and the most important threats are economical and developing high education centers in the area. According to the analysis of the organization position, nine strategies were compiled for facing the weaknesses and threats and strengths and opportunities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present research is about the validity and reliability of achievement motivation test among Guilan's high school students. For this purpose, 1530 studentsin Guilan's high school were selected through multi-stage, cluster sampling and were examined by the Hermen's achievement motivation test. The main purpose of this research is to determine validity and reliability, and to study achievement motivation saturation from a total factor. The present research is a descriptive one, and its data compilation instruments are Herment's achievement motivation test and questionnaire.In addition to descriptive statistics such as average, frequency, and standard deviation, and inferential statistics such as factor analysis, Koronbakh's "a coefficient" has also been used for the examination of the questionnaire reliability. Data analysis results indicated that questionnaire reliability coefficient increases 0.80 with Koronbakh"a" method in a 40-question collection and 0.84 in a 34-question collection.Data factor analysis indicated that Hermen's questionnaire was totally saturated from 4 total factors such as self-esteem, stability (perseverance), job selection, futurism, and hard working. These factors determine 04027 of tolal dispersion. Also, questions number 10, 20, 23, 24, 29, 35, have little correlation with other questions, and were omitted from total questions, and the reliability coefficient increases only by omitting the above 6 questions.

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In order to study the effect of time management on student's academic achievement, 4450 people were selected based on Jerjsi & Morgan diagrams, their sex and field of study. 345 people were selected by classified sampling and responding to Britton and Tesser (1999) questionnaire, which had three main dimensions, namely, 1. Long-term planning, 2. Short-term planning and 3. Time information, which were analyzed using methods of statistical correlation, independent T and variance. Finally, the following data emerged. The result, of the correlation test showed that there is a meaningful relation between short-term planning and time value in academic achievement. However, there is no meaningful relationship between long-term planning and academic achievement. Moreover, there was no difference in the accuracy of time management between the boys and girls.The result's of the analysis of variance of the students' age, term and field of study with time management showed that there is a meaningful relation between age and fields of study of students with time management, but the difference between various terms of students and time management was not observed.

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This research addresses disciplinary problems of elementary school girls from educational, behavioral and regulatory aspects and guidelines for solving and decreasing these problems from the managers and teachers' points of view in Shahreza. All the 50 managers participated in this research. 179 teachers were selected randomly as samples. Research measurement aomprised two groups of questions pertaining to disciplinary problems with. 93 reliability coeficient and disciplinary problems resolution guidelines with. 86 reliability coeficient. The results showed that the amount of disciplinary problems of students were below the average level in educational, behavioral and regulatory respects. In some categores such as "lack of attention to the teacher", "lack of planning for doing homework", "asking unseasonable and irrelavant questions", in educatioal respects and "frequent and unreasonable complaints about each other", "unreasonable and high expectations", "jealosy toward classmates", and "aggression" in behavioral dimension were higher than on the average level. With respect to the recommended guidelines by the managers and teachers "consultation between managers and teachers for problem solving", "oral private hints", "students family training sessions", "students' individualistic counseling", "encouragement and reward giving in order to solve the problems", "delegation of responsibilities to students", "finding the etiology of problems before doiny any thins" were among the recommended guidelines with the highest means respectively.

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AIDS, one of the most dangerous contagious diseases, has currently affected many people unfortunately, %90 of them are from developing countries. Considering the outbreak of AIDS mostly in the young and the declaration of the public assembly of the UN, for achieving a %25 decrease in its outbreak by 2010, this study aims at investigating the student's degree of awareness and attitude in Toyserkan Azad University on AIDS and influential factors on it. The students were selected thorough rank sampling and were studied by field-finding method. The means of data collection was questionnaire consisting of closed-answer questions. The distribution and data were described and the data analysis was conducted using T-test, Regression-Analysis, and one-way Variance-Analysis. The results show the positive relationship between awareness and the type of attitude, meaningful relationship between gender, field of study, semester and the degree of awareness, and the meaningful relationship between field of study and the attitude toward AIDS. Based on the findings of the present study, it is recommended that they enrich instruction on the AIDS in the universities and inform the students aiming at changing the type of attitude and plan and perform programs that improve the hygiene related to AIDS, and especially present its outbreak. 

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