The present research is about the validity and reliability of achievement motivation test among Guilan's high school students. For this purpose, 1530 studentsin Guilan's high school were selected through multi-stage, cluster sampling and were examined by the Hermen's achievement motivation test. The main purpose of this research is to determine validity and reliability, and to study achievement motivation saturation from a total factor. The present research is a descriptive one, and its data compilation instruments are Herment's achievement motivation test and questionnaire.In addition to descriptive statistics such as average, frequency, and standard deviation, and inferential statistics such as factor analysis, Koronbakh's "a coefficient" has also been used for the examination of the questionnaire reliability. Data analysis results indicated that questionnaire reliability coefficient increases 0.80 with Koronbakh"a" method in a 40-question collection and 0.84 in a 34-question collection.Data factor analysis indicated that Hermen's questionnaire was totally saturated from 4 total factors such as self-esteem, stability (perseverance), job selection, futurism, and hard working. These factors determine 04027 of tolal dispersion. Also, questions number 10, 20, 23, 24, 29, 35, have little correlation with other questions, and were omitted from total questions, and the reliability coefficient increases only by omitting the above 6 questions.