This paper investigates the factors affecting the reemployment of the retired under the coverage of Organization of Social security using survey research method in the city of Tehran.Inspired by the literature, it was assumed that the reemployment of the retired is associated with economic difficulties, habit to work, the value of work, identity function, three-level needs (social contact, basic needs and self-realization), lack of cultural and recreational alternatives as well as socio-economic and personal characteristics.The findings indicates that the majority of the respondents described the variables such as their own economic difficulties, loving work, the very value of work, the role of work in elevating social communications and access to cultural and recreational facilities, more significant than the variables of the role of work in increasing social esteem and self-realization. The bi-variable analysis of the data indicated that with the exception of the variables of habit to work, the sort of pre-retired job, the level of education and self-realization the rest of independent variables had statistically significant, but modest and not a notably strong, relationships with the dependant variable. Nevertheless, the analysis of the association of all dependent variables together with the independent variable, using multi-regression analysis, showed that only three variables including economic difficulties, access to recreational facilities and age indicated statistically significant relationship with the variable of reemployment. With regard to the result of the data analysis, it is argued that while the respondents underscored the role of most variables emphasized in the literature of employment, three variables revealed more significant relationship in their reemployment.