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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although studying simultaneous effects of Age, Period, and Cohort (APC) in population and health has a long history, however, Identification Problem has been one of those main obstacles in detecting three effects in Ordinary Regression Models. Introduction and application of Multilevel Models to address the Identification Problem in recent years, paved the way to precise investigation of APC effects without any need to impose some kinds of constraints into the model, the solution that mostly has been practiced in the APC literature. This paper tried to apply a Cross-Classified Multilevel APC Model to study APC variations in per capita consumption of edible oils in Iran.Investigating data from yearly cross-sections of Household Earning and Expenditure data set for 212035 Iranian households during 1984-2006, the study found that consumption of edible oils has been ever increasing since 1984, recording around 1, 62 kg/month per capita in average in 2006-157% increase comparing to 0, 620 kg/month of 1984' s. Rural settlement, families with higher per capita income, and househead's age, all are positively related to higher levels of edible oil' s consumption. A Strong period effect is evidenced on per capita consumption of edible oils during past two decades proceeding 2006, and cohort effect was not as strong as period's however.The methodology exploited in this paper could be applied for studying numerous demographic and any other outcome variables which are under the simultaneous effects of APC.Since Iran has been experiencing an ever-increasing trend in its edible oil consumption since 1984, possible health outcomes of this trend should be addressed by the policies, targeting the . population health. Observed trend in oil consumption in Iran is mush more similar to those of developing countries, experiencing demographic and nutrition transitions concurrently.

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The Relation between population and environment should be investigated in a multi disciplinary conceptual framework. This paper by emphasizing on existing aforesaid relationship and considering the concept of amenity as an environmental variable, intends to explore the connection between demographic components and amenities and the impact of amenities on people's attitude toward changing their residents.Existing literature has a good number of evidences on relationship between amenities and population movements, Economic growth, development of cities, cultural creativities, quality of life and elderly migrations.In this survey 858 citizens aged 20-64 from five selected districts in Tehran are interviewed. The questionnaire is built from 103 items, measuring 9 latent concepts of urban amenities, personal, household and residential characteristics and some items for measuring citizen' z attitude toward changing their resident as dependent variable. Findings indicate that all urban amenity values are assessed as important by respondents. Also the 9 urban amenity concepts have significant relationship with the age, sex, education, occupation, marital status and the length of residence. The results of the Logistic Regression show that 58.3 percent of variance of peoples attitude toward changing their residence could be explained by demographic and amenity variables. Besides, using Factor Analysis made it possible to show the difference in the taste of amenities between respondents.

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The main question of research is that if the symbolization and cultural phenomenon has had important role in shaping the structure and from of some historical cities in Iran.The aim of this research is regard to show the relation between myth and religious textsa bout city and urban planning in ancient era in Iran. The Historical-Interpretational method was used in this research, and the relation between variables-symbols and myths, with the structure and the shape of city-was studied. For this research, some historical and religious texts were studied and some explanations about ancient cities were considered. The most important myth about utopia and the structures of ancient cities in Iran is the myth of Vare-jamkard. The part of this myth that is about a city, is the main subject of this research. For This study, some ancient and religious books as Gasaha and Vendidad were studied. Research' s findings shows that the shape of square and circle were used in some designed cities in Pre-Islamic era. The number four was one of the sacred numbers in many ancient civilizations as Iran. The reflection of this number in urban design was not only in a shape of a Square as the main from of the city. But also was reflected in a shape of a intersecting two ways as the main city network and roads that end of them reached to four main gates. The number Three also is one of the sacred numbers that in many ancient cultures was important. In ancient Iran this number was very important and was reflected in many cultural phenomenon as architectural and urban design. The ancient Iranian cities was divided into three sections, that was adapted to three social casts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3933

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This paper aims to study the indices of Inter-provincial migrations by use of migration's spatial structure model and mobility transition theory of Zelinsky, in Iran during 1976-2006. The study focuses on five conceptual aspects of inter-provincial migrations which include intensity, effectiveness, concentration, connectivity and distance of interprovincial migrations.The results taken from Migration Effectiveness Index indicate that the effect of inter-provincial migrations on population redistribution and mig-reprodoction rate has reduced during 1976-2006. In addition, the inter-provincial migration connectivity over the same period has increased.Levels and trends of migration centrality indices indicate centrality in Iran' s migration system has reduced in recent decade. Additionally a stable pattern is observed for migration's distances.Changes of in and inter regional inequality of per capita incomes, increasing of communications facilities and changes of regional population growth rates have been basic determinants of Iran's migration spatial structure.

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The second demographic transition id basically a theory of "low fertility" in the late modern societies.According to this theory, low fertility level and its duration relates to changes at societal level and their associated changes in partnership and reproductive behavior that occurred in those societies in the last decades of twentieth century.The second demographic transition theory fits well in Scandinavia and relarively well in other countries in Northern Europe and English speaking societies outside Europe. But, as we move from Northern Europe to the south and from Western Europe to the east and in advanced countries of East Asia, plausibility of the theory in some respects declines. Therefore, those qualifications should be accounted for, when we use this theory to explain low fertility level in Iran.Furthermore, Iran should be considered as a peripheral society in which changes are partly dependent and unbalanced. From this perspective, theory might also be adjusted and modified to be more applicable in a peripheral society like Iran.with regard to the appropriateness of using second demographic transition for peripheral societies (like Iran), this strategic question may be raised: cen a society enter second demographic transition period before completing her first demographic transition? In this article, we have found a positive answer to this question. Since, if we control for the effect of age composition, timing of replacement fertility will coincides with the timing of zero population growth.In other words, because of the effect of age composition, second demographic transition in Iran overlaps with first demographic transition for several decades.

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This paper investigates the factors affecting the reemployment of the retired under the coverage of Organization of Social security using survey research method in the city of Tehran.Inspired by the literature, it was assumed that the reemployment of the retired is associated with economic difficulties, habit to work, the value of work, identity function, three-level needs (social contact, basic needs and self-realization), lack of cultural and recreational alternatives as well as socio-economic and personal characteristics.The findings indicates that the majority of the respondents described the variables such as their own economic difficulties, loving work, the very value of work, the role of work in elevating social communications and access to cultural and recreational facilities, more significant than the variables of the role of work in increasing social esteem and self-realization. The bi-variable analysis of the data indicated that with the exception of the variables of habit to work, the sort of pre-retired job, the level of education and self-realization the rest of independent variables had statistically significant, but modest and not a notably strong, relationships with the dependant variable. Nevertheless, the analysis of the association of all dependent variables together with the independent variable, using multi-regression analysis, showed that only three variables including economic difficulties, access to recreational facilities and age indicated statistically significant relationship with the variable of reemployment. With regard to the result of the data analysis, it is argued that while the respondents underscored the role of most variables emphasized in the literature of employment, three variables revealed more significant relationship in their reemployment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper focuses on Womwn' s employment, which, has experienced an increasing trend since 1950s, and its association with demographic variables.Demographers, like other scholars and researchers, have shown increasing interest in studying women' s employment during the recent years. This mainly lies in the substantial increase of female labour force participation and, more importantly, in signifivant interlink between women's employment and demographic characteristics such as marriage and fertility patterns, migration and mortality. Using both theoretical studies and empirical research, this paper analyses demographic aspects of women's employment. Iran has experienced substantial demographic changes particularly in terms of marriage and fertility patterns as well as the increasing achievement in women' s university education and positive attitudes towards women's employment over the past year. Such changes facilitate the compatibility of family duties and women's work outside the home.Accordingly, the theoretical discussion and empirical evidence of this paper also provide good basis to explain demographic consequences and dimensions of women's employment in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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