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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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در قرن اخیر نظریه همبستگی متقابل پدیده ها، یا نگرش سیستمی، مورد توجه و تاکید بسیاری از متفکرین بصورت شبکه ای از پیوندهای متقابل تشکیل شده است که جملگی پدیده ها و رویدادهای آن با یکدیگر تعامل دارند و از این جهت هر کار باید طوری سازمان داده شود که اعضای متشکله آن به نحوی تحت یک ارتباط سیستماتیک قرار داده شوند و بعنوان عضوی از یک کل عمل نمایند. بنابراین دیدگاه سیستمی یک راه و روش فکر کردن، نوعی جهان بینی و یک قالب ذهنی خاص که چهارچوبی برای در نظر گرفتن عوامل محیطی داخلی و خارجی سیستم، به عنوان یک کل متشکل بدست می دهد.

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Background and Aims: Nowadays, organisations: trying to utilize HSE system, To establish an appropriate system in the line of maintenance and promotion of healthy work environment without any accidents, injuries, and pollution. HSE management system is a tool to control and improve the performance of health and safety and environment in all development programs of industrial and other structural organizations. This is in fact an integrated system, so that all human financial and equipment resources will support each other to provide a healthy and convenience environment with no any accident and injuries. Method: In this case study all components of an HSE management system is review briefly and explain the role of this system in accident reduction rate and work efficiency in an oil company in the Persian Golf. Three years activities of HSE system in this company been studied, using all reports and any related documents. Different variances as indicators had been defined with which the annual performance of the HSE system, of the company have been evaluated. Results: The results show that there is significant improvement in health, safety and environment during the period of 2001-2003 as HSE system implemented. The rate of LTIF decreased from 0.69 in 2001 to 0.5 in 2003 or FAR decreased from 2.2 in 2001 to 0.7 in 2003, and the air pollution of SO2 decreased from 397 T. in 2001 to 309T. in 2003. Conclusion: This study indicated that although the number of employees, number of working hours and number of projects increased significantly during the years 2001 to 2003, but the rate of different related indicators decreased such as LTIF, TRIR, FAR and pollutants like SO2, Co2, No and CH4.

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View 8749

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Backgrand and Aims: In recent years, computer application has been essential in nearly all kinds of job activities. Few jobs may be found in which computers are not applied. Studies have shown high rate of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among computer operators. Since computer is used widely in banks, bank operators are considered as main users of computers in the workplace and accordingly are encountered to the health hazards of working with computers. This study was conducted with the aim of determination of MSDs prevalence among bank computer operators. Method: In this cross-sectional study, 287 randomly selected computer operators from 59 banks of Shiraz city participated. Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) was used to study prevalence of MSDs. Results: The results of NMQ revealed that the rates of MSDs prevalence in the past 12 months were 59.6% in shoulders, 58.2% in neck, 54.7% in upper back, 51.2% in lower back, 48.8% in wrists, 39.4% in knees, 31.7% in legs, 28.9% in elbows and 21.6% in thighs. Based on the results, the highest rates of MSDs prevalence were reported in shoulders, neck, upper back and lower back. Statistical analysis revealed significant association between job experience and prevalence of MSDs in knees¡ thighs and legs (P<0.05). Those was analysis also a significant association between sex and prevalence of MSDs in shoulders, wrists and thighs (P<0.05).Conclusion: MSDs, particularly upper limbs disorders and back problems, occurred in high rate among bank computer operators. Regarding this, implementing interventional ergonomic program in the bank workplace seems essential. Appropriate workstation design, increasing operators' awareness of ergonomics principles in computer operation, job rotation and variation can be considered as parts of this interventional program.

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Background and Aim: Recordings of electrical activity in the muscle and surface electromyography (EMG) have been widely used in the field of applied physiology. In parallel to recording of the EMG, the detectable low-frequency vibration signal generated by the skeletal muscle has been known and well documented. As the nature of the signal has been progressively revealed, the term of mechanomyography (MMG) has been proposed by a recent review. The main mechanism of the MMG generation has been considered to be sound pressure waves due to the dimensional changes, i.e., lateral expansion of the activated muscle fibres. Method: Low-frequency vibrations produced by muscle fibres are clearly distinguishable from the EMG, because MMG and EMG exhibit differences in response latency, spike duration, and frequency. During voluntary contraction at constant force the MMG frequency content does not change significantly. Results: This suggests that the frequency of MMG signal is directly related to the absolute force level of the muscle, irrespective of fatigue phenomena. At low force contractions, in contrast to EMG signal, the changes in the amplitude content of the MMG are more consistent with muscle fatigue. This indicated that the amplitude of MMG signal might be recommended as a method to improve the objective and reliable detection of muscle fatigue induced by low force contraction. Conclusion: MMG is most likely a valuable supplement to EMG as a non-invasive method to examine various aspects of muscle function including fatigue, electromechanical delay, muscle fibre type patterns, age related changes in muscular performance, muscle atrophy, and neuromuscular performance.

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View 1855

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Background and Aims: Musculoskeletal disorder is one of the biggest occupational health problems in workplaces of industries. According to the national statistics, the proportion of musculoskeletal diseases of all occupation diseases in the United States is 44% (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1996). On the basis of report of National Institute Occupational Safety and Health of USA (NIOSH), WMSDs is in the second place between the work-related diseases. Poor working postures constitute one of the main risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders. Recognition, evaluation and control action for prevention of occur disorders is important to protect and promotion of workers health. For evaluation of WMSDs risk factor, various methods have been presented. Two practical methods for analyzing and controlling poor working postures in workplaces are REBA and RULA.Method: This research is a cross-sectional study that was conducted in order to survey of correlation between two evaluation methods of WMSDs risk factors REBA& RULA in one of the ophthalmic lens manufacture factory. At first, jobs were surveyed and all subtasks of jobs recognized and 40 jobs out of 77 were selected. Then REBA& RULA methods were carried out for these jobs. Also, the final scores and action levels were determined. Results: The result revealed that: there was a significant correlation between final score of two methods (r = 0.781) and action levels of two methods (r=0.821). Compare to action levels, two methods in all jobs showed that There was no significant difference between action levels at jobs (p = 0.16) also between action levels of two methods in any of workplaces separately. Result of REBA& RULA methods revealed that risk level of lower arm, upper arm and wrist was higher than trunk, neck, and legs because of awkward posture of the mentioned parts. Result of RULA and REBA technique indicated that, action levels of all jobs were not acceptable. Conclusion: On the basis of mentioned result above, this study indicated that, there was no significant correlation between two methods and methods have a strong correlation in identifying critical work site and determining critical limb. Therefore, both methods are recommended for evaluation of work-related musculoskeletal disorders risk factors in industries.

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View 2204

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Background and Aims: Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) which is known as a long, skin and eye irritant is the most common form of acrylic plastic used in dental laboratories. The aims of this study were to evaluate dental technicians, exposure to MMA and to assess their health with a focus on respiratory and dermal symptoms. Method: Exposure to MMA, total dust and health symptoms were investigated in 20 dental laboratories located in Tehran, Iran. Time weighted average (TWA) of MMA and peak concentrations were determined, using XAD-2 tubes followed by GC-ID analysis. Total dust was evaluated gravimetrically. Health symptoms were asked using a questionnaire. Results: The TWA for technicians with direct and indirect exposure to MMA were 327.28 + 79.42 and 282.9 + 41.84 mg/m3, respectively. Peak concentration of MMA for those technicians was 337.0 + 36.81 and 328.88 + 45.40 mg/m3, respectively. There were no significant differences between TWA of MMA and peak concentration in different weakly workdays; low ever, within - day variations were observed (P<0.05). TWA of MMA and peak concentration correlation with the laboratory volume were 0.61- 0.65, Dust exposure of technicians was 2.35 + 2.70 mg/m3. Cough and Skin dryness were the common health symptoms. Smoking and asbestos exposure history were factors influencing cough prevalence (P<0.005). Conclusion: It is concluded that the current short - Term Exposure Limit (STEL) is not low enough to protect technicians against the adverse effects caused by MMA.

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Background and Aims: Global -and local (Iran)- accident fact sheets show that increasing development of products, changing in technology and materials & new instruments appliances have resulted more injuries and fatalities in various industries. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is one of the various methods to identify and evaluate the hazards. Method: This case study was carried out in Abadan seismic field. Data gathering and completion of the JSA worksheets were carried out through one-to-one observations, interviews, photography, video tape recording, historical data and checklists. Results: Ten tasks, 55 steps, 155 hazards and 301 corrective and prevention actions were identified during this study to be eliminated.Conclusion: Based on findings¡ an Emergency Response Plan and 10 safe operation procedures were developed. It is revealed that in outdoor environment, unsafe conditions are focused more in JSA.

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Background and Aims: Thermal stress is one of the important issues of physical stress in workplaces. Bakery workers that are one of widely population that under occupation heat stress. In this study, heat stress indexes consist of HSI and WBGT in worker positions in total of 88 bakeries in Hamadan city was assessed. Method: In this study 88 bakery workplace was considered. Measuring of air variables to obtain of HSI and WBGT heat stress indices was performed by axial fan anemometer, WBGT meter and hygrometer made in CASELLA Company In this study 88 bakery workplace was considered. Measuring of air variables to obtain of HSI and WBG Theat stress indices was performed by axial fan anemometer, WBGT meter and hygrometer made in CASELLA Company. Results: Results showed that the average HSI index (214.2±43.7 %) and the average work experience were (28.57±1.97 C). Analyzing of results showed that Pearson's correlation of coefficient between HSI and WBGT was equal to 0.509. Depending of HSI to air velocity was considerable (r = -0.811) that was not expected.Conclusion: Values of HSI index had a wide scatter in variances in study fields comparing of WBGT index that had a minimal scatter, whereas those are measuring of variables and computing of indexes were same workplaces. Finally, although both heat indexes showed exceeded values form criteria, but calibration between HSI and WBGT in this study, showed that, the HSI index had any weakness.

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Background and Aims: Respiratory diseases are one of the more Prevalence occupational diseases in colour Production industries. Because chemical hazard that are present in such industries improving screening methods is essential. There is some kind of respiratory function evaluation methods it seems that serial peak flowmetry has found a new place. Method: In this cross sectional study we did serial peak flowmetry in 30 workers of a colour production factory in 14days.Crude and means data were collected from each day and then were compared to another day’s data. Evaluation of two weeks data helped us to omit confounding variables. So coherency of two weeks data were confirmed validity of study.Results: Mean degree of peak flowse due to last workday in propotion of first work day were significantly different (p<0.001). This manner was repeated in data of second week (p<0.001) & (r=0.908). Peak flow daily changes pattern showed decrease in end of the shift more than beginning of day. 17 workers who had significant changes did not how any pathologic signs in routine annual spirometry. Most changes were due to first workday in opposite to last workday (35±16.5 in contrast 33.6 ±11.8).Conclusion: According to results of this study it seems that serial peak flowmetry test is more sensitive in screening and evaluation workers respiratory function in proportion of routine annual spirometry.

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Background and Aims: The most common identifiable causes for ILD are related to occupational and environmental exposures, especially to inorganic dusts and silica dust in one of the most important occupational respiratory toxins that causes silicosis. Silicosis can occur in chronic, accelerated and acute forms. Occupational exposure to crystalline silica dust in many industrial operations world wide. The reduction of silica dust exposure level in most developed countries during the last century resulted in dramatic decreases in morbidity and mortality from silicosis and silica dust associated tuberculosis but exposure risks can be much greater in underdeveloped countries. Silicosis is disabling, non eversible and sometimes fatal. We believe same of this reports is very rare in the world wide and demonstrate the first fatal outbreak report of advanced silicosis in Iran. Method: All of 17 workers had been exposed to crystalline silica at the workplaces of silica powder production for the periods of 1 to 5 years (the average of exposure was 2.7 years) and because dyspnea and occupational history of silica dust exposure referred or self admitted at Urmia occupational medicine centre. All patients reported no silica exposure before working at the current sites. Compliant symptoms and physical examination findings recorded for each patient. Spirometery. Flow/volume and body plethysmography performed (with a ZAN.300). chest X-ray films were taken for catch person and in those, who had previous chest X radiography films, progression was assessed by pair comparison of the initial and latest chest X-ray film according to ILO classification of pneumoconiosis.Results: All of 17 patients had previously worked in the silica powder production workplaces. The total of patient was male whose youngest age was 20 and oldest 79 years. 16 (94%) cases were symptomatic and 1 (6%) had any complaint but occupational history and radiographic findings suggest sub clinical accelerated silicosis. most common findings during clinical course weredry cough 15(88%) productive cough 5 (29 %) ,anorexia 11 (65%), weight loss 11 (65%) orthopnea 10 (58%), respiratory distress 9 (53%), dysphagia 5 (30%), fibromyalgia 6(35%), small joints arthragia 1 (6%), rude crackle 14(82%), decreased of pulmonary expansibility 15 (88%), symmetric PIP arthritis 1 (6%), symmetric wrist joints arthritis 1 (6%), and anemia 1 (6%), 11(65%) patients had FVC lower than 50% of predictive measured. 17 (100%) cases had small opacity. Large opacity were find in 14 (82%) , pleural thickening 12 (71%). 9 (52%) patient during last 5 years died due to ARDS.Conclusion: The findings in this outbreak shows that from 17 patient ,15 (88%) subjects were young adults below 40 years old and dying 9 (53%) persons after 1 to 5 years exposure incision to silica dust suggests overexposure had occurred and led the development of advanced silicosis. This outbreak illustrates the very rare manifestations of chest imaging of severe silicosis in the world wide.

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Background and Aim: The science of improvement and correction of work- environment occupation, equipment, and accordance that with abilities and limitations, is Ergonomy. Use of ergonomic principles and education in this field, has important role in productivity of management in each organization. Without doing of this principle would decrease effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of organization. The goal of this research is definition of ergonomic status among of personnel in work-station of laboratory of Esfahan university hospitals and definition of relative frequency incidence ergonomic disorders among these personnel.Method: This research is descriptive, cross-sectional, applied-basic research.The studied population of this research are the personnel of laboratory of independent hospitals to Esfahan medical science of university in Esfahan .The time of doing it, is six month second in 1383. For doing this research, enumeration way was used and 143 of them, complemented. the questionnaire completely. The equipment of this research is NORDIC Disorders Questionnaire Results: With analysis of information of completed questionnaires, personnel have had maximum disorders in neck and knee with (%57/3) and minimum disorders in thigh and elbow with (%19/6) and was defined the relative frequency of disorders ergonomic among studied-personnel for the hours, shift, years of work and got the results. The personnel that is work From 41 to 70 hours in a week, and the their of work shift is afternoon and night have the most disorders.Conclusion: The execution of ergonomic principles by use of standard equipment such as , standard work tables in laboratory , flexible and comfortable Chairs, and sufficient light for laboratory environment, could reduce ergonomic disorders especially for neck and knee that reduce of these disorders has an important role in increase of productivity of human resources and existence of motive for achieve of organization goals.

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Background and Aim: Occupational accidents and diseases cost 1.25 thousands billion $ to economic of world & links 2 million annually. Rate of death due to occupational accidents in developing countries in some cases is 4 times to developed industrial countries. To control accidents & resultant damages, identification of potential agents causing accidents in necessary. One of the modern methods for identification these agents is ETBA. This method is based on energy model. This model present energy as potential agent causing accident & according to this, propose a set of control strategies that are in different levels of priority due to their effectiveness.Method: This research is a case study that is a kind of qualitative researches and it had done in an automobile factory's paint shop. First in this study ETBA method used to identify hazards, then risks were analysed and in the last phase, approaches were proposed for decrease level of unacceptable risks.Results: This study determined that in this field, two categories of hazards are in first priority for performing control measures: First category contains chemical hazards that might lead to catastrophic consequences like fire & cancer. Highest risk portion o this paint shop is manually spray painting booth and spray painting stations that is placed in repair lines.Second category contains hazards that causes accidents repeatedly the highest risk portions are stations where ground conveyor moves car bodies (pain and repair lines). Conclusion: Because of these two category of hazards are concentrated in paint and repair lines, these lines should be in first priority for control hazards.

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