It has been shown that endurance exercise training has beneficial impacts on hematological profiles. In spite of the effect of aerobic exercise, there is no a general agreement on the effect of anaerobic exercise, particularly Running-Based anaerobic Sprint test (RAST) on hematological profiles. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of a four- week anaerobic exercises (RAST as a protocol) on the hematologic changes in young male kick- boxers. Thirty young male kick-boxers 19.26 (±2.06 yr, 177.5±5.08cm in high, 69.76±13.72 kg in weight and 22.06±3.588 kg/m2) who volunteered to participate in this study were assigned to a control and experimental (training) groups. The training group were asked to spent half (45minutes) of their regular kick-boxing training for the RAST protocol and the control group were asked to practice their regular kick boxing training. Blood samples were taken before 2 weeks and after 4 weeks of RAST training for hematological indices (WBC, RB, HOB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT, MPV). Data was analyzed using ANOVA and LSD was employed as a suitable following test. A significant increase in HOB, platelets (PLT) and mean cell volume (MVC), and RDW were observed in the experimental group. However, the concentrations and percentage of WBC, RBC, MCH, MCHC, and HCT were not significant. We did not find any significant differences between the groups. The results indicate that using anaerobic exercise training protocol (RAST protocol) was able to change some hematological indices such as HOB and RDW which are important in red blood cell composition. On the other hand, a higher PLT counts might result in thrombin which is the primary activator of platelets at the site of thrombus formation and a major driving force in thrombus.