Compulsory military service in the Islamic Republic of Iran has its impact on a good portion of Iranian young males', including the married ones, life. Regardless of the military service advantages and disadvantages, married soldiers have their special problems. Due to the increase in the rate of young students' marriage and family formation, the stability of marriage by removing its barriers is important. The purpose of this study is a deep study of married soldiers' lived experience. Therefore, a phenomenological approach has been adopted. During the study, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with married men. The information and data were analyzed through Giorgi approach and findings were categorized under 12 themes and 12 sub-themes. The main themes of married soldiers lived experience are: economic problems, employment problems, life disorder, stress, academic improvement problems, feeling of abandonment after the service, favoritism, barriers to long-term planning and social opportunities, neglect of social status, lack of understanding married soldiers' problems, and systematic problems of occupation and marriage.