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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introductions: Correct usage of hospital information computerized net work and its acceptance by health care personnel could lead to improvement the quality of health care and curative services; and reduces their cos.t In this research the impact of hospital information computerized network on clinical departments curative services personals have been studied. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, the impact of the hospital information computerized network on some of the health care activities, behavior situations, patients satisfactions, and the point of the view of 120 of the nurses, auxiliary nurses, and secretaries of outpatient departments and Semnan’s Amir al-Momenin teaching hospital during 1385 -1386(2005-2006) has been reviewed. Data collecting tools were questioners, which have been used after approved for validity and reliability. After distributions the questioners among personnel with more than three years job experience. Collected data have been evaluated by descriptive and inferential method; with considering ?= 5% for significance. Results: Most of the personnel (80%) work with their departments, computers daily. Most of nurses neglected to register their daily report to avoid duplication. Fifty five per cents of personnel were agreed with availability of correct information, 15% for improvement of curative outcomes because using computerized information system, and 45.8% for job errors reduction, 28% for better supervision for patients’ curative period, 50% of personnel believed that computerized information system caused the easier way to evaluate the patients drug administration, 20 % of personnel agreed that evaluation of patient’s problem is much easier. In total, 52 personnel have been satisfied as the result of the impact of hospital information computerized net work on HIS method and very few of them (4 people) had absolute satisfactions. There were a significant relation between the personnel satisfaction for the impact of patient’s curative and care; and patients, satisfaction for user friendly system and curative department type(p <0.05). Conclusions: We concluded that less than half of the personnel in clinical department were almost relatively satisfied by impact of the hospital information computerized network system. To be more effective the hospital information system on patient’s healthcare process, the system should be coordinated with a dynamic care process for patients, so that using the hardware such as palms, notebooks, and portable computers, and also soft ware designed to recognized voices to ease data entry in clinical departments and providing legal approaches to avoid the duplication in nurses daily activities are suggested.

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Introductions: Stability and consistency of hospitals’ activities depends more than ever before, on making competitive performances, which to achieve them comparing to other competitors could demonstration better qualities performances. Nowadays the most improvement tools of richness and price value of hospitals are known as experienced personnel, or on the other hand, source of the powerful human resources. Empowerment of the human resource is achieved by making a collection of existence capacities and empowerment atmosphere in the organization. Evaluation of the personnel’s empowerment, reflect the empowerment atmosphere of the organization, so that in this study, empowerment atmosphere in relation with empowerment perception of Kerman teaching hospitals, the correlation of each variable in the study population have been evaluated. Methods: Present study is descriptive study, conducted in 1386 (2006). The research society of the study is Kerman teaching hospital personals. Three hundred eighty six people selected by two stages random and stratifying sampling have been studied. The tools for collecting data, were questioners with the Likret quality degrees which included three parts: demographic information, empowerment atmosphere based on valid Scot and Jaff questioners which have eight parts; and the empowerment perceptions based on Veton and Kameroon questionnaires which have five parts. Data have processed by SPSS software and; and analyzed using one sample t-test, Pearson's correlation test, independent t-test, and ANOVA test. We define desirability judgment for variables means 70%, in Likert five scale grading (equal to 3.5). Results: Our finding showed that the average of all components on empowerment atmosphere in relation with empowerment perception had not suitable position. The highest mean score in order to clarifying and clearness for goal was 2.97 and for team work. 2.77; and the lowest score was for communication with 2.10. About the “empowerment perception personals “data showed that n spite of the high average score in self-effectiveness component, and significant difference between self arrangement, efficacy; confidence to others is not desirable and totally, the empowerment perception factor had not an acceptable level. In this research theory of significance between empowerment atmosphere and empowerment perception confirmed by 0.99 of probability and correlation coefficient by 0.723 in 0.0001 confidence level. Additionally each and every of the eight factors has direct and strong relation with personnel's empowerment perception (correlation coefficient more than 0.5). Conclusions Pearson correlation coefficient analyze showed that there is a positive relation between empowerment atmosphere factor and empowerment perception of the personnel. The maximum correlation coefficients are related to work mentality, clearness and brightness of goals components this relation and correlation, separately have been observed in the eight factors of the empowerment atmospheres. Due to the significant relation between empowerment atmosphere and empowerment perceptions of personnel, and strong and direct relation among them, to apply the empowerment event, management and personnel could bring empowerment atmosphere to hospital by using applied management skills and suitable conditions. and, by this way been affectedly work on personnel's’ knowledge emotions and empowerment perceptions.

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Introductions :Inherent human society and its complexities, in addition the possibility of trial in more social and health sciences, caused using of computerized simulations and artificial models in terms of necessary views that are exist in these types of sciences. to design these artificial models based on real environment and evaluation and recognition and then recalling the results, and using then in real environment to correct the complex behaviors, are a suit response to active the researchers is these era. ?! Present research has been done to achieve the suitable method to recognitions, to correct complex behavior; was an appropriate incentive to mobilize and activate research works. In this research we attempt to find a solving to identify and optimizing the process, in complex curative and health systems. Also some health monitoring models in artificial life in contagious diseases and pollutions have been provided. Methods: This is a basic research, with simulation, and applied (originated from artificial intelligence) research. Its data is collected from field information, library study, and mathematical methods. Artificial community study ( a computer laboratory) included intelligence mathematical factors; and tools used for simulation (modeling) and analyzing is Net Log software. Results: The result showed that pollution increase and dissemination, and lack of health care in the environment, cause welfare factors reductions and its continuity, cause gradual deaths of factors. Also lack of a right policy in treatment section could cause the outbreak of diseases and wasted the resources. Also the finding showed that factor modeling based in artificial life is an efficient method and problem solving approach in health systems. Conclusions :Need to using the real models of exact models for artificial life, and developing them in terms of decision making, analyzing, and optimization of problems and health processes in real life, are required. In case, it could be a solution for some existed problems in health care system and it could be used to improvement and developing them.

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Introduction: Medical records department‘s duties includes: collecting, editing, resorting the patients files, and it is one of the important departments in hospitals. Evaluation of medical records department in Iran shows that these departments have not achieved desirable standards and high quality services. The aim of present research was to evaluate the medical records department services (reception, statistical, coding, and filing) of Qom,s University of Medical Sciences Teaching-Curative hospitals. Methods: Present research is a cross-sectional descriptive study in which the medical records departments services in Qom,s University of Medical Sciences Teaching-Curative hospitals (AL Zahra, Ezadi, Her-Majesty Masomeh, Fatemi, Sahamiye, Kamkar , and Nekooyee) have been evaluated. Data have been collected by check lists completed by interviews and observations. Personals Demographic information for medical records departments also have been collected by questioner and face to face interviews. Results: Our findings showed that the average score of medical records departments of the Masomeh hospital 10.54, Izadi 11.79, Al- Zahra 12.21, Nekoyee 15.34, Kamkar 15.73, and Fatemi saham eyee 16.44, were of 20, in which their scores have been evaluated, Al Zahra , Izadi, and Her-Majesty Masomeh were Intermediate, Kamkar and Nekoyee Good, and Fatemyee sahamyee Very Good. Conclusions: Half of these hospital have a under desirables scores on their services, so in order to optimizing these departments services, it is necessary that first of all the medical records departments officers in studied hospital pay close attention to allocate resources for each departments according to relevance standards; and secondly pay attention to present guidelines and documented procedures of each units, providing documented job-descriptions to staffs ,with definitions and work standards in case of each units activities, applying educated personal and suitable distribution of them in unit.

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Introduction: Every health organization life depends on its correct coding system. One of the best tools in collecting correct and valid data is to make a clinical coding and procedures. Clinical Coding policy and procedures, in face of personals changes causes stability, and continues the clinical coding and provide a frame for decision making and doing duties. Methods: This research was carried out as a descriptive-comparative study. Information has taken from books, papers, internet, and health care institutes. The coding policies and procedures from United State, England, Canada, and Iran; have been reviewed in this research. Due to similarity or differences in specifications, the suggested paradigm for Iran has been prepared. Then the model has been tested by Delphi method in two phases. And after evaluating it, the final model is presented. Results: Data showed that procedures and coding policies have been presented in main six methods including: documentation and coding principles, coding information validating, coding unit structure, coding training, coding communication, and security and privacy of coding. Fourteen methods related to coding policy are covered by clinical coding unit for these six axis. In each of these axis. Certain procedures have been achieved in each mentioned axis. Documentation principle, coding procedures, time frame coding, summarized coding presentations, documentations and coding error investigations, errors corrections and educational sections, employees job situations and numbers of employee that needed employees evaluations, in-services training, conditions that effected job, and tracking reviewing of recording data systems are some important procedures for these six axis. Conclusions: In total the final model for the clinical coding policies and procedures in Iran have more similarities by United State and England; and less by Canada. It have been suggested that coding procedure would be evaluated and upgraded annually and have will be published in special magazine. To evaluate the coding information and coding procedures, an investigation committee have been suggested, in which based on their results, some workshops to be settled. Also for collection information from physicians about important cases, a special questioner form would be designed.

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Introduction: this age is based on education and research, but librarians have the main role for teaching information literacy and using the references to the users. Librarians, themselves should have enough information literacy and skills in order to move information to users and give convenience information services to their users’ library. The objective of this research is the survey study of information literacy among librarians at the university libraries. Methods: this research is a descriptive and applied study. The data were gathered from 100 librarians at Center University libraries: beheshtit Tehran, tarbiyat modarres, medical university of Iran and Shahid Beheshti by questionnaire and present refer. Questionnaire included 31 close questions in two part, first part was related to information skills and services to the users in their libraries and the second part was related to study of information literacy in librarian field and the alpha cronbakh for the questionnaire was 0.95 that show the high validity and ratability for the questions and used SPSS for giving average and analytical columns. Results: The research shows that the most using are from online database (58%) internet (69%) and computer catalog (71%) Librarians at tarbiyat modares with 3.62 average have the best skills in using the materials and librarians at medical university of Shahid Beheshti were very low in skills. Following resources have great average of using between librarians: Persian book (3.82) and database (3.56). In Tehran university the average of information literacy between librarians was 3.94, Tarbiyat Modaress 3.90 and medical science of Iran university 3.68 medical science of Beheshti university 4.06 and Beheshti university was 3.72. that show the average of information literacy between librarians. Conclusion: Research finding indicated that librarian’s information literacy level in Center University libraries aren’t good and the level is middle. Therefore it was recommended that training English language and information literacy lesson at university.

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Introduction: The establishment of quality improvement groups is a managerial technique that aims to insure the involvement of everyone in the organization. The present study aimed to determine the effect of quality improvement groups' intervention on the efficiency and effectiveness of Lolagar Hospital. Methods: The study was descriptive in nature. The personnel and patients of Lolagar Hospital comprised the study population. A total of 100 patients add 100 staff members were selected by random sampling procedure for the study. The data related to personnel satisfaction was collected using Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) Questionnaire. Patient satisfaction was measured by a validated questionnaire developed by the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The data provided by the Hospital Medical Records Department was used to determine efficiency. The data was analyzed using independent t-tests. Results: T-test showed a decrease in patient satisfaction and personnel job satisfaction (patient satisfaction: from M=3.1-2.7 and personnel job satisfaction from M=3.92-2.92) as a result of the quality improvement groups' intervention. The findings also showed a decrease in bed occupancy rate and patient average length of stay. However, there was an increase in the bed turnover rate. Conclusion: It may be concluded that the intervention of quality improvement groups could have possibly resulted in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the hospital in the study if the personnel had been properly oriented before the intervention.

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Introduction: J.E.Hirsch introduced H Index to scientometric domain, representing actual scientific profitability quality of a researcher’s publications; and is equal to effective index for researchers. Literature review: Studies showed that documents database have provided different H scores for each researcher and for different scientific fields. Despite the utmost advantages of H-index it also have some flaws such as need to use complementary indices such as m, r, g index. Conclusions: The strength point of H index, is its ability to use in limited levels which is an complementary for other bibliomeetric exist indexes. This Index, with others, could be a suit index to improvement scientific levels for researchers, scientist, and scientific board members.

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