Observing the trend of change in composition education in German speaking areas, we came up with three general ways of education including imitation method, constructive method, and productive method. Imitation method was the dominant way in Latin school in the Middle Ages. In this method, there was no place for individual learners ideas and creativity. They simply rewrote from the written samples on different topics. From the seventeenth century onward, German language was gradually replaced with Latin in education centers. Along with this change, the imitation method was also substituted with a new method called constructive method. In this method, although the written composition was prepared with the student, the construction of the written text was quite fixed and the topics were rather cliché. Consequently, the construction method was not sufficient for the students needs particularly in the early years of education. Thus, another method known as the productive method was proposed and commonly used. However, many scholars believe that the latter method is complimentary of the two previous methods and does not entirely reject them.
The present paper is an attempt to analyze the history of composition education and its socio-historical backgrounds from its beginning up to the present, at the same time making an attempt to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of each method.