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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this paper, an optimization simulation hybrid model is used to evaluate the optimum pumping policy in an artificial aquifer. In this study, the groundwater level drop was investigated in a hypothetical free aquifer with a surface area of 1. 5 square kilometers and three different hydraulic conductivity with a thickness of 100 meters, as well as ten pumping wells. In order to estimate the groundwater level of the aquifer, the finite element method was used and to optimize the position of the wells, used the algorithm of the ant colony and finally the FEMACO model was presented. The position of wells with a specific discharge is optimized to minimize groundwater level losses in the aquifer. In this regard, the number of different number of ants, the effect of Foramen evaporation and the effect of the elite percentage of an ant collection on the value of the objective function were investigated. The results showed that sequencer antler algorithms and elite ant anchor algorithms with almost identical performance have the best performance among the antler algorithms, and after that, the antler community algorithm and the max-minimal ant antler algorithm are in the next ranks. All of the ant colony algorithms arrived too quickly into convergence, which makes this early convergence a suitable global optimum due to the use of chain constraints. Finally, after considering the proposed model, the proper position of the wells was determined. The results also showed that the maximum water loss in the aquifer is about 2. 5 m.

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The shortage of water resources in the world and in Iran is always one of the most important human challenges. On the other hand, the existence of large water resources such as seas and oceans, including the Mazandaran Sea in the north and the Persian Gulf in southern Iran, may be one of the most appropriate solutions in this regard. The results showed that total absorption, maximum absorption capacity and percentage of sodium removal for oak leaf and oat leaves adsorbants were equal to 120. 21 and 117. 10 mg, 1. 1 and 0. 24 mg / g, 60/10, and 68. 88% for concentrations of 5 mg / l 194. 45 and 169. 93 mg, 1. 77 and 0. 34 mg / g and 55/56 and 54. 82% for concentrations of 10 mg / l and 466. 83 and 453. 84 mg, 4. 26 and 0. 91 mg / g, 53. 66 and 54. 03% for the concentration of 30 mg / ml. The fitting of continuous adsorption models on experimental data by nanostructured adsorbents showed that in the sodium adsorption using fixed bed column for oak leaf and egg shell absorbers, the substrate-time service models, Thomas and Yon-Nelson, respectively, compared to the rest of the models Have better fit of absorption column data. Based on the results of this study, octopus and egg shell nanostructured adsorbents have high potential for removal of sodium ion.

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Among heavymetals, arsenic has been identified as a carcinogenic element. High concentrations of arsenic in waterresources can be a major concern for public health and the environment. Arsenic pollution in the groundwater resources has been reported in many parts of the world and Iran, especially in some parts of Kerman province. In the present study, Arsenic release mechanismand prediction of its concentrationvariations ingroundwater resources were investigated in Sirjan Plain, in Kerman Province. For this purpose, after conducting primary field studies and taking into account the position of the piezometric wells, 21 piezometric wells were selected across the plain surface and the layers of clay in them were examined. Then, sampling of groundwater resources was conducted seasonally from agricultural and drinking wells near piezometric wells. The results showed that the concentration of arsenic was directly related to the clay textureof the earth's layers. The high concentration of arsenic was related to the discharge of groundwater from the clay layer and the oxidation and dissolution of arsenic in groundwater. Therefore, the Oxidation-Reduction cycle is one of the effectivefactors on releasing of arsenic in the region. In order to the prediction of arsenicconcentration variations in the next 5 years, Quantitative Modeling was done using GMS software with a focus on the piezometer wells that had a potential for the increase in the unsaturated clay thickness due to the reducing level of groundwater and the presence of clay layers in them. Based on the results of modeling and relationships between arsenic concentration variationsand groundwater level variations during the sampling period, it was determined that arsenic concentrations increase with groundwater resources discharge. Therefore, the quantity and quality of groundwater will decreased with the continued of exploitation of aquifers. According to these results, water management and reduced harvesting of groundwater resources can be effective on the reduction of arsenic concentration increasing rate.

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Considering the importance of enhancing water use efficiency in the production of crops in the Iran; and due to the appropriateness of time series methods in the analysis and future studies of the behavior of water engineering phenomena, the aim of this study was to analyze and future study of water use efficiency in wheat production in Tabriz plain with suitable time series models. The modeling (based on 30 years data), test (based on 12 years data) and future study (based on 18 years data) were made with 60 years (from 1975 to 2034) water use efficiency in wheat production. Fourteen time series models were evaluated to determine the suitable model. Based on common statistics, ARIMA (1, 0, 1) was detected as the most suitable model for water use efficiency in wheat production in Tabriz plain. Results revealed that water use efficiency in wheat production had approximately an increasingly trend. This index was from 0. 11 to 0. 68 kg m-3 with an average of 0. 32 kg m-3. Scenarios and various promotion conditions were also considered to improve the water use efficiency in wheat production. If the water use efficiency in wheat production is increased by as much as 10, 15, 20 and 25 percent, then the index in the year 2034 will be respectively equal to 0. 95, 0. 98, 1. 01, and 1. 05 kg m-3. With the continuation of the current trend and without applying the any improvement plan, the value of this index will be 0. 89 1. 05 kg m-3 in 2034. Applicable procedure and solutions were proposed to significantly enhance water use efficiency in wheat production in the east of Urmia Lake.

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Reducing fresh water resources and the quality of water in the agricultural has led to importance of the finding new sources of water for irrigation. In this regard, the use of non-conventional waters is one of the options. Using of drainage water as a non-conventional water source is one of the solutions to solve the water deficiency problem in agriculture. The present study was carried out to evaluate and simulate the quality of the drainage water of the rice fields in the city of Soumatserra, located in the F4 unit of Sefidrud Irrigation and Drainage Network for reuse in irrigation and evacuated to the environment. To investigate the quality of drainage water for discharge to surface water resources and reuse in irrigation, were measured concentration of nitrate, orthophosphate, ammonium, biological oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids and acidity in nine points of drainage canal from May-July 2017 and compared with the standards of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency of Iran, Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. The highest concentration of nitrate, orthophosphate, ammonium, and biological oxygen demand were 1. 25, 0. 184, 2. 91 and 89 mg/ l in May and the lowest concentration of dissolved oxygen and the highest concentration of total dissolved solids were 3. 6 and 289 mg/l, in July. Also, the highest and lowest value of pH was 8. 23 in May and 7. 26 in June. Drainage water in terms of nitrate, orthophosphate, total dissolved solids and acidity, according to the mentioned standards was allowed in reuse in irrigation and discharge to surface water resources. But in terms of dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand and ammonium was diagnosed over the limit for reuse in irrigation and discharge to surface water resources. According to estimation of the pollution load of the drain to the Anzali wetland, it was found that the highest amount of pollution during the sampling period was occurred in May.

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Fertigation is an effective method to increase water and fertilizer use efficiencies. In present study, a field experiment was carried out factorially in a randomized complete block design with four replicates to evaluate the effects of furrow fertigation on water and fertilizer use efficiencies, yield and yield components of corn. Six fertigation treatments combining two fertilizer split levels (3 and 4 splits) and three levels of urea fertilizer (60, 80 and 100% of required fertilizer) were compared with broadcast fertilization. The results showed that application of nitrogen in four splits, provided more grain yield. Besides, by consuming low fertilizer in the fertigation treatments due to broadcast fertilization method, water and fertilizer use efficiencies were increased. The highest grain yield and water use efficiency were achieved in the three split treatment with 100% level, while there were no significant differences of grain yield and water use efficiency between this treatment and the four split treatment with 60% level. Therefore, by applying 60 percent of required fertilizer in four splits, while achieving optimal performance, the level of environmental pollution will be reduced.

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Air temperature and land surface are among the most important factors used in estimating many hydrological parameters at the catchment area. These parameters are measurable by the presence of thermal bands in sensors. In this study, GLDAS model with MODIS sensor and GLDAS model and NCEP / NCAR temperature estimation with station data in Alborz, Qazvin, Zanjan, Kurdistan and Hamadan provinces were evaluated. The GLDAS model with MODIS sensor did not achieve good results in assessing land surface temperature data. GLDAS and NCEP-NCAR air temperature data were evaluated with station data. The results showed that GLDAS and NCEP-NCAR have a good accuracy. For example, in comparing NCEP-NCAR with the average of Agkhiriz stations, Ekbatan Dam, Washj, Varineh, Khodabandeh, Sanandaj, Bijar and Ghorveh in 2008, the coefficient of explanation (R2), the efficiency coefficient of the model (EF), the mean error error (MBE) Mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) were 0. 984, 0. 987, 0. 979, 0. 979, and 1. 173 degrees Celsius, respectively.

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Sepehri L. | KHALILI K.

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In this research, in order to study and evaluate the accuracy of single-variable time series models, multivariables time series and hybrid models in modeling the river flow quality values in the Peygale hydrometric station located in the west of Lake Urmia from data The qualitative flow of the river and the flow river has been observed on an annual and monthly scale and during the statistical period of 1975-2016. The qualitative parameters studied in this study are EC, TDS and SAR values. In this study, EC and TDS values were modeled and studied. The ARMA model (1. 0) was selected for EC and TDS values of the hydrometric station used as the superior model. The results showed that the accuracy of single-variable linear time series models in modeling the EC and TDS parameters of the studied station was not satisfactory, but acceptable. Similar results were obtained for monthly single-variable models. After studying the time series single-valued model, multi-variable time series models were investigated on the monthly and annual scale. In this model, the EC, TDS, SAR and flow data of the river were considered at the Peylgale hydrometric station as inputs of the model. The results of the error analysis of CARMA and MPAR models for EC values showed that, on average, the error values were 25 and 21 percent lower than the ARMA and PARMA models, which resulted in an improvement in the error values for the data TDS is 34% and 33% respectively. Overall, the results showed that in all stations studied, EC and TDS values are estimated to be better than single-variable models of ArmA family on annual and monthly basis using multiple time series models. Let's say Finally, applying the time series hybrid models, the error rate resulting from modeling of EC values in the monthly and annual scale was 46% and 10%, respectively, and for the TDS values it was 40% and 12%, respectively.

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Depletion of excess soil moisture from root zone is one of the objectives of the implementation of drainage systems. In this study the ability of HYDRUS 2D/3D model to soil moisture transport management for determining of depth and space of drains in second cropping of paddy fields of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University in For the three growing season (2014-2017) is assessed. So, two kinds of fields were constructed: Field A with subsurface drainage systems and drain depth of 0. 9 m and drain spacing of 30 m and field B having drain spacing of 15 m and alternate drain depths of 90, 65 and 90 cm. Sensitivity analysis and calibration were first performed with the aim of verifying the HYDRUS model. The sensitivity analysis indicated that the software had maximum sensitivity to the saturated volumetric water content. Four scenarios were considered for field A in HYDRUS model which consist of: middle drain in 1-the depth of 40, 2-in the depth of 90, 3-two middle drains in the drain of 40 and 4-two middle drains of 65 cm. Scenario 4, 3, 2 in field B and scenario 1 showed the maximum of soil moisture depletion respectively. The maximum loss of soil moisture was observed in scenario 4 by 18. 75 percent and minimum loss of soil moisture was occurred in scenario 1 by 0. 22 percent. Also, evaluation of results showed that scenario 3 and scenario 4 depleted the soil moisture during the period of 2-days and 4-days, respectively earlier in respect to of first level of soil and reached to field capacity. Also, results showed that scenario 4 is the best in contrast to scenario 1 which has the worst.

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Proper design and management of irrigation and drainage systems improves the quality of drainage and conserve soil and water resources. In paddy fields, due to the high clay and impenetrable layer, the type of drainage and its envelope have a great effect on the movement of water in the soil and, consequently, solute transport. So, recognition of solute transport in this condition can lead to effective design and management of drainage to achieve proper drain water quality in paddy fields. So a box with dimensions 300×60×100 cm (in length, width and height) was considered. A Polyethylene drain pipe with 10 cm in diameter was laid in the sand and gravel trench with 20 cm width and 50 cm height. The rice transplant was transferred to the box and applied phosphate and urea fertilizer according to paddy fields custom. Flood irrigation method with 5 cm above the soil was performed and mid and end season drainage was applied at tillering and harvesting stages, respectively. During experiment, the soil solution and drain water was sampled and chemical parameters including electro conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and nitrate and ammonium concentration was measured. Results showed that mean EC of mid season drainage (567 ds/m) was 51% more than mean EC of end season drainage. Nitrate and ammonium concentration of drain water of end season drainage reduced 12 and 39% than mid season drainage, respectively. The results indicated that hardpan layer has an effect on the accumulation of solute, so that at the end of the experiment, the accumulation of solute and nitrate on the top of this layer comparing with drain depth were 11 and 47 percent, respectively.

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Hydraulic jump is the most common method of dissipating water’ s kinetic energy in downstream of spillways, shoots and valves. So far several relations have been developed to estimate hydraulic jump characteristics, however, the results of these equations are not general and acceptable due to the uncertainty of the function. In this study, hydraulic jump characteristics such as sequence depth ratio and hydraulic jump were estimated in compound channels (rectangular and trapezoidal channels) with rough beds using Support Vector Machine (SVM). Different models were developed and the influence rate of input parameters in each channel was investigated. Comparison of the obtained results of support vector machine showed the high efficiency of this method in estimation of hydraulic jump characteristics. It was observed that model with input parameters of Fr₁ ( Fraud number), w/z (ratio of rough elements space to height of them) led to most accurate results and rough elements properties were effective in hydraulic jump characteristics estimation. The best result for test series was obtained for the sequence depth ratio with the values of R=0. 979, DC=0. 975 and RMSE=0. 046 and for and the hydraulic jump length with the values of R=0. 935, DC=0. 858 and RMSE=0. 072 in trapezoidal channel. Also, the results of sensitivity analysis indicated that Fraud number is the most significant parameter in estimation of hydraulic jump characteristics.

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Climate change, population growth and non-optimal utilization of water resources are doubling the need to pay attention to the conservation and sustainability of this essential input in agricultural production. Therefore, the use of water demand management can be used as a method for more principled use of water resources. In this study, the economic model and system dynamics method (SD) were used to study the demand management policy for the balance of groundwater resources in the Neyshabour basin area. The policies under consideration include allocating water to the agricultural sector and increasing irrigation efficiency. The results showed that the policy of reducing irrigation water's share has a positive effect on the groundwater level without having a significant effect on reducing crop cultivation and, consequently, reducing the agricultural productivity of farmers in the region. Also, increasing the irrigation efficiency in relation to the policy of reducing agricultural water allocation showed the better condition in groundwater level and the profitability of crop farmers. So that the maximum amount of change in agricultural gross profit of the region decreased by 10% and the minimum improvement in groundwater level of the basin was 47. 0 meters. In order to investigate the future status of water resources in the Neyshabour basin was studied the policy of reducing water share in simulation of basin ground water resources. The results showed that up to 20 percent reduction in agricultural water, the groundwater level will rise by about 7. 4 meters to 1403, and will be closer to balance. The analysis of the results suggests that implementation of the policy of increasing irrigation efficiency along with decreasing agricultural water's share will have a more effect on the balance of the basin.

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This research was carried out to evaluate irrigation management and water productivity in common bean and cowpea in Astaneh-Ashrafieh in 2016 and 2017. The present study was conducted as split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The main treatments were irrigation of 40, 60, 80 and 100% water requirement and sub plots without fertilizer and 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1 in two common bean cultivars and cowpea. The results of this study showed that the effect of irrigation in both cultivars on biological yield, pod and seed, at 1% level, and nitrogen fertilizer effect at 1% level on biological yield, and at 5% level on seed yield were significant. Interaction of irrigation and fertilization at 1% level was significant on water productivity in biological yield, pod and seed yield. During the research years, the highest amount of seed yield due to irrigation on cultivars in 2016 and 2017, in 100% water requirement, was 1137 and 1183 kg ha-1 respectively, and in the common bean cultivar it was 2400 and 2512 kg ha-1 respectively. The maximum seed yields from nitrogen fertilizer on cultivars at 2016 and 2017 of age at 30 kg N ha-1 cultivars at 949 and 953 kg ha-1, respectively, and in cowpea, it was 1436 and 1509 kg ha-1 respectively. The highest seed yield in 2016 and 2017 in 100% water requirement and 30 kg N ha-1 in cowpea cultivar was 1580 and 1643 kg ha respectively. The maximum seed yield in the 2016 and 2017 of in 100% water requirement and 60 kg N ha-1 in conventional bean cultivars was 3486 and 3646 kg ha-1, respectively. The highest amount of water productivity in seed in 2016 and 2017 of cowpea in 100% water requirement and 30 kg N ha-1 in cowpea was 0. 35 and 0. 33 kg m-3 respectively, and the maximum amount of water use productivity in seed in 2016 and 2017 in 100% water requirement and 60 kg N ha-1 in commn bean cultivars was 0. 70 and 0. 69 kg m-3 respectively.

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In order to study the effects of two drip irrigation systems and deficit irrigation on the quantitative traits of Rosmarinus officinalis L., an experiment was conducted in Kerman Municipality seedling production station in 2016. The experimental treatments were laid out in split plot a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments consisted of five irrigation regimes (full irrigation (FI-100), regulated deficit (RDI75 and RDI55) and partial root zone drying irrigation (PRD75 and PRD55)) in main plot and two drip irrigation systems (S1= surface and S2= subsurface) in sub plot. The results showed that applying of subsurface drip irrigation system compared to use of surface drip irrigation, in addition to saving 11. 4 percent in water use, increased the water productivity 21 percent. Also, the highest herbage dry weight (4404. 2 kg. h-1), plant height (68. 4 cm), number of shoots (128. 7) and leaf area index in different stages of growth were produced by S2FI. Using S2PRD75 compared to use of S2RDI75, increased all of the Rosmarinus plant growth parameters. However, Using S2PRD75 compared to use S2FI in addition to saving 25 percent in water use, increased the water productivity 12. 8 percent and dry weight, number of shoots per plant and height of plant decreased 5. 3, 8. 9 and 9. 8 percent respectively. Simultaneous analysis of Rosmarinus’ s water productivity and its growth parameters showed that it could be possible to save in irrigation water use and increase the water productivity with the lowest decrease in the Rosmarinus plant growth parameters by applying S2PRD75.

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Soil salinization is one of the main obstacles in the agriculture sector and one of the main factors of crop yield reduction. In this study, a Landsat-8 image and extracted data of 121 soil samples from network surface were utilized and soil salinity indices, multiple linear regression with ordinary least square and Ridge regression were applied so that Gotvand-Aghili irrigation and drainage network soil salinity was modeled and soil salinity map was finally prepared. The results indicated that there is a significant correlation between bands of Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) sensor and electrical conductivity of soil samples and the red band had the highest correlation. Furthermore, the findings revealed a significant correlation between salinity indices and electrical conductivity of soil samples. The results of OLS regression model further disclosed that this model was able to represent 48% of the network soil salinity variation, however, according to the variance inflation factor, independent variables of OLS model enjoyed multicollinearity. Conversely, the results of Ridge regression illuminated that this approach has a high ability for removing multicollinearity of independent variables. By mapping OLS and Ridge regression models, the average soil salinity of the network assessed 5. 8 and 4. 5 dS/m, respectively. Moreover, according to Ridge regression model, 33% of the network area was classified as moderately saline while 15% of it would fall into a strongly saline class. Also, based on the salinity map of OLS regression model, 6% of the network area was categorized as very strongly saline class.

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The ancient Iranians have used the underground water resources by excavating Qanats. If the Qanat is excavated in soils with high permeability coefficient, seepage in dry zone is the determinant part. One of the methods which is used for reduction of water-loss in dry zones is getting the water muddy. This study is about the investigation of the effects of muddy water on seepage reduction in trapezoid earthen channels which has the most resemblance to dry zones of qanats. In order to achieve this purpose an earthen channel with determined characteristics was excavated. In two stages fresh water and muddy water are conveyed into the channel and finally seepage was measured by using pondage test. The results have revealed that: 1-With moving the muddy water in a small period of time with forming sedimentary layer the seepage can be reduced more than forty-six percent (46%). 2-Numerical analysis indicated that the most significant factor in seepage reduction is sedimentary layer. 3-The achieved results from investigation showed in both conditions the Bouwer method indicates good correspondence with experimental results.

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Since the WQI index is one of the most suitable indicators for assessing groundwater quality, WQI index for assessing the quality of groundwater resources in two years 2012 and 2017 was used in this research. The parameters used were pH, chloride, sulfate, total solids solubility, total hardness, alkalinity, sodium. The results of the survey showed that the quality of groundwater resources of the Sarayan plain was more than 2012 in 2017. Regarding the multi-year drought in the region, the results showed that excessive pumping of underground water wells and lack of proper management of groundwater resources in 2012 caused a decrease in the quality of water resources. 15% of the water resources are in the bad range and 5% in the very poor range. The implementation of a water resources rehabilitation and balance plan aimed at controlling and managing water resources harvesting and, as a result, balancing nutrition and harvesting of these resources, has made it difficult for plains to be prohibited, but water quality due to reduced harvest and proper management in Operation will increase in 2017, so that all the water resources studied are in good and excellent range.

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In this study using 4 synoptic stations of semi-arid extra cold climate of east Azerbaijan province were used in order to modeling extreme values and occurrence rainfall. To this aim, a stochastic rainfall time series generation consisting of first, second and third-order Markov models and the generalized Pareto and Exponential distribution density functions were used for reproducing amount rainfall. Also, the Exponential-generalized Pareto density function was used to improve the estimation of extreme values. The proposed model essentially was a piecewise distribution approach created by parametrically modeling the tails (i. e. above a threshold) of the distribution using a generalized Pareto, , and the rest Exponential density estimation methods. The results Based on the AIC criterion indicated that the first-order Markov performs relatively better than another model for daily rainfall occurrence. The average of preference first-order Markov chain compared with second and third order was 79 and 66% for all study stations, respectively. Also, results from RMSE showed that Exponentialgeneralized Pareto probability density performs better to reproduce extreme daily rainfall comparing another distribution. The RMSE criterion is varying between 0. 0015 to 0. 0017 for Piecewise Exponential-generalized Pareto distribution to estimate extreme daily rainfall daily rainfall.

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Given the complexity of the underground water environment, the invention of new technologies and the use of advanced techniques in this area has contributed greatly to improving the management of groundwater resources. In this study, FEM-IPO simulation-optimization model was used to manage the groundwater operation. The aquifer mathematical modeling was done by the numerical simulation of the finite elements, taking into account two-dimensional equations of groundwater flow. In this study, three scenarios were considered for the optimum management. In each scenario with different and distinctive wells, the amount of losses and costs required for pumping according to water requirement was evaluated. Also, the studied area was divided into 3 regions based on the amount of hydraulic conduction coefficient. Finally, the cost of the pumping of the wells according to the target (well positioning for the optimal utilization, the reduction of the dropping level) was optimized using the sloped surface algorithm. The results showed that considering the hypothetical aquifer of 7 pumping wells, by disabling two wells in scenario 1, the aquifer had the lowest cost for pumping and water loss. The water level calculated by the finite element model was compared with the observed water level so that the relative error and root mean square error were calculated to be 0. 00024 and 0. 223 respectively indicating high accuracy of the model.

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Selection of crop pattern is one of the most important factors in achieving water resources Sustainability. Due to the quantity and quality of soil and water, unsuitable and non-native plants may cause saltinification and elevation of groundwater level in the plant growth environment and degrade soil structure. And consequently reduce performance. Based on the dynamics of irrigation and drainage network in the Dasht-e-Abbas, located along the Karkheh Dam and Ilam province, in terms of quantity and quality of water in different scenarios of the crop pattern, using the system dynamics approach has been evaluated. Considering the information needed in this method, the boundaries of the system, the creation of a conceptual model, the determination of causative and causal relationships, the determination of the variables and verification based on observational information, structural testing, boundary test, and statistical parameters and the proposed cultivation pattern have been studied. The conceptual model was considered based on five sub-models of water demand, water supply, environmental stress, water economics and environmental issues. The results of this model show that in sensitivity analysis of input parameters, the coefficient of return of agricultural water to the aquifer has a great effect and its increase will increase the static volume of aquifer and increase the quality of groundwater due to dilution and also reduce the salinity of the soil due to Leaching. From other results of this study, using a crop pattern with an emphasis on increasing forage levels that prevents land drainage in the long time will improve soil construction.

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The total amount of water resources severely affects socioeconomic development of a region or watershed, which means that accurate quantification of the total amount of water resources is vital for the area, especially for the arid and semi-arid regions. Traditional evaluation of water resources only focused on the qualification of blue water, while the importance of green water was not fully considered. Therefore, the blue and green water resources in the Neishabour basin were evaluated by the SWAT and SWAT-MODFLOW models in this study. Furthermore, the Sequential Uncertainty Fitting program (SUFI2) which is one of the programs interfaced with SWAT, in the package SWAT-CUP (SWAT Calibration Uncertainty Programs), was used to calibrate and validate Neishabour hydrologic model based on river discharges. In this paper, results of calibration and validation are given for the river monthly discharge. Runoff data for four hydrometric stations in 2001-2011 were used to calibrate and validate this basin. The results show that p-factor, r-factor, R2 and NS, which were used to evaluate the ability of SWAT model, are about 0. 37, 0. 55, 0. 86 and 0. 85 and for validation are about 0. 29, 0. 83, 0. 7 and 0. 65 respectedly. The results show that the components of water resources, except for blue water, which SWAT-MODFLOW model estimates more, are similar in other cases. Therefore, two models were used to investigate the spatial variations of blue water in the watershed. The main difference was within the Neishabour plain, which could be due to the integrated ability of the model to simulate different processes, such as groundwater recharge and infiltration of the non-saturated zone. Moreover, the spatial distribution of the green water indicates that the amount of green water increases gradually towards Neishabur plain. The study of interannual variability of the blue and green water shows that the trends in precipitation, blue and green water have a relatively similar characteristic during the same period and in the winter, the lower temperature, the greater difference between the blue and green water. Also, the trend of the blue and green water changes is milder in the integrated model.

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The impact of regional development plans on water resources and water consumption has always been a concern for researchers. So one of the issues that is being raised by drought is how to assess the quality of regional development plans considering the drought. In this research, Fu and Tong plan assessment method called "Awareness-Analyzing-Action" was used for assessing the quality of six regional plans in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. The findings of the study showed that the awareness component in all programs was considered moderately. Regarding the analysis component, comprehensive regional plans were in a good level, and other plans were at a modest level. The action component is considered moderately in all programs and the scores related to the component of action in the plans were not differing significantly. In terms of the overall program score, only one plan received a score above average and was at a good grade and the quality of the other plans was moderate. The results of ANOVA test showed that the mean of analysis component in the programs is more than the two components of awareness and action and there is no significant difference between the score of the three components of the programs. In other words, regional development programs have failed to succeed in three components of awareness, analysis, and action on drought adaptation.

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Most of the methods used to measure the vulnerability of agricultural sector to drought, did not use the opinions of different experts or did not pay attention to the environmental and climatic differences of the regions, or gave the same weight to all the indicators used in the models. The question is how can assess the vulnerability by using the experts’ opinion from different domains? In this paper, the Bhattacharya and Das model were used to assess the drought vulnerability, and 16 experts were asked to determine the weight of the indicators using hierarchical analysis method. Then, according to the specified weights, a vulnerability map was prepared. The findings show that there is a difference of 3. 5 times between the exposures of different zones. Also, a difference of 3. 7 times was observed between the most sensitive areas and least sensitive areas. The adaptive capacity also shows a difference of 2. 6 times in zones with maximum and minimum adaptive capacity. The findings also show a difference of 17. 6 times in areas with the highest vulnerability to areas with the least vulnerability. No direct correlation between rainfall and degree of vulnerability to drought was also observed.

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In this research, we evaluated the virtual water and water footprint in the agricultural and industrial sectors of Neyshabour plain. By calculating the amount of virtual water in the major groups of agricultural products, the average annual water footprint of agricultural and horticultural products is estimated to be 534. 5 million cubic meters during the years 1393-1383 that consumed blue and green water footprint of this water resource are 91% and 9%, respectively. According to the population of 433, 105 persons, the green and blue water demand for food and drinking water supply in Neyshabour region is 1203. 17 million cubic meters and 35. 28 million cubic meters respectively. The average index of water footprint in the Neyshabur region is estimated to be 2633. 5 million cubic meters per year, which 1079. 3 and 1554. 2 million cubic meters of water are supplied from blue and green water resources. Blue and green water footprint of each person are 2492 and 3589 cubic meters per year. The water footprint of livestock products, agricultural products, drinking and industry expenditures are about 50%, 46%, 3%, 1%, respectively. Blue water scarcity is moderate and about 140%.

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With recharge to ground water problems and also lack of ground water resources, in this paper see page discharge and subsurface were modeled for fine-grain soil with surface recharge by a laboratory model. It was compared the results of experimental with the results of Bear (1972) and Castro-Orgaz et al (2012) analytical solutions. Laboratory model having fine porous media has 5 m long, 0. 6 m wide and 1 m deep. For different water levels and bed slope of 0. 0135, the seepage flow and subsurface water profile were measured under surface recharge condition and then were compared with the above-mentioned analytical solutions. Comparison seepage flow were compared with experimental seepage flows and the value of relative error were determined. Also the different between experimental and analytical results were determined means of NOF. After the comparison between experimental and analytical results, the weakness and strength of each method has been revealed. After comparison and evaluation the results of the discharge experimental with the analytical relationship Bear (1972) the relative error was between 4. 2 to 6. 4 percent, and then were compared with analytical relationship. The values of relative error percent and NOF function for compared and measured variables were computed. After comparison of experimental results and analytical solutions, the weakness and strength of each method has been revealed. After comparing the results of the discharge experimental with the analytical relationship based on Dupuit-Forchheimer assumption the relative error was between 4. 2 to 6. 4 percent. By the comparison of the experimental results with analytical solution for Subsurface flow profile, the NOF were analytical between 0. 012 to 0. 048 for Chapman, 0. 011 to 0. 081 for Bear and 0. 011 to 0. 078 for Castro-Orgaz et al, respectively, which indicated a proper confirmation.

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