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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Current study aims at investigating gender differences in job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior in a sample including 200 male and 200 female teachers and 80 male principals from boys’ primary schools at Tehran. Data were collected using questionnaire; and analyzed through factorial analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient, Fisher’s Z, structural equation modeling and multiple regressions. Results showed that average of variables in female teachers are higher than male teachers significantly but correlations between variables in male teachers are higher than female teachers significantly. Also a modified model including intrinsic job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior had better fit with observed data in male teachers. Although standard coefficients of direct and indirect effects in male teacher’s model were higher than female teachers but non significant differences has found between them. Male teacher’s model has more explanation of variance of organizational citizenship behavior. Findings were discussed with emphasis on gender differences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The descriptive present research tries to study the realization of gender equality for accessing general education (elementary, junior and senior high levels) in Iran during 1976-2006 and to predict the realization of such equality for 2016 (as the last year for the achievement of MDGs and 5th NDP in Iran). For this purpose, the four latest censuses (1976, 1986, 1996, and 2006) have been considered as the starting points and the number of students and the gross registration rate of boys and girls in the three levels have been calculated through the statistics of Ministry of Training & Education. Then the gender equality index was determined according to the said rate. The main results show that during the past 30 years, this index was achieved in the senior high level on 1996 & 2006 as well as in elementary level on 2006. In the junior high the gender equality for accessing education has not been yet achieved and it is still in favor of boys. The predictions show that based on the annual growth of this index, contrary to the past 30 years, on 2016 in all the school levels, the gender inequality will be in favor of girls.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Media as an immaterial part of the human culture which has a decisive role in the shaping and make- up of public opinion will just have an impact on its audience when the context for the acceptance of a notion has been prepared; otherwise its influence will be very temporary and provisional. With the establishment of a modern institute called the Government and the necessity for acquiring public opinion in decision making, the need for the concretization of public- government relationship was felt and this is within this relationship that the role of media was strengthened comparing to the past. Moreover the distribution of power between the government and the population underlined the active participation of people in the society. Due to such change and evolution, marginalization or inactivity of a part of the society, mainly women (because of political and social reasons), is nonsense and therefore the media can provide the context for moving from margins to the heart of society. This transition depends on enjoying an independent identification as well as on the increase of implying an effect, specially on the poor class of the society. The globalization has also highlighted a different approach towards the concept of identification, gender differences and social dimensions of women’s issues. By emphasizing on the role of media for underlying the real status of women in the public scene, the present article will seek to prove the theory upon which the insistence on gender identification in the public scene will conclude in the fact that women’s participation in the society will be more limited to the legal framework. But, through a library research, based on the descriptive- analytic method, this study tries to show that women’s presence will be more when it is automatic, competitive, collective, organized and conscious. If the emphasis of media on the activeness and participation of women in the public scene is based on a gender identification in competition with men (as those disregarding women’s rights), their participation will not have the necessary vitality; since such procedure will just strengthen the feeling of being an Other and weaken the civil solidarity with no other result.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Team work and cooperation in groups can be considered as a potent tool to enhance people’s capabilities and make team synergy. Group members can benefit from this advantage by learning team work skills. It seems that gender has some effects on individual’s performance. In another word, people with high team work skills, perform better. Therefore; the current study tries to answer two following question: 1) Are team work skills different between male and female students of Yazd University, 2) Is there any significant correlation between team work skilsl and research and educational performance of students? For this purpose, a two- part questionnaire is used: part one measures team work skills of students in 6 dimensions, including adaptability, communication, coordination, decision making, interpersonal relationships and leadership. Another part measures research and educational performance of participants. We select our participants from master and PhD students. Independent T test and Spearman correlation are used for testing the research hypotheses. Results have shown that there are significant differences between team work skills of male and female student in Yazd University. In addition we have found slight relation between team work skill and student’s performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Civil participation is considered as an index of development in today’s modern societies. Iranian women’s low civil participation is one of the fundamental problems of the Iranian society, since they compose half of population. The study of this issue could therefore lead us to the roots and causes hindering their participation; since without a proper knowledge about the obstacles and planning in order to solve them, institutionalized social management and increase of citizen’s participation will not be possible. The main theme of this paper is thus a sociological study of the impact of parent's autocratic personality on women’s civil participation. In the section on the descriptions and analysis of the data, the status of the autocracy of parents and the inputs resulted from the procedure of women’s socialization, values and perspectives, as well as the rate of women’s readiness for socializing, have been explained. Apart from the explanation of the two mentioned variants, the interrelationship between these two have been also studied. The female students at Tehran University, in non- medical fields, between the years 2006-2007, compose our sample population. The research toll is based on questionnaire.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the most important rights of a child is the right to development. Family is the first institution which must prepare child’s developmental rights; if the family couldn’t cope with this function well, children and adolescents maybe at risk of committing crimes. This article explains the most important developmental dysfunctions of family and its relationship with child’s delinquency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to study the structural relationship between the variables including mindfulness, non- existential resistance to life and sociability and their relationship with search for meaning in life (the central point of the model), 216 divorced women between the age of 20-45 were selected from Tehran counseling centers using the cluster random selection method. Our tool was a search-for-meaning-in-life questionnaire designed by the researcher based on the mentioned variables. Following the data analysis using AMOS software, a model was devised based on 6 direct and 2 indirect paths with proper fitness. It was found that mindfulness was positively and directly related with non- existential resistance to life, search for meaning in life and sociability; it was positively and indirectly related with the intermediation of non- existential resistance to life with search for meaning in life. There is a direct and positive path between non- existential resistance to life and search for meaning in life while the relationship between non- existential resistance to life and sociability is negative and direct. With the intermediation of search for meaning in life, there is a positive and indirect relationship between non- existential resistance to life and sociability. The relationship between search for meaning in life and sociability is positive and direct. The implementation of this method on divorced women may indicate the realization of search for meaning in life due to the impacts of mindfulness and non- existential resistance to life and their effects on their sociability. Thus, more precise scientific frameworks can be provided for therapeutic and educational interventions for this group of women.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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