The main question of the paper is what the structural and agency backgrounds of the Nationalization Movement of the Oil Industry and the Islamic Revolution of Iran are. To answer this question, Anthony Giddens' Structuration Theory has been used. For Giddens, the structure and agency are two sides of a coin, and the integrated analysis of the structure-agency must be used to explain social phenomena. The method of this research is documentary and historical analysis, and a note-based tool for collecting information is used. The research hypothesis is that the simultaneous presence of structural and agency causes the occurrence of the National Oil Movement and Islamic Revolution movement. The findings of this research show that in the structural aspect, the most important factors in the national oil movement are: in the economic dimension the oil issue, in the social dimension, the coalition of clerics, intellectuals and marketers, in the field of domestic politics, the dictatorship of government and in foreign policy, the support of the super powers of the Mohammad Reza king, and in the cultural field, the dominant ideology of nationalist ideology. In the structural aspect, the most important factors in the Islamic revolution are: in the field of economy, dependent and uneven development and the rentier state, in the social dimension, the coalition of all classes, in the field of domestic politics, the absolute dictatorship mode of government, and in the foreign policy, dependence of Shah government on super powers, and in the cultural dimension, the dominant and mobilizing ideology of Shi'ism. But in the agency aspect, in the National Movement, the coalition of Dr. Mossadegh as a representative of the national flow and Ayatollah Kashani as a representative of the religious flow, was effective. In the Islamic Revolution, there was again a coalition between religious, intellectuals and market forces, but the unique leadership of the revolution was by Imam Khomeini and religious flow as the main agents of it.