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Journal of Rangeland

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The publicized law in rangeland had great influence in Iranian rangeland status. Although some plans have been introduced to enhance rangeland condition, their efficiencies are rarely evaluated. This study aimed to evaluate rangeland management system in Iran over a period of fifty years, using various economic, ecologic and social-policy indicators. Questionnaires and interview with range experts and ranchers were used to collect the data. The trend of each indicator was evaluated using a Likert scale. The target rangeland community to collect the data were well-distinguished ranchers. According to the results, the stakeholders believed that rangeland production in the past was much higher than the present. The result showed that Iran's rangeland management system is not efficient. The rangeland quality and quantity decreased considerably and rancher’ s income and their satisfaction declined accordingly. The implemented management practices did not enhance range condition and rancher income. Private and governmental capacities should be used to empower ranchers to take socially and ecologically sound decisions.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Appropriate use of natural resources services and its protection are required to achieve sustainable agriculture and rural development. Sustainability is a concept focusing on preservation of capitals (anthropogenic, natural, social and economic) to satisfy intergenerational requirements. Developing appropriate sustainability indices are required for goal setting, planning and assessing management practices. The impacts of projects can be assessed using appropriate sustainability indices. The gaps in this area caused formulation of many development plans without acceptable outcomes. The present research aims to introduce and validate social sustainability assessment indices for Sahand summer rangelands. These indices can be used by practitioners and natural resource researchers to assess their social sustainability. Eighty-seven social sustainability indices were formulated and approved by experts. Descriptive analysis and Kruskal– Wallis tests were used to validate the collected data. The indices with the mode, median and mean greater than 3, standard error of less than 1 and CV less than 0. 3 were selected and approved by experts. Fifty out of 87 indices were extracted and presented in form of 13 components. These indices have the capability to be used for assessing and evaluating social sustainability among ranchers in the study area.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Community-based approach proved increasingly important in land management since it involves full participation of stakeholders in all stages of planning and implementation of land management programs. Since this approach has a dramatic impact upon the improvement of social capital, this study aimed to analyze and assess bridging social capital of rangeland users at Rostam Abad-e-Alicharak village, in Rigan district. The assessment was carried out in two phases of prior and post-project using social network analysis and questionnaire of network analysis because RFLDL community-based management project is practiced in this village. Trust ties and participation were assessed using macro network indices (e. g. density, reciprocity, transitivity, and geodesic distance). Results indicated that these indices were increased since the implementation of RFLDL project in the study area. Implementing this project led to enhance trust building and reinforcement of participation and cooperation of the head of groups and improve bridging social capital. This finding verifies the desired effect of community-based approach in land management for enhancing social capital of rangeland users.

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Journal of Rangeland

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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of various grazing intensity levels on rangeland indices. Various vegetation indices and soil parameters were compared in low, moderate and high grazing pressure in Tolkoloo rangelands-Ardabil province. Three transects were established in each grazing intensity area and 10 plots of 1 m2 were placed in each transect and their species composition, density, canopy cover, litter, bare soil, stone and gravel percentages were recorded. Soil samples were collected from zero to thirty cm of soil depth in first, fifth and tenth plots of each transect. The soil parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, lime, phosphorus, organic carbon, organic matter and the percentages of sand, silt, and clay were measured in all soil samples. One-way analysis of variance and Duncan test were used for analyzing data. The results showed that plants canopy covers were decreased and bare soil, stone, and gravel percentage were increased significantly in severe grazed areas (P < 0/01). Trigonella monspeliaca L. and Astragalus rostratus C. A. Mey. were dominant palatable species in low grazing areas and their canopy cover were 30. 94 and 6. 44, and their densities were 104. 23 and 12. 10 stand per one m2 respectively. The palatable species canopy covers were decreased by increasing grazing pressure while canopy covers of low palatable species (class II and III) increased. Although high grazing pressure caused a decline in soil organic carbon, clay, potassium, magnesium contents and soil pH, electrical conductivity, phosphorus, calcium, lime, and sand were increased significantly (P < 0/01). Overall, increasing grazing intensity reduced total canopy cover and soil nutrients, modified species composition, and caused instability of rangeland ecosystem. According to the results, grazing gradient framework can be used for range assessment in Moghan plain.

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Journal of Rangeland

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This study aimed to evaluate the application of range health approach for assessing the structure and function of Steppe rangelands in Ghamishloo National Park of Isfahan province. This research was conducted in three zones with different protection levels/ grazing intensity including a national park with wild herbivores, a peripheral protected area, where both livestock and wild herbivores present, and an adjacent grazing free area where wild herbivores were absent. Soil bulk density, organic matter, ground cover, canopy cover and soil aggregate stability of the zones were assessed quantitatively to improve range health assessment results. Seventeen ecological indicators were assessed to measure three health indices including soil and site stability, hydrologic function and biotic integrity in various zones. Ecological indicators were rated based on range health approach (from extreme condition to none based on their deviation from reference site status). According to the results, range health condition differs considerably due to the grazing intensities in different zones. Range health condition in zones with livestock and wild herbivores were assessed “ at risk” , but all the three indices were categorized extreme and moderately extreme in the grazing free area. According to the non-metric multi-dimensional scaling analysis and Mann-Whitney test, the extent of soil surface loss, bare soil percentage, structural-functional groups, vegetation composition and soil resistance to erosion were identified as the most discriminative range health indicators. According to the results, these indicators and all the three range health indices varied statistically between different zones (α = 0. 01), hence the five identified sensitive indicators can be used effectively to assess range health in this area.

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Journal of Rangeland

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This study aimed to assess soil seed bank condition under cushion plants in response to prescribed fire in Vaz watershed, Mazandaran province. Thirteen cushion plant stands were selected randomly. Soil samples of pre-fire condition were collected at two depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm), then the cushion plants were treated by experimental fire and soil samples were collected again one week after the fire treatment. The sampled soil seed banks were evaluated using germination tests in greenhouse condition. Germinated seeds were identified and the seed density per square meter and species richness were calculated. Two-way ANOVA and paired t-test were applied to evaluate the effects of fire, soil depth on soil seed bank density and richness. The results showed that seed density of forbs and grasses at pre-fire in the depths of 0-10cm was significantly higher than those of forbs and grasses at post-fire treatment at the same depth (p < 0. 05). Similarly, species richness of forbs and grasses at the pre-fire condition at the depth of 0-10 cm was significantly higher than those at the same depth in post-fire condition (p < 0. 05). Seed density and species richness of seed bank at the pre-fire condition in the depth of 0-5 cm was significantly higher than those at post-fire (p < 0. 05). No significant differences were observed between pre and post-fire at depth of 5-10 cm in density and richness of soil seed bank.

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Journal of Rangeland

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The plant species with medicinal and feeding values have high capability to be used in range improvement programs. Understanding nutritional values of species in various phonological stages are important for range managers. Ferulago angulata (Schlecht. ) Boiss is a medicinal plant species from Apiaceae family, widely distributed in Kohgiluyeh & Boyer-Ahmad province. Five stands of the plant species with three replications in vegetative, flowering and seed setting stages were collected randomly and analyzed using standard methods. Crude Protein (Pr), Dry Matter (DM), Crude Fat (CF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Ash, Organic Material (OM), Digestible Dry Matter (DDM) and Metabolism Energy (ME) based on DDM of the samples were measured. According to the results, forage quality of the species in various habitats and phonological stages varied significantly. The highest nutritional values of the species were recorded in Abnahr and Margon habitats due to their limited watering points and low grazing pressure. Results indicated that the species had higher nutritional value in vegetative and flowering stages compared to seed set stage and meet the livestock nutritional requirements. Phonological studies can assist managers to select appropriate grazing time period.

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Journal of Rangeland

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The soil is the main component of rangeland ecosystem that provides minerals and moisture for plant growth. Rangeland ecosystems as a renewable source have various economic, social and environmental influences. More understanding of economic and environmental consequences of severe grazing is required to prevent rangeland degradation. This study aimed to evaluate economic values of rangeland ecosystems in preserving soil nutrient elements such as N, P, K in Moghan rangelands. Two rangeland sites with good and poor management histories were selected and 31 soil samples were collected randomly in each site and their N, P and K elements were measured in soil laboratory. Results indicated that erosion in the study area with the size of 115000 hectares was 14. 7 ton per hectare per a year. Unpaired t-test was used to compare the nutrients in both sites and logistic regression was performed to determine the likelihood of rangeland degradation and hazards. Replacement cost method was used to evaluate economic values of soil nutrients in the sites. Results revealed that the nutrients lost by soil erosion valued 18448875000000 Rials in the study area.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Understanding structure and function of ecosystems assists managers to identify rangeland potentials. This study aimed to evaluate soil surface quality in northern and southern aspects of Khahkaloon and Ahmadabad Vezg rangeland in Boyerahmad county, using landscape function analysis (LFA) method. Twelve transects with 100 m lengths were established. Eleven soil surface indicators of various ecological patches (e. g. trees, shrubs, grasses, and forbs) and inter-patch zones were assessed by five replications based on LFA manual. Three functionality indices including soil stability, infiltration, and nutrient cycling were calculated for each transect. Results showed that although stability and nutrient cycling indices in north and south aspects in both areas differed, infiltration index did not differ significantly. Stability indices varied significantly between various ecological patches, and this index was highest in trees and shrubs ecological patches. Infiltration index of trees and shrubs in both northern and southern slopes of Khahkaloon varied significantly from other ecological patches. Considering high functionality of trees and shrubs, cultivation of these life forms can be recommended in restoration programs in the study area.

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Journal of Rangeland

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This study aimed to introduce electric fences for implementing grazing systems to reduce costs of herding. This experiment was conducted with two different breeds of livestock in Taleghan rangelands over two years. Range and medicinal plants were identified and their palatability classes were determined and the study area was divided into some homogeneous sections. Livestock behavior in the sections was studied between various grazing interval periods. Livestock weights in two-time steps (first and second years) were compared using paired t-test and showed no significant differences. The gain weight rate in the second year was 11. 5 % compared with the 3. 7 % in the first year. Results revealed that using electric fences to implement grazing system caused more economic advantage because it increased grazing period, cuts the costs for shepherds and decreases winter cost for feeding animals. Range managers can harvest medicinal plants more efficiently using this technique and gain more profit.

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