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L'enseignement du français dans les établissements scolaires et universitaires est souvent accompagné de I'enseignement de la littérature. Il est à noter que I'on connait même le français chez nous a travers la littérature qui est un domaine riche à découvrir. Il y a même des gens qui s'intéressent uniquement au françaiv dans l'espoir de pouvoir exploiter la richesse d'une littérature connue dans le monde entier. Mais il nous semble que, malgré les rapprochements apparents entre les deux, la question de langue et de literature reste souvent incompatible sur le plan didactique. Ainsi la discipline intitulée "langue et littérature françaises", enseignée dans les universités iraniennes, n'en fait pas exception. Sur Ie plan pédagogique du terme, l'apprentissagede la langue, tel que nous le pratiquons avec nous lévès, ne nous conduit pas à entrer dans l'horizon littéraire qui est d'ailleurs considéré comme notre seul objectif. Langue et littérature, au lieu de se joindre, ells s'éloignent de plus en plus dans nos expériences didactiques.

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One of the most widely discussed task distinctions in task based language teaching is the one between open and closed tasks which refers to the flow of information in the task. Both are information gap tasks, in which information is transferred between task participants. It is thus hypothesized that task condition affects L2 learner's performance in terms of fluency and accuracy which in turn contributes to the development of overall proficiency and consequently creates a favorable condition for language learning .In line with this theoretical rationale, this study investigated the impact of task conditions on L2 learner's performance to find if these two different task conditions produce different kinds of performance. Oral performance 0f 50 L2 learners at the intermediate level were collected by means of open and closed tasks. The data was statistically analyzed. Results of statistical analysis revealed that there was a significant difference between the open and closed conditions in terms of fluency but no significant difference between the closed and open conditions in terms of accuracy. Of course there was a trend towards greater accuracy in the closed condition despite the lack of statistical difference. The implications of the study in syllabus design and testing will be discussed.

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T.S Eliot took to the writing of poetic dramas in order to instill religious awareness among his readers which has a subtle under-pattern of great validity in changing the life outlook of men and women with a modicum of sensibility. He was very much concerned about the fate of a society moving inexorably toward thoroughgoing secularism and the materialism which accompanies it. It is in this context that Eliot cautioned his readers to note that secular humanism was not enough. He held that urgent need was some form of religious belief in God. With this perspective in mind, in this article the treatment of religion in the Eliot's dramas is undertaken to be examined. This article also argues that through his poetic dramas Eliot touches on the various problems connected with religious awareness and spiritual values.

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In the modern period after the forties, a group of nine poets wrote a genuine and healthy poetry that belonged definitely to a new period. They were Elizabeth Jenning, John Holloway, Philip Larkin, Thomas Gunn, Kingsly Amis, D. J. Enright, John Wain and others. They were called the Movement Poetry. Their poetry was intelligent, knowledgeable and polished. The poetry from these individuals also tended to reflect everyday life, with a newfound emphasis on clarity, democratic values, religious decline and intellectual detachment.Larkin's complaint against life is that is has never lured him. Its very indifference and its failure to have any use for him make him want to reject it. This doesn't mean that his mind is wholly a mind to winter; gleam of light is there, some flicker of life, a wish for a moment of frolic out of doors. Alongside poems of the most intense gloom and alarm, Larkin also develops the affirmative features of his talent.

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تی. اس. الیوت با نوشتن نمایشنامه های منظوم سعی در وسعت بخشیدن به دیدگاه مذهبی خود را داشت. او علاوه بر استفاده از شعر جهت برانگیختن احساسات خوانندگانش تلاش داشت تا به وسیله نمایشنامه های منظوم آگاهی مذهبی را در آنها ایجاد کند. به عقیده او این هنر می توانست با ظرافت خاص خود، جهان بینی همه افراد بشر را حتی اگر ذره ای احساس داشته باشند دچار تحول کند. با چنین ذهنیتی، الیوت به خوانندگانش هشدار می دهد که انسانیت دور از مذهب جوابگوی نیازهای بشریت نیست. این مقاله موضوع مذهب در نمایشنامه های الیوت را بررسی و چنین بحث کرده که الیوت با استفاده از این نمایشنامه ها مسایلی را که مرتبط با آگاهی مذهبی و ارزش های روحانی است مطرح می کند و بیانگر تاثیر عمیق مذهب در بینش و سرنوشت انسان است.

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یکی از مباحث مهم و مورد بحث در حوزه آموزش فعلیت- محور زبان، تمایز بین انواع متفاوت فعلیت های زبانی و چگونگی مبادله اطلاعات بین فراگیران زبان در حین انجام آنها می باشد. طبق چهارچوب های نظری و براساس فرضیه های ارایه شده در پژوهش های اخیر، موقعیت و شرایط انجام فعلیت های زبانی از نظر روانی گفتار و درستی ساختار نحوی برکنش زبان گفتاری فراگیران زبان تاثیر فراوانی دارد و در نهایت به ایجاد شرایط مطلوب یادگیری و توسعه توانش زبان فراگیران کمک می کند.در راستای این چهارچوب نظری، کنش زبان گفتاری پنجاه زبان آموز انگلیسی در انجام دو فعلیت زبانی، یکی در موقعیت و حالت بسته و محدود (Closed Condition) نظیر پاسخ های تک گزینه ای و دیگری در موقعیت باز و نامحدود (Open Condition) نظیر پاسخ های چند گزینه ای، مورد تجزیه و تحلیل آماری قرار گرفت. نتایج به دست آمده نشان می دهد که بین کنش گفتاری زبان آموزان در دو موقعیت یادشده از نظری کیفیت و کمیت روانی گفتار و درستی و صحت ساختار نحوی، تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد.یافته های پژوهش حاضر در حوزه های آموزش زبان انگلیسی، آزمون سازی و تهیه و تدوین مطالب درسی استفاده کاربردی خواهد داشت.

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می دانیم که تعامل بین زبان و ادبیات از ارکان نقد ادبی محسوب می شود و نادیده گرفتن هر کدام موجب از بین رفتن دیگری خواهد شد. این ارتباط چنان دارای اهمیت می باشد که منتقدان و صاحبنظران علم زبانشناختی اصول و روش های متفاوتی را برای برقراری این پیوند خاطر نشان می کنند. آنچه در دانشگاه ها و مراکز آموزش عالی به عنوان آموزش زبان مطرح می شود، از روش ها و اصول مبتنی بر ادبیات برخوردار نمی باشد و نمی تواند ما را با ادبیات و اصول مربوط به نقد ادبی پیوند دهد. در واقع عدم بکارگیری برخی روش های کارآمد در آموزش زبان، شکافی بین ادبیات و زبان ایجاد می کند که این امر دانشجویان و زبان آموزان را در دانشگاه ها سردرگم می سازد. آنچه در این مقاله پیشنهاد شده است عبارت است از گزینش روش های مناسب برای آموزش زبان و بکارگیری متدهای کارآمد که بتوانند ما را به عرصه ادبیات و نقد ادبی نزدیک سازند.

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The goal of this article is the analysis of the speech of two politicians according to the theory of the speech acts in the United Nations. In this article, the discoursal analysis through speech acts theory has been down on discourse of presidents of Iran and USA (Shahrival 1385) in the United Nations. After the development of the subject in the introduction, the speech acts are defined and the classification of the speech acts, according to Searle is presented. Thereafter, we analyzed the speeches of Ahmadinejad and Bush; and we compared the results. While benefitting from the withdrawn results and the situation of the two presidents; according to the analysis of the speech acts; we can say that the cause of the use of this political language in the United Nations; is the hope to transmit and influence on the other presidents by their messages. Half of the speech of the president of Iran is devoted to express his ideas and half of the speech of the president of the United States is giving a report of his actions as a world power.

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The major aim of this study is to find the relationship language learning strategies, field of studies, age, and language background among students in Iran. To this end, Oxford's questionnaire which consists of memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, social, and affective strategies were selected. This questionnaire was administered in Iran over 3000 university students. The results of the analysis showed that there is a relationship between language learning strategies, field of study, age, and language background. Finally, the results were discussed in the context of language learning in Iran and some suggestions were made for teachers and materials developers.

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This paper gives a general perspective on classical and post-classical Narratology. First, it is said that anything that tells a story, may be called narrative. Then, it goes to say that Narratology as a whole is a theory of narrative. Dividing Narratology into classical/ Post-classical, this paper distinguishes between story, chain of events and discourse; the means by which the story is communicated. The main elements of the story (including time, place and character) and those of discourse (including narrative communication model, the act of narration, point of view / focalization and speech and thought representations, are described in the body of the paper. Finally, reviewing classical Narratology, this paper lists some characteristics of postclassical Narratology as the new theory of narrative grammer.

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The aim of analysis of any work a critical study of events, ideas, readings and the world of thoughts of the author. This article analyse the content of "Childhood", autobiography of French autor "Nathalie Sarraute" who followed the school of "new novel". In this masterpiece, Sarraute with mixing the world of reality and fantasy and with making new method of autoboigraphy, has crated exceptional work. This article try to study not only the content of the work, but also to research about narration, structure and important charateristics that distinguish the new novel from traditional one.

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