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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources




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At the same time with the advent of new technologies, importer uses of technology are forming in different parts of the world. The importer use are more probable in importing countries due to unsuitable absorption and wrong misconceptions such a case is happing for e-marketing because hierarchical networks under the name of e-marketing are making negative attitudes toward this phenomenon. This study has proposed some models for e-marketing to pare the way for the subsequent studies. Undoubtedly, applying the results of such studies or models entitles survives or comparative studies.Conclusion Sum e-marketing models have been designed based on traditional e-marketing mix and digital environment. Therefore, selecting a model or applying the results need scientific research. It should be noted that traditional and electronic marketing should work cooperatively and convergent to achieve such a goal, we need comprehensive marketing strategy.

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Unidirectional tendency to theories and outcomes for describing an action is a dream vision way for overcoming over day by day increasing complicacy of our present world .Gazing to world of commercial brands by such eyes that only see one side, curdles our point of view and postpones our action for creative marketing .Sometimes it is observed that a commercial brand is made questions remained even after 20 years of that product life cycle, still existed. Another brand is made, dies after one month, even sooner than exiting that product from its life cycle. Sometimes an repetitive brand is used by a manufacturer group but without previous proficiency .If every commercial brand considered as respects to this metaphorical actions, in its special contexture (as respects to the situation of the manufacturer group of that commercial brand) creates a new contextual act .In other words, recreates anew meaning that infect is like an organizational event. Recognizing a commercial brand metaphor will lead to better managing this brand. This essay tends to survey this metaphorical activities in commercial brand field.

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Bureaucracy prepares a good way to achieve main objectives within Iran's 20- year perspective document. Studies show that Iran's bureaucracy has serious problems caused that the government, officials, civil servants, and the public have been dissatisfied. Therefore according to the modern management theories, constitutional principles, and socio-political conditions, the bureaucratic system must be reformed necessarily, it emphasized. In this connection, the amendment of bureaucracy and employment Acts were put on the current government's agenda that as a result of it, civil services management bill was submitted to Islamic Consultative Assembly. After many discussions taken three years, the bill was approved by the parliament. The Act consists of human resources management laws such as recruitment, employment, organizing, reconstruction, organization, retirement, civil servants' payments, and as a whole people's rights. Its all preparation, codification, and ratification processes done according to modern management theories world wide such as good governance, modern state, valuable experiences gained by different countries, and constitutional principles within Islamic/Iranian- oriented laws. The article spots the strengths and weaknesses of Iran's bureaucracy that necessarily it must be reformed and outlines the principles, achievements, and modern management theories. Then it discusses about principles of the Act which are restricted to definitions, strategies, and the performance of government's duties technology, organizational structure and finally, its possible achievements have been predicted after the Act was enforced.

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Attention to velocity of changes in tecknologize and intricacy of their socials and today organizations and Competition being in production and sales of corps so service presentation necessary the long rang planning's and Strategic for environment process and compiling futurism strategies is necessary in organizations. In fact we wanted in this paper in production, industry and marketing organizations checking the kinds of strategic planning models and with attention for defects and benefits any of them and comparing they with together so compiling important model for strategic planning of mentioned organizations for purpose in first we defended the strategic planning from view point management’s schools and scientist during paper we reviewed the whole of strategic planning models similar: 1) Critical question analysis 2) GE matrix 3) BCG matrix 4) hofer matrix 5) DPM matrix 6) free man model 7) Philips model 8) Portfolio model 9) ADL matrix 10) PIP model 11) Industry strategic model 12) Wright model 13) Hill model 14) stoner and freeman model 15) j.j. Whiteman model 16) Goodstein model 17) Duncan model 18) Pighz &Rojer model 19) Bryson model 20) Prter model 21) BSC model 22) Daivid model(SWOT matrix , CPM matrix ,SPACE matrix, QSPM matrix) and finally with comparative study mentioned organizations we compiling superior model for strategic planning.

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Innovation is one of the main determinant of economic growth and is a complex process that require various components’ activities, so the innovation system concept absorbed interest as an innovation policy making’ framework. On the other hand, National Innovation System (NIS) is a framework for technical change analysis that introduced recently. Because of its theoretical approach, NIS is not compatible for the developing and late industrializing countries’ circumstances. In these economies, Technical change process is a learning process rather than innovation, so the National Learning System has been considered.In this article, after illustrating the concept of national innovation system and national learning system, the natures of the NLSs of Iran, Brazil and South Korea will be highlighted according to basic 4 macro indicators: The national patterns of labor force education and training, the national patterns of technological acquisition, the national patterns of commitment of resources to technological learning and the outcomes of the national technological efforts. Evidence showed that South Korea has an active learning technological strategy by focus on improvement capability and active incremental innovation, but Iran and Brazil have a passive learning technological strategy with their production capability and passive incremental innovation. One of the important factors in a country’s technological capability and strategy is its institutional setting. This is a main cause of Iran and Brazil’s weakness and their passive national learning system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper nature is about, consideration and survey on bases of theory of decision and different techniques in application of strategic decision making. These techniques deliver in background of management information systems and by using of data of management information systems that makes its application easy. So, this paper offer giving introduction and goal by a definition of information technology give and explanation and elaboration on information system and strategic management information system and after that will search on decision making process and its bases in relation to management information systems. In the most important part of this paper, researcher studies types of organization system, MIS, TPS, DSS, ES and their role in strategic decision makings of organization with diagrams and pictures in this aspect. At last researcher received this conclusion that all of above mentioned techniques, imply their information by receiving management information system. Management information systems mixed analysis and inductive methods with each other. These techniques extract fundamental concepts from inside of elementary information. And make them in a decisive (Deceivable) from these techniques give theoretical format for important of experience and knowledge management information systems by consideration to these concepts.

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Today women form some of the labor force and so are responsible for in and out of house duties. Naturally this group is more vulnerable to job dangers such as burnout phenomenon. This study was going to find out if such a phenomenon existed among the Post female employees. Also this research searched for staff and line employees' differences in regard to the rate of burnout. Meanwhile, some questions regarding their academic and job background, marital statue, the type of employment (contracted or official employment) and burnout phenomenon were answered. Having collected the data through questionnaire responses, the data was analyzed by simple random way with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics, and these results were obtained. According to the result of major hypothesis, line employees' burnout was significantly different on 0.05 level. In fact line employees' burnout average was more than that of staff employees. In other words the employees dealing more with the customers and therefore are under the time-pressure while answering them were more vulnerable to burnout. Also based on the result of the specific hypotheses there was a significant difference on 0.05 level between burnout factors' (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of personal accomplishment) scores of line and staff employees. In fact according to the one-way tests of burnout factors, line employees' average wad more then that of staff employees. According to the research questions there was a strong negative relationship between burnout and the academic background. On the other hand, there was a strong positive relationship between burnout and marital statue. There was not found any relationship between burnout and job background. Finally, there was a strong positive relationship between burnout and the type of employment which showed that the employees with more job security were less exposed to burnout. In the end according to the obtained results, these suggestions were offered: in order to reduce the rate of emotional exhaustion, there can be some programs such as break-time, and time to exercise, and to reduce the rate of depersonalization, there should be more attention to the employees' social needs such as making effective relationship among them and encouraging them and also having programs including making strong intimacy among them. Also other strategies to decrease the rate of burnout may include attention toward employees' training and also toward the women's problems especially those with children, and finally providing both official and contracted employees with the same rate of salary and welfare.

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The mixed methods paradigm is still in its adolescence, and, thus, is still relatively unknown and confusing to many researchers. In general, mixed methods research represents research that involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or in a series of studies that investigate the same underlying phenomenon.Over the last several years, a plethora of research designs have been developed. However, the number of designs that currently prevail leaves the doctoral student, the beginning researcher, and even the experienced researcher who is new to the field of mixed methods research with the challenge of selecting optimal mixed methods designs. This paper presents a three-dimen -sional typology of mixed methods designs that represents an attempt to rise to the challenge of creating an integrated typology of mixed methods designs. An example for each design is included as well as a notation system that fits our eight – design framework.

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One of necessities of different sectors especially social and economical sectors of a country is training and providing proficient human resource and applied science education can play the most fundamental role in this relation. In order to develop this type of educations, in this article we are going to prioritize different regions for establishing applied science education centers using categorization methods of options (multiple criteria MCDM) with approach to educational justice and equal access to educational opportunities. Using SAW and TOPSIS among different MCDM methods, we have prioritized different regions in province of East Azerbaijan for establishing educational centers of applied science and finally we have compared obtained results of two mentioned methods using Spearman correlation coefficient. However, performing reliable tests and considering experts’ viewpoints, we have determined human indices of this research. We have used Liker point scale for entering collected data in SPSS statistical software and defined an acceptable average range for each question. So we obtained 17 main indices for applied science education in different regions of East Azerbaijan and formulated and solved the problem using real information for displacing units of university of Applied Science and Technology for Eastern Azerbaijan cities.

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