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In this research the effects of canopy sodium selenate spraying at 4 levels (0, 0. 5, 1 and 1. 5 mg Se L-1) twice at the period of fruit enlargement on quantitative and qualitative attributes and storage life of 'Starking Delicious' apple fruits, and the viability of canopy spraying as a method of producing Se-enriched fruits, were evaluated. After harvest, the fruits were stored at 1± 1° C and 90-95% relative humidity for 6 months. Samples were taken initially and at 1-month intervals during storage and to simulate market conditions they were placed at room temperature for 24 hr, and then physicochemical parameters such as surface color, anthocyanin, pH, titrable acidity, total soluble solids, vitamin C, ethylene production and selenium accumulation in fruits were measured. Results showed that canopy sodium selenate spraying resulted in an increase in Se concentration both in leaves and fruits. Fruit treatment with different levels of Se had significant effect in reduction of ethylene production, maintaining of flesh firmness, pH, titrable acidity, total soluble solids, vitamin C and surface color compared to control fruits. Also, treating of the fruits with 1. 5 mg Se showed the best effect in retaining of vitamin C and anthocyanin. Overall, canopy selenium spraying was effective in Se bio-fortification of apple fruit, and subsequently had significant effect in quality retention during cold storage.

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Consumption of fresh strawberries has increased significantly because of its vitamins, phenols, anthocyanin’ s and other antioxidant which are effective in preventing various cancers and diseases, but the reduction in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of this fruit during storage and supply to the market is one of the most important challenges. Application of films and edible coatings is increasing because of its natural contain materials and the absence of environmental pollution which were led to positive results, such as reduction in weight loss, ripening, color improvement, sensory and appearance properties of fruits and vegetables. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of sodium alginate on the shelf life of strawberry fruit stored at 4± 1° C. The treatments included control (distilled water), sodium alginate 1, 2 and 3% and storage period for 7 and 14 days with 4 replicates. During storage, brightness index, chroma, rigidity, total acidity, vitamin C, phenol, antioxidant activity and anthocyanin contents decreased, but the application of coatings preserved these indices. So that, two percent alginate treatment was more effective in preserving these traits during experiment. In addition, with the time of storage, polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity, weight loss and pH increased. While the application of sodium alginate 2% preserved the lower levels of pH and activity of the enzyme polyphenol oxidize, it also effectively controlled weight loss up to 14 days.

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Jalili Moghadam zahra | KALANTARI SIAMAK | Hasanpoor Estahbanati Abolghasem | Garrido Daniel Valero

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In this study, the effect of amino acids and Pepton were investigated on some qualitative features and shelf life of pomegranate fruit. This experiment was conducted in two years using randomized complete block design with three treatments, Control, Amino acids, Pepton(soy protein hydrolyzed), in three replications on Malas-e-Save cultivar. Amino acids and Pepton were used at a concentration of two per thousand, at three times in pomegranate fruit developmental stages (from June 1, after fruit set of first flowers, at intervals of one month), quantitative and qualitative factors of fruit were evaluated after harvest and storage time for three months at 5± 1 ° C and 85% humidity. Results showed amino acid and Pepton did not have a significant effect on weight, fruit length and diameter, pH, fruit juice and flavor index. The lowest percentage of white arils was detected in fruit with amino acid treatment, followed by Pepton treatment compared to control. Total antioxidant activity significantly increased as a result of Pepton application compared with other treatments. Results showed, after storage duration, according to sensory evaluation, fruits treated with amino acid were more marketable in terms of quality of the skin (color and freshness), color and taste of arils, compared to others and the lowest chilling injury was observed in the fruits under this treatment. Results showed Peptone could not achieve our expectation as a source of amino acids, to enhance the quality and shelf life of the pomegranate fruit.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The development of fruits without fertilization called parthenocarpy. Interacting genetic and physiological factors can affect parthenocarpy. In previous research superior lines of cucumber with high general combining ability which able to produce superior hybrids with high heterosis released but the lines have no enough parthenocarpic fruits. In this study, the possibility of crossing elite lines with commercial hyrid cv. Negeen studied and their progeny evaluated. Commercial cultivar 'Negeen' used as donor parent. Experiment conducted in complete randomized block design with three replication and characteristics including the number of parthenocarpic fruits, number of male flowers, number of lateral branches, percentage of parthenocarpic fruits, percentage of male flowers evaluated. Results showed that progeny of commercial cultivar 'Negeen' with B10 had the maximum number of parthenocarpic fruits. The minimum number of male flowers related to the progeny of commercial cultivar 'Negeen' with A10. The progeny of commercial cultivar 'Negeen' with A10 had the least of lateral branches. The maximum and minimum percentage of parthenocarpic fruits related to the progeny of commercial cultivar 'Negeen' with B12 and A10 and the progeny of commercial cultivar 'Negeen' with B10 respectively. Maximum and minimum percentage of female flower related to the progeny of commercial cultivar 'Negeen' with B10 and B12 respectively. According to these result it is possible to release recombinant inbred lines similar to elite lines with parthenocarpic in future.

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Estimation of correlation coefficients can accelerate walnut breeding programs and provide the ability to improve other traits along with targeted breeding traits. For this purpose, data obtained from two-year morphological evaluation of 325 screened genotypes from Fars, Mazandaran and Ilam provinces were used to study the correlation between morphological traits. In addition, in order to study the correlation between biochemical and morphological traits, biochemical characteristics of 52 superior genotypes out of 325 screened genotypes were evaluated for one year. Based on the results, a linear and strong relation was observed between phenological traits especially budbreak and harvest date. Yield had a positive and strong correlation with budbreak date (0. 58**), nut weight (0. 64**), kernel weight (0. 46*), nut size (0. 56**) and lateral bearing (0. 53**) and a negative correlation with kernel color (-0. 38*). Based on the result of stepwise regression analysis, nut weight, lateral bearing and nut size index were the main components of walnut yield. Correlation study between biochemical traits with altitude and morphological traits showed that oil and protein percentage of walnut kernel was not affected by the physical characteristics of the nut (nut and kernel size and weight). In Contrast, the oil and protein content increased with increasing altitude. A strong and negative correlation was observed between MUFA and PUFA. Also, PUFA: SFA ratio negatively correlated with shell thickness.

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In order to study the effect of vermicompost, granular compost and mycorrhizal fungus on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of borage, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications was conducted. Experimental treatments consisted of five levels of organic fertilization (zero, 5 and 10 tons per hectare vermicompost, 3 and 6 tons per hectare granular compost) and two levels of mycorrhizal fungi (no application and application of Gluomus mossae species). Results indicated that the highest yield of flowering shoot and LAI was obtained from the application of 10 tons per hectare vermicompost + mycorrhizal fungus. Also the highest baranch number per plant, height, 1000 seed weight and Musilage, belonged to the treatment of 10 tons per hectare vermicompost. Overal, results of this experiment showed that using of vermicompost and mycorrhiza can increase the LAI, height, 1000 seed weight, yield of flowering shoot, biological yield and mucilage percentage in borage. Therefore, the optimum organic and biologic inputs can be used to produce healthy borage plant.

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In this research, substrates consisting of sawdust, wheat straw, date palm leaf wastes, the combination of sawdust with wheat straw (in equal ratio), the combination of sawdust with date palm leaf wastes (in equal ratio), the combination of wheat straw with date palm leaf wastes (in equal ratio) as well as chemical supplements of urea (10g in liter per kg of substrate based on fresh weight of substrate), manganese sulfate (7μ g. kg based on dry matter substrate), ammonium phosphate (15g in liter per kilogram of substrate, based on fresh weight of substrate) and bio additive supplements of mycorrhiza (one milliliter of Glomus mosseae inoculum per kg of salmon oyster mushroom spawn) and vermicompost (6% fresh weight of substrate) in the form of factorial experiment (two factors of substrate and supplement) based on a completely randomized design with three replications were used. The results showed that highest nitrogen content of adult fruit body was allocated to date palm leaf wastes substrate. Also, the amount of lovastatin in adult fruit body was in substrate wheat straw enriched with manganese sulfate and substrate date palm leaf wastes enriched with mycorrhizal was recorded 600 and 219. 22 mg. 100g dry weights, respectively. Also, the results showed that the dry matter of oyster mushroom from third-flush in six substrates (combined and non-combined) was higher than the first and second-flush oyster mushroom. The highest (12. 20 days) and the lowest (7. 80 days) time to complete the vegetative growth of mycelium were allocated to non-combined substrates of date palm leaf wastes and wheat straw, respectively. The results of total yield showed that the highest (1499. 00g) and lowest (904. 88g) fruit body weight were allocated to wheat straw substrate and date palm leaf wastes substrate, respectively. Also, the highest (1312. 00g) fresh weight of the adult fruit body (yield) is devoted to supplementation of manganese sulfate, and there was also a significant difference between this supplement with three other nutritional supplements in terms of yield at probability level of 5%. Therefore, the combination of wheat straw and manganese sulfate as a suitable substrate for the production of salmon oyster mushroom is recommended.

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Regeneration through meristem culture is an efficient way to obtain virus-free plants. This study was conducted to effect of the medium and growth regulator on meristem cultivation in sweet cherry cultivars with factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with seven cultivars (Zard, Siah-E-Mashhad, Dovomres, Bing, Pishres, Takdaneh and Hajyousefi) and type of treatment in four levels of medium and growth regulator (M1H1: half MS without growth regulator, M2H1: complete MS without growth regulator, M1H2: half MS with growth regulator, M2H2: complete MS with growth regulator). Meristem explants (less than 1 mm) were isolated from shoot tips and were cultured in MS medium under controlled conditions; after third subculture (sixth week), meristem survival and activation After sixth subculture (third month), the multiplication rate (production shoot to active sample) and length of the shoot were measured. The results showed that there was no significant difference in survival index as well as multiplication rate and shoot length between cultivars, but this difference was significant between treatments. The highest survival percentage was obtained for Hajyosefi (52. 4%), multiplication rate for Dovomres (2. 2) and shoot length for Bing (7. 9 cm) cultivar in MS medium with 1mg. l-1 BA growth regulator.

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Jamalian Salma

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The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of application of exogenous jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid (ABA) at different salinity regimes, on primary and secondary metabolic changes of 'Kurdistan' and 'Queen Elisa' strawberry leaves. The reduction of adverse effects of sudden salt stress and gradual salt stress regime by increasing total phenolic content and total antioxidant capacity, has been confirmed in 'Kurdistan' and 'Queen Elisa' after application of JA and ABA. The presence of the two hormones under non-saline conditions significantly increased total soluble protein content but less than 10 mM L-1 of sudden salt stress adverse effects were noticed. Abscisic acid and JA caused a clear increase in total soluble proteins of 'Kurdistan' leaves at both gradual salt stress and non-saline conditions. The role of JA and ABA in aspartic acid increment at gradual salt regime was notable. Salt stress induced tyrosine increase and both hormones enhanced asparagine, alanine, histidine, and GABA contents, respectively. The study reveals that JA and ABA are important plant stress hormones and application of ABA accompanied by different JA concentrations activated the protective mechanism of the strawberry plant against NaCl stress.

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This study was carried out to investigate the effect of foliar spraying of Potassium, Boron and Zinc on the fatty acid composition of the fruit of three olive, “ Caillet” , “ Koroneiki” and “ Mission” in the olive orchard of of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in 2016. The research was performed in a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete blocks design with three replications. Spray treatments were included T0 (Distilled water as control), T1 (1000 mg/l potassium sulfate + 1000 mg/l boric acid + 1000 mg/l zinc sulfate) and T2 (2000 mg/l potassium sulfate + 2000 mg/l boric acid +2000 mg/l zinc sulfate). The results showed that there was a significant difference between the foliar treatments in terms of oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid and oleic acid to linoleic acid ratio. Also, the fatty acids composition was different in different cultivars and growth conditions in particular, nutrition during fruit growth had an effect on fatty acids composition, and T2 treatments had the most positive effect on oil quality improvement compared to other treatments, especially in the “ Caillet” variety. Therefore, under low altitude and high temperature conditions in Ahvaz, foliar spraying during fruit growth can improve the quality of olive oil by altering the amount of fatty acids by increasing oleic acid and decreasing palmitic acid.

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In order to study the effect of biofertilizers, on the yield, quality and antioxidant capacity of tomato fruit, an experiment based on randomized complete block design with 9 treatments and 3 replications was carried out at Khalatpoushan station, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University. seeds of Super Chief tomato variety were inoculated with individual and combined treatments of potassium releasing bacteria (Pseudomonas sp. S19-1, Pseudomonas sp. S14-3), phosphate solubilizing (P. putida Tabriz, P. fluorescens Tabriz) and nitrogen fixing (Azospirillum sp. Acu9, Azotobacter sp. ) In the nursery cultivation. In addition, control treatments were performed, without bacterial inoculation and fertilization (control 1) and control treatment without bacterial inoculation and with fertilization (macro elements) based on the soil test analysis (control 2) compare the results. Traits assessed include: total yield, economic yield, non-economic yield, the number of total fruit, average weight of fruit, fruit dry matter, lycopne, vitamin C, total acid and fruit potassium. Results showed that inoculation with bacteria had significant effect on yield, potassium content of fruit, acidity of fruit, dry matter, vitamin C and lycopene content and the highest yield, potassium content of fruit, acidity and fruit dry matter were observed in potassium releasing bacteria treatment. The highest amount of vitamin C was observed in the potassium releasing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria combined treatment while the highest amount of lycopene was obtained in the potassium releasing and phosphate solubilizing and nitrogen fixing bacteria combined treatment. According to the above results, potassium releasing and phosphate solubilizing and nitrogen fixing bacteria as a biofertilizer could be employed to improve yield and quality characteristics of tomato.

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In order to study responses of potato plantlets under in vitro conditions to osmotic and temperature stresses, a factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized blocks design with three replications. The first factor was osmotic stress caused by polyethylene glycol 6000 in four levels including control, 0. 5, 0. 1 and-1. 5 MPa which were equal to 0, 200, 300 and 370 grl-1 PEG. The second factor was temperature at three levels of 15, 25 and 35 ° C applied on plantlets of three Promising clones (143, 301 and 306) and two commercial cultivars (Picasso and Marfona) in MS medium. Physiological and biochemical traits including relative water content (RWC), electrolyte leakage (EL), proline, catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) as well as protein content were measured. Results of variance analysis showed that the simple effects of three factors as well as the interaction were significant at 1≤ 0. 01 on the mentioned traits, but the protein content was not significant. Comparing the mean of treatments showed that by increasing the temperature and concentrations of PEG, RWC was reduced, while EL, proline content, CAT, POX and APX enzymes activity were increased. Also, results indicated that Marfona was more tolerant to stress conditions than other varieties and clones, which seems is due to preventing the effects of stress by increasing the accumulation of proline and the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Clone 306 was more susceptible than other varieties and clones and showed more vulnerability to stress and its plantlets were killed by increasing stress levels. The combination of osmotic and temperature stresses were not tolerated by potato’ s plantlets under in vitro conditions, because osmotic stress of-0. 5 MPa and higher in combined with 35° C caused the plantlets to dry.

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In order to evaluate the effect of calcium lactate (Ca) on some physiological, antioxidant properties and yield of lettuce cv. New Red Fire under deficit irrigation, a split plot experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications was conducted in Zanjan climatic conditions during 2017. Experimental treatments consisted of three different irrigation regimes (70, 85 and 100% ETc) as the main plot and calcium lactate at three levels (0, 0. 75 and 1. 5 g. l-1) as a sub plot. Results showed that deficit irrigation significantly increased the antioxidant activity, proline, phenol, flavonoids contents as well as peroxidase and catalase enzymes activity. In contrast, deficit irrigation reduced the membrane stability index, leaf relative water content, excised leaf water retention and yield. The foliar application of calcium lactate significantly increased plant water status, antioxidant activity and yield. The highest proline content and catalase and peroxidase enzymes activity was obtained with application of 1. 5 g. l-1 Ca under deficit irrigation of 70% ETc. The maximum antioxidant activity was achieved under 0. 75 g. l-1 Ca treatment and deficit irrigation of 85% ETc. According to results, application of 1. 5 g. l-1 Ca can be proposed to improve plant water status, enzyme and non-enzyme antioxidant activity and yield of lettuce.

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The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on physiological and biochemical changes of in vitro-cultured Budaguvsky 9 (Bud 9) apple cultivar under NaCl induced salinity stress. Virus-free shoots and callus of Bud 9 apple were cultured on MS medium containing different levels of NaCl (0, 30, 60 and 90 mM) and ALA (0, 2. 5, 5, 10 and 20 μ M). Four weeks later phytochemical variations of regenerated plantlets with or without NaCl and/or ALA treatments were recorded. Shoot explants and callus treated with 5-aminolevolinic acid at 2. 5 to 20 μ M concentrations demonstrated reduction in catalase and peroxidase and enhancement in superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase enzyme activity. The highest chlorophyll a and b values were observed at shoot explants treated with concentration of 10 μ m of aminolevolinic acid. Also, salinity stress was performed an effective role on increasing the amount of anthocyanins of explants and the highest amount was obtained in 90 mM salinity stress. Increasing the intensity of salinity stress and amino acid concentration (2. 5-10 μ m) in culture media had synergic effect on the antioxidant activity, total phenol as well as flavonoids content of studied explants.

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Vegetative reactions of six citrus different rootstocks (Swingle citromelo; Troyer citrange; Carizo citrange, C-35; Smooth flat sevill and Gou tou) and their effect on early mature Miyagawa Satsuma mandarin was evaluated during 8 years (2010-2017). Experiment was done in randomized complete block design with 4 replications and 4 trees in each replication. Results showed that after vegetative phase (third year) trees on Gou tou had the least canopy volume and height but in the last three years, trees on C-35 had minimum volume and height. In contrast, trees on Swingle citromelo rootstock had the most canopy volume. The most rootstock trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) and girth was related to Swingle citromelo and the most mandarin trunk girth and TCSA was on Smooth flat sevill. Results of rootstock and scion affinity showed that in Smooth flat sevill it was more than 1, in citranges it was about 1 and in Swingle and Gou tou it was less than 1. Rootstock TCSA had the most correlation with canopy volume and scion trunk girth had the most correlation with canopy height and width; so these can be used to estimate the canopy volume.

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Due to lack of fresh water sources, and the inevitability of using unconventional waters, a study was conducted to determine the tolerance of strawberry to salinity for ʻ Parosʼ and ʻ Aromasʼ cultivars and the possible role of brassinosteroids in reducing the negative effects of salinity. In this study the effect of 24-epibrassinolide concentrations (0, 0. 25, 0. 5 and 1 mg/L as foliar spray) and salinity levels (0, 20, 40 and 60 mM in nutrient solution) were evaluated on growth, yield and fruit quality of strawberry in soilless culture under greenhouse conditions. Rooted daughter plants of 'Aromas’ and ‘ Paros’ strawberry cultivars were potted in 4 L plastic pots filled with cocopeat and perlite (1: 1 V/V). Results showed that salinity (60 mM) reduced 44% of strawberry yield. The use of brassinosteroid could reduce the negative effect of salinity on reducing yield and all the concentrations used of BRs could increase the yield compared to the control. Foliar application of brassinosteroids at 0. 5 and 1 mg / L resulted in increased leaf area, shoot and root dry weight and yield. Foliar application of brassinosteroids at 0. 5 and 1 mg / L levels reduced the effects of salinity stress. In general, BRs could mitigate the detrimental effect of saline conditions on growth of strawberry plants, especially at 0. 5 and 1 mg/L concentrations. In general, the use of brassinosteroids, especially at a concentration of 1 mg / L, under mild salinity conditions could reduce the effect of salinity stress on strawberry growth, and this effect was more pronounced on the cultivar ʻ Aromasʼ . Therefore, based on the results, this method is a suitable solution for solving problems caused by salt stress.

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Today, due to limited of water resources, more attention is paid to the use of water storage methods. Thus, a factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with five replications in a controlled greenhouse in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 20017. The studied factors included three irrigation treatments (Full irrigation, deficit irrigation, partial root zone drying) and two levels of phosphate fertilizer (required amount based on soil analysis (25ppm) and adding 25% more than recommended (31ppm)). In partial root treatments, a part of the pots was under drought stress two weeks after planting, and the second part of the zone drying pots was irrigated until the beginning of flowering and 50% of flowering was applied to dry conditions. Results showed that drought stress in both flowering and 21 days after flowering caused a decrease in the physiological traits including chlorophyll content index, photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate. As the duration of drought increased, the density of stomata in the lower leaf area increased. In spite of decreasing photosynthesis and dry matter content in drought stressed plants, biomass content in partial root zone drying was higher than deficit irrigated treatment. Increased phosphorus had no significant effect on stomatal density, but at 21 days after flowering the substomatal CO2, photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate, reduced stomatal conductance, and biomass directly were related to increasing phosphorus.

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This research was carried out to investigate the genetic diversity among local Rosa damascena Mill. genotypes of Kurdistan province for flower yield and its components in Zale research station in 2014. Studied traits was measured on the 4 years old plants that were planted in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications and three plants in plot at appropriate times. Results showed significant difference (p≤ 0. 01) among the genotypes, for flower yield and its components, plant height, number of leaves in plant, leaf length and width, number of flowers in plant, diameter of flower, fresh and dry weight of flowers and petals and the ratio of petal to flower weight, that could provide a basis for improvement of flower yield. Total mean of flower yield was 965. 2 g in plant and the accessions of Kamyaran 1, Baneh 2, Saqez 1 and Sarv Abad1 with 1518. 55, 1334. 91, 1316. 43 and 1262. 88 g/plant respectively produced the highest flower yield. Flower yield showed a positive and significant correlation with flower number, plant height, number and length and width of leaves, flower diameter, fresh and dry weight of flowers and petals. Results of cluster analysis (CA) classification was in accordance with flower yield and ecological characteristics of genotypes. Results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed a high consistency with the CA result, but in terms of flower yield, its genotypic separation was more clear. In general, the accessions of Kamyaran1 is recommended as a superior genotype for development of Rosa damascene in Kurdistan province.

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Witches’ broom disease of lime (WBDL), caused by ‘ Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ , is major limiting factor for Mexican lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) production in southern Iran. In this investigation, biochemical composition profiling of the healthy and infected rooted Mexican lime was monitored during WBDL progression (90-330 days) as well as to distinguish infected from healthy Mexican limes under greenhouse conditions. For this aim, stem cuttings is taken from healthy Mexican lime. After three months, half of Mexican lime cutting were inoculated by bark-grafting from WBDL-affected Mexican. Six healthy and infected plants were sampled 90, 150, 210, 270 and 330 days after inoculation with Phytoplasma. Pigments, total phenol, antioxidant capacity, soluble carbohydrate and starch content in leaves were measured. Results showed Phytoplasmal infection caused growth inhibition and reduced stem and root dry mater. Moreover, infection mostly caused to a marked decrease in pigments and significantly increased soluble carbohydrates and starch. In Mexican lime leaves, phenol contents and antioxidant capacity were increased after inoculation with Phytoplasma. In addition, the principal components analysis (PCA) revealed a clear distinction between the leaf biochemical profiles of healthy and infected plants during the progression of WBDL. In conclusion, this study provides new insights into the lime response to phytoplasma infection during the progression of WBDL. Finally, we showed that healthy plants can be isolated from infected plants using biochemical profiles.

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Salvia santolinifolia Boiss. is a perennial aromatic plant from Lamiaceae family that grows wild in Iran. In the current study, the aerial parts of this plant were collected at full flowering stage from four habitats in Hormozgan province including Abmah, Ghotbabad, Dorahi-Meymand and Sirmand in 2018. After confirmation of scientific names of the plants by Herbarium of Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization of Hormozgan province, the plant materials were dried at shade and at room temperature. The essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation, the yields were calculated based on dry weight and the oils were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Results showed that maximum and minimum essential oil contents (w/w%) obtained from Ghotbabad (0. 93%) and Abmah (0. 65%) ecotypes, respectively. According to ecotypes, thirty-six components, representing 99. 6-99. 9% of the total components, were identified. α-Pinene, humulene epoxide, limonene, camphene, α-terpineol, myrcene and α-cadinol were the major compounds. Monoterpene hydrocarbons were the main group of constituents in all samples (69. 3-80. 5%). The chemical variation among ecotypes according to their geographical and bioclimatic distribution could be considered for in situ and ex situ conservation and domestication of the plants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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