In order to study the effect of biofertilizers, on the yield, quality and antioxidant capacity of tomato fruit, an experiment based on randomized complete block design with 9 treatments and 3 replications was carried out at Khalatpoushan station, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University. seeds of Super Chief tomato variety were inoculated with individual and combined treatments of potassium releasing bacteria (Pseudomonas sp. S19-1, Pseudomonas sp. S14-3), phosphate solubilizing (P. putida Tabriz, P. fluorescens Tabriz) and nitrogen fixing (Azospirillum sp. Acu9, Azotobacter sp. ) In the nursery cultivation. In addition, control treatments were performed, without bacterial inoculation and fertilization (control 1) and control treatment without bacterial inoculation and with fertilization (macro elements) based on the soil test analysis (control 2) compare the results. Traits assessed include: total yield, economic yield, non-economic yield, the number of total fruit, average weight of fruit, fruit dry matter, lycopne, vitamin C, total acid and fruit potassium. Results showed that inoculation with bacteria had significant effect on yield, potassium content of fruit, acidity of fruit, dry matter, vitamin C and lycopene content and the highest yield, potassium content of fruit, acidity and fruit dry matter were observed in potassium releasing bacteria treatment. The highest amount of vitamin C was observed in the potassium releasing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria combined treatment while the highest amount of lycopene was obtained in the potassium releasing and phosphate solubilizing and nitrogen fixing bacteria combined treatment. According to the above results, potassium releasing and phosphate solubilizing and nitrogen fixing bacteria as a biofertilizer could be employed to improve yield and quality characteristics of tomato.