Population growth, urbanisation and the gap between living standards in urban centres and countryside mean that rural-urban interactions and linkages play an increasingly important role in local economies and in the livelihoods of large numbers of people. Though policy makers and researchers are increasingly acknowledging the potential role of rural-urban relations and linkages play in alleviating inequality between rural and urban environments, still research and policy discussion surrounding the matter have been unfortunately hampered by oversimplification of these issues. It added by the failure to adequately define fundamental terminology involved in these issues. So, the both terms relations and linkages are used frequently in the literature an d in policy discussions, yet definitions are largely situational and case specific. The y provide little basis for a unified understanding of what constitutes these relations a nd linkages.The rural-urban linkages are characterized by a series of flows, like people, technology, goods, capital, natural resources, and information. Each of these flows has multiple components and impacts, feature different spatial and temporal linkages, and thus need adequate policies. Thus, flows and linkages exist between all rural and urban areas, but their scale and strength are determined by the nature of economic, social and cultural transformations. These can be divided further into three broad categories: the global, the national and the local levels. Moreover, there is an increasing percept ion that rural, periurban, and urban environments operate as a system rather than independently and that rural development and urban planning are necessarily linked activities. In fact, the notion is that activities or interventions in one area have consequences in the other, often negative. On the other hand, creative policies can turn liabilities into resources and bridge the rural-urban divide.