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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Crop growth and production at rainfed systems is related to climate parameters changes. Climate parameters changes influenced Crop growth and its production at rainfed systems. Assessing the effective parameters and planning for their managing and or arranging agronomic activity with those trend changes, which result to improving production baseline and prediction for future. Precipitation and temperature are more important climate factors, which influence crop growth and production. Assessment the components of these factors, lead to improving grain yield and rain water productivity.Methodology: In order to estimation of climate-yield production functions, analyzed eight crop seasons data (1998-2006) of 25 climate parameters and rainfed wheat grain yields of two warm regions of Lorestan province including Kohdasht and Poldokhtar. By path analysis method separated correlation coefficient to direct and indirect effects. Statistical indicators such as mean absolute error, maximum absolute error, root mean square error, index of agreement and efficiency were used for evaluation climate models. Relationship between precipitation – yield and precipitation – water productivity, determined for this area.Discussion: Results showed that in local and common models of production functions, the role of sunshine is very important. Sunshine influenced relative humidity and air temperature, and then affected on yield and rain water productivity. The local models necessary small input data but common model need more input data (Tmin, n, PWimter, PStart, PEnd, Tmin-abs, PAban, PAzar, PDay, PFar, POrd, Tmax-far.). Statistical indicators amounts, showed that, the climate models were suitable to yield predict at these regions. Rain water productivity of all regions determined for eight crop seasons, and amounts of maximum, minimum and average of rain water productivity were 0.411, 0.142 and 0.269 kg per cubic precipitation, which its average was 8 percent lower than national average (0.292 kg.m-3).Conclusion: We conducted the climate-yield models are useful tools to predict rainfed wheat yield and so to assist managers and farmers for making decisions in rainfed agronomic activity under climate parameters changes.

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    4 (52)
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Introduction: 1-1- Problem statement and purpose Tourism has the potential to create both positive and negative impacts. For tourism development to be successful it must be planned and managed responsibly. Similarly, communities that use or plan to use tourism as an economic development tool to diversify their economy must develop policies for the sustainable development of the community. One key to sustainable development of tourism in a community is the inclusion of local people and host communities. Without local residents support in the community it is nearly impossible to develop tourism in a sustainable manner. Assessing the perceived impact of tourism development in rural area is one of the main predictors for local support for sustainable tourism development in their community. Therefore, a clear understanding of the attitudes and interests of host communities is a necessary precursor to the planning and management of sustainable tourism. Therefore current research aimed to assess impacts of tourism development in rural area that carried out in Zyarat village in county of Gorgan from Golestan province. The decline of traditional rural industries such as agriculture, livestock, and forestry over the past three decades has required many rural communities to explore alternative means to strengthen their economic base. As a result, rural communities have investigated alternative industries to strengthen and diversify their economies. Tourism has been identified as one of the primary industries with the potential to assist local communities in developing economic diversity. 2-Study area Zyarat village as main destination of tourism is a stair-village between mountains and jungles that located at 7 kilometers south of Gorgan, the center of Golestan province. This small forestry village has permanent resident population 1964 people according to Iranian 2006 national survey. The village and its surrounding forests are well used by national tourists during the peak spring and summer months. Currently development of the tourist industry in the village are motivated by attractions such: twin waterfall, Mud spring geysers, handicraft, local livestock products and sparse settlement pattern.Methodology: This applied research used quantitative paradigm and carried out based on survey strategy. The statistical population consistent all local people in Zyarat village, which 192 samples selected by Krejcie and Morgan table and multistage random sampling. To collect data, the questionnaire employed as research tool and then interview used as complete data gathering phase. More specifically, each impact domain (economic, social, environmental and physical) was represented by some attributes. Content and face validity was ensured through an extensive literature review and evaluation by tourism experts in province of Golestan and some faculty members who interested in tourism research in university of Golestan. Item related to different impact were prioritized base on coefficient of variation. Factor analysis, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Spearman correlation coefficients was used for data analysis.Result and conclusion: Standard demographic questions were asked of each respondent, including age (16 to 73 years old, with a mean age of 39.84 and majority 38.54% are in 30-40 category), gender (about 80.21% men and 19.79% women), marriage status (21.35% single and 78.65% married), education (46.35% only possess a high school diploma, 23.44% had attended some college), civic membership (71.4% as members) and job category (farmers; 23.96%, animal husbandry; 16.67%, supermarket and other business: 15.10%, government clerks; 12.5%, workers; 9.38%). Results of prioritizing tourism impacts showed most important of economic impacts were «create new business opportunity for local peoples», «create new market for farm and local product» and «increase cost of living». Social impacts are emerged under items include; «caused overcrowding problems for residents», «deteriorate traditional culture and local costume» and «increase vandalism and social conflict in community». Regarding environmental impact the result revealed that items such; «change in farm land use to housing and commercial use», «demolish agricultural land and rural farm» «increase in sewage, waste and rubbish» were prioritized as most important impacts. Items include; «develop in infrastructure (road and communication)», «increase in house building», develop in recreational facilities (hotel, motel, restaurant, promenade camps and …) «and» change in pattern of rural house« were related to physical impacts of tourism development in rural areas. Findings of factor analyzing indicated that four factors namely; physical, economical, environmental and social explained 64.691% of the total variances related to impacts of rural tourism development. Current results revealed that physical and economical impact indicated positive effect of rural tourism development and environment and social impact imply negative effects. Also 56.380% of total effect related to positive and %43.620 is associated negative impacts. In this survey, attitude on the tourism development were partly gender based. It appeared that women were generally more concerned than men to the negative impacts of tourism development in the community. In addition this study found that high-educated people aware of tourism negative impacts and they are more likely to be negative to the tourism effects while less-educated people were stronger supporters for tourism development. Following, the current study concludes that those residents (farmers and owners of tourism business) who benefit from tourism perceive on average greater economic advantages than those (clerks and workers) who do not receive any benefits, since employed people who benefit from the tourism industry had more positive opinions toward tourism. 5- Conclusion Although this study is a snapshot of a particular time and location, similar to those prevalent since the early tourism impact studies, it is important because it is representative of community attitudes prior to the development of significant tourism interests. The Zyarat village used in the sample was in its pre-development phase of tourism, and this is why most residents expressed a quite strong support for tourism development, although some concern was expressed. While the results of this study are encouraging for the tourism industry, because of the positive attitudes expressed by the local residents to tourism development, attention should be given to the fact that a segment of residents, some groups expressed concern about the environmental and social impacts of tourism. Therefore, it is suggested that decision makers and planners should take into consideration the views of this segment of the rural population and direct increased efforts toward environmental protection and social welfare in future tourism strategies. Finally this study was subject to several limitations, mainly limited time, small size of study area and low budget, it was possible to understand people grant considerable importance to economic objectives. Future research should be conducted that examines local economic alternatives for the people that will have both a development impact and serve as incentives to empower social culture and conservation of environment. Moreover, the supportive service of the Organization of Tourism and Cultural Heritage should continue to provide information about and demonstrate the potential benefits to be derived by local people from tourism activities.

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    4 (52)
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Introduction: Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the photosphere of the Sun that appear visibly as dark spots compared to surrounding regions. They are caused by intense magnetic activity, which inhibits convection by an effect comparable to the eddy current brake, forming areas of reduced surface temperature. Sunspots areas may be thousands kilometers. Sunspot populations quickly rise and more slowly fall on an irregular cycle of 11 years, although significant variations in the number of sunspots attending the 11-year period are known over longer spans of time. They move slowly and closed to the suns equator (Ajabshiri and Mehravani ,2009) . Suggestive correlations between solar activity, global temperature, and rainfall have been observed, and analysis of tree-ring data spanning centuries seems to show the presence of an 11–13 year cycle. The energy output of the Sun varies very little over the solar cycle (i.e., by about 0.1%), and some scientists doubt whether such slight changes can really affect the troposphere (lower atmosphere) of the earth, where precipitation occurs. The effects of sunspots on climate variability were confirmed in several regions of the world. The aim of this paper is clarifying the relation between sunspot activities and Golestan province precipitation. Golestan province is located in the north of Iran and have favorite situation in agricultural products. The annual average precipitation is about 550mm.Precipitation variability can damage many parts of the agricultural sector that sensitive to fluctuations in rainfall.Methodology: In this study annual and monthly precipitation data for 3 climatic stations over the province were used. These stations are: Gorgan (west), Gonbad (center) and Maravehtapeh (East).The sunspot activities data were obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and transformed to seasonal and monthly periods. Pearson correlation coefficient and Continuous Wavelet Analysis were used for showing the relationship between precipitation and solar activities. Data were normalized between +1 and -1 therefore +1 is the maximum solar activities or precipitation and -1 represent the minimum. The wavelet analysis performed by Matlab software and Morlet wavelet selected as the parent and then other parameters were extracted. In mathematics, the Morlet wavelet (or Gabor wavelet) is a wavelet composed of a complex exponential (carrier) multiplied by a Gaussian window (envelope). In output model, dark and light colors represents maximum/minimum solar activities and regional precipitation.Discussion: The correlation between precipitation and sunspots activities showed that the annual precipitation of eastern region have a significant relationship. The negative coefficient indicated that by increasing solar activities the annual precipitation is reduced. In winter high precipitation western regions have significant correlation coefficients. In warm season, western region in July, central region in August and eastern region in June have a good relation to solar activities.In total, the seasonal correlation is stronger than monthly values. The wavelet analysis indicated that the relation between precipitation variations and solar cyclic activities in eastern dry regions is irregular and 4,5,8 and 10 years cycles can by observed in model outputs. In central regions systematic cyclic fluctuations (5 years period) specially in winter precipitations exist. In annual scale, western regions have showed 5 and 10 years period’s cycles. The spring rainfall have more cycles that indicated the effects of local climate elements like Caspian Sea and Alborz mountains.Conclusion: In this paper the relationship between precipitation and sunspot activities in Golestan province were investigated. The results suggested that due to climatic variability of province, there is not a uniform relation between these phenomena. Western region have high and uniform rainfall and shown strange and direct correlation to solar activities whereas in dry eastern regions a reverse relation exist between rainfall and solar activities. Wavelet analysis showed that precipitation cycles not identical in different areas. In west areas cycles have regular behaviors whereas eastern regions they are irregular. The maximum precipitations of Gorgan station are coordinate with maximum solar activities but in Gonbad station these conditions does not exist. In January the relation between rainfall and solar activities are stronger in compare to other months. In this month 11 years cycle can observe on time series. Sequence and frequency of droughts and wet periods with the cycles of sunspot activities, confirming that the Sunspots are one of the factors that affecting Golestan province precipitation.

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    4 (52)
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Introduction: Rivers, based on their power, erode loose materials from higher elevations, transport and finally deposit them in lowlands. Extensive parts of earth surface are influences by surface runoff and their erosional operations. These dynamic factors, based on other characteristics of land surface, affect differentially different parts of land surfaces. Many researchers have tried to establish some methods to estimate peak discharges of rivers without relying on precise observed data of rainfall. These methods include combination of geomorphological factors (i.e. high water mark) and sediment logical data (i.e. boulder size). The lack or shortage of hydrometric formations and statistics in drainage basins of country necessitate the use of suitable experimental methods for estimating maximum flood. The aim of this research is to estimate the rate of peak flood by means of boulder size of river bed (at catchments outlet) and to evaluate the effects of geological formations and geomorphological landforms on flood of Zirabe and Qoordanloo catchments.Methods :In this research, required maps such as height classes, slope, geology and drainage system were extracted based on geological and topographical maps in ARC Map software. The analysis of morphometric characteristics of studied basins has been carried out based on above-mentioned maps. To estimate peak flood at basins outlets, first, data associated with channel morphometry such as area, cross section, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius and channel were measured. Then water velocity in channel were estimated based on Costa (1983) and Jarrett (1990) methods. The Costa method of velocity estimation is based on the measurement of boulder size of river bed. To estimate flood velocity based on Costa method, the 24 boulders of the largest ones in every river bed at catchment outlet were obtained. Then the mean of b axis (width) of boulders were calculated. Then the flood velocity was obtained based on the following equation: V: 0.18 (d) 0.487 Where V is velocity in cubic meter per second, d is the mean of b axis of boulders. The velocity in Jarrett method is calculated based on the following method: V:3.17 R0.83 S0.12 Where V is velocity in cubic meter per second, s is slope of channel I percent, R is hydraulic radius in meter. The peak discharge of flood was calculated from multiplication of channel cross section area and velocity.Discussion: Results of this study reveal that peak discharges estimated from Costa method are respectively 17.29 and 78.04 m3/s in Zirabe and Qoordanloo catchments. The peak discharges estimated from Jarrett method are respectively 35.68 and 49.64 m3/s in Zirabe and Qoordanloo catchments. Data show that the estimated peak discharge obtained from Costa method are closer to observed data implying that Costa method (estimation of peak discharge based of boulder size) has adequate performance. Analyzing geology of studied basins show that 60% of Zirabe catchment’s area is composed of Tirgan calcareous formation while the mentioned formation comprise only 7.2% of Qoordanloo catchment’s area. Formationss of Qoordanloo catchment are mainly impermeable rocks such as shale, marl. Due to the higher area of calcareous formations capable of karstic landforms development in Zirabe catchment, the surface runoff and hence the drainage density decrease. The lower drainage density of Zirabe catchment (2.5) compared to Qoordanloo catchment (3.69) reveals the lower runoff generation and the more infiltration of water into ground in Zirabe catchment whereas the drainage density is higher in Qoordanloo catchment with impermeable formations implying the higher runoff and hence flood peak generation in mentioned catchment. The mean topographic slope of Qoordanloo and Zirabe catchments are 20.7% and 12.2% respectively. Evaluation of catchment’s shape data show that the Qoordanloo catchment is more circular in shape than Zirabe one. It seems that the steeper slope and relatively circular shape of Qoordanloo catchment have resulted in higher flood peak of mentioned catchment.Conclusion: Data analysis reveal that, in spite of larger size of Zirabe catchment than Qoordanloo one, the mean of b axis of boulders is larger in Qoordanloo river bed than Zirabe one. The larger size of boulders in Qoordanloo river bed is indicator of higher water strength and velocity. The higher rate of estimated and observed peak discharge in Qoordanloo catchment compared to Zirabe one demonstrate that Qoordanloo catchment is more h vulnerable to flood damage. The presence of impermeable formations in Qoordanloo catchment has resulted in the formation of badland erosion that is indicator of higher flood vulnerability and runoff generation while the karstic features are dominant landforms of Zirabe catchment which has played an important role in the reduction of runoff generation. Overall, it can be concluded that firstly, the Costa method has adequate performance in peak flood prediction in studied catchments and secondly, the differences in geological, geomorphological and morphometrical characteristics of catchments have strong effects on flood differences of catchments.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (52)
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Introduction: The atmosphere is characterized by the ubiquitous presence of a variety of swirling fluid eddies. Indeed, this observational fact prompted us in the previous chapter to consider the effects of flow curvature on some simple force balances. In the mid-latitude atmosphere the most important of these many eddies is the large-scale cyclone, also known as the synoptic-scale cyclone. The surface analysis illustrated clearly demonstrates that in the northern hemisphere the winds circulate around the center of lowest pressure in a counterclockwise fashion over an enormous geographical area. Conversely, the surface winds circulate clockwise over an equally large area around the center of the northern hemisphere surface high-pressure system depicted. The ubiquity of large-scale, rotating disturbances in the mid-latitude atmosphere compels us to understand better the nature of fluid rotation and the resulting circulation of these eddies. Therefore, formation positive and negative eddies in each level shows stability and instability sequence. Very studies has been done on eddies, map patterns at varies regions and relationship with indexes or climatic elements that following mentioned. Alijani (2001) studied the variations 500 hPa flow patterns over Iran and surrounding areas and their relationship with the climate of Iran. Time confine of this study was October to March during 1961-1990 years. The results this study showed that the characteristics of the 500 hPa flow patterns varied over monthly and annual time scales. Also in other part of results have been clears that troughs and ridges located close to Iran had more influence on the climate of Iran. Two troughs were identified and named the Caspian and Syrian troughs. Tymvios et al (2010) studied the geopotential height patterns with heavy rainfall events in Cyprus. They believed that dynamically induced rainfall is strongly connected with synoptic atmospheric circulation patterns at the upper levels. The results showed that negative eddies at 500 hPa geopotential height had a important role in sever cyclonic conditions and creative heavy rainfall. Gong et al (2007) have developed a statistical method and have reconstructed Northern Hemisphere 500 hPa heights back to the late 19th century using one temperature and three sea level pressure (SLP) data sets. First, the relationship between ERA40 500 hPa heights and surface temperature and SLP was screened using stepwise multiple regressions based on the calibration period of 1958–2002 (1998=2000 according to the availability of SLP data). Second, the regression equations were applied to compute the 500 hPa height through to the late 19th century for the whole Northern Hemisphere. Hafez (2011) studied the relationship between 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies over North America and Europe and the USA landfall Atlantic Hurricanes activity. The results revealed that there are significant positive correlations between the anomalies in geopotential height over North America and East Europe simultaneously and existence of Atlantic hurricanes of category 3 that strike USA. Also to that, significant positive correlations between the anomalies in geopotential height over North America and existence of major Hurricanes (category 3, 4 and 5) that landfall USA is found too. However, significant negative correlations between the anomalies in geopotential height over North Atlantic and existence of all USA landfall Atlantic Hurricane category are existed else category 1. In general one can conclude that anomalies in geopotential height at 500 hPa level over North America and Europe are control the USA landfall Atlantic hurricanes activity.Methodology: Eddies, there are anomalies that have been created in different geopotentiol height atmospheric layers. But eddies intensity and frequency in 500 hPa geopotentiol height more than other levels geopotentiol height. Study on 500 hPa eddies, by reason of Effective role negative eddies (positive eddies) to creative positive vorticity (negative vorticity) that on climate’s world, have an especially important. In this research, for studying of eddies intensity and frequency effected on Iran’s climate during warm period (Spring and Summer seasons), have been used form 500 hPa geopotentiol height six hourly data, in geographical confine from to and to during 1960-2010. Therefore databases in MatLab software have been created from 500 hPa geopotentiol height data during 1960-2010. Use to this database intensity and frequency of eddies derivation and calculated.Discussion: Study on 500 hPa eddies, by reason of them role in formation of atmospheric stability and instability condition have a particular important. In this research frequency and intensity of eddies had been studied at 500 hPa geopotentiol height. Then in surfer software deriving maps from the results of calculations related to negative and positive eddy frequency and intensity.Conclusion: The results this research shows that in the start of spring season, Tender band from north of Persian Gulf to North West of Iran have been salient negative anomaly and gently to last of spring season whole of Iran affected negative anomalies on the 500 hPa geopotentiol height. Also in summer season, negative anomalies 500 hPa geopotentiol height have been seen in the south east of Iran and to the north west of Iran (in the central, north east and south west of Iran) had a trend decreasing and in the north west negative anomalies 500 hPa geopotentiol height had a trend increasing.

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Introduction: The ever increasing world’s population in developing countries demands that food production should increase by 70%. However, the current situation with climate change, scarce water resources, and land use potentials make this demand more challenging. In other words, unpredictable weather conditions along with limited water reserves, and poor soil conditions requires that farmers be more cognizant about their production waste. In Iran, the rate agricultural waste is above normal. However, with sound agricultural waste management, 350 to 400 million dollars can be saved. Research indicates that in Asian countries, the rate of agricultural waste during post-harvest is extensively high and therefore more research and extension interventions is needed to reduce post-harvest waste. Some farmers have learnt to make better use of crop waste in their agricultural waste management strategies. For example, home sources of fuel, livestock ration, mushroom production, mulch production, and farm building are currently being practiced by innovative farmers. However, crop residue burning is still practiced among some farmers. Since agricultural waste management plays an effective role in reduced import and environmental pollution, understanding how farmers manage their production waste is imperative. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the strategies that can be used to improve agricultural wastes and crop residue among farmers in Ravansar Township in Kermanshah province.Methodology: The nature of this study is qualitative and grounded theory was used as a methodology. Ravansar township was used as a geographical region since it is considered as a unique agricultural location. Data was collected using deep interview, participant observations and focus group interview. Purposeful sampling was with snowball sampling till sampling saturation was reached. Data was analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding as suggested in grounded theory approach.Discussion: A contextual model for agricultural waste management was derived. This four step model starts with identifying causes of agricultural wastes and ends with ways to bury crop wastes. The first step is considered the most important and as we proceed to other steps, it becomes less important. Results further indicated that farmers are knowledgeable about the causes of crop waste. They have also developed strategies to reduce agricultural waste in general and crop waste in particular. However, some of the farmers admit that they have not utilized effective strategies to reduce crop waste. Moreover, since crop waste was limited during production, farmers had little to bury. In addition, farmers perceive burying of agricultural waste to be environmentally dangerous. Therefore, in our contextual model the burying of agricultural waste should be replaced with recycling of agricultural waste.Conclusion: Results showed that unpredictable weather conditions, pests and diseases, financial burden, and wore out machinery are the major factors in creating agricultural wastes. Farmers used different strategies to cope with agricultural wastes. For example, land preparation, sowing higher quality seeds, controlling for pests and weeds, mechanized farming, and on-time harvest. Results further revealed that farmers used crop residue and wastes as a means of soil fertility, livestock feed, mushroom production, and no-tillage practices. Other waste management practices included dumping and burning of waste products. Although they dump or burn their waste material, they can use them as a raw material for compost production.

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Introduction: There are a lot of methods in order to estimate the height of permanent snow lines. The first group is mentioned as the half of the height, which is the mediocre of current permanent snow line (kerovosky according to Homelom, 1998). The second group of glaciology experts has proposed a height for quaternary snow line, which seems to be suited with the incipient signs of watchable glacial trends in large scale not permanent snow line. But they might have perused the signs of glacial trends in those heights. The third group was those who have paid attention to valleys, glaciers or the moraines in different scales. It is proposed two theories about the Determination of permanent snow lines or glacial region. Some researchers such as Lewis and Schweitzer declare that the snow line is in the beneath boundary of glacial class. However some like Homelom believes that the lowest boundary of glacial climate is the glacial equilibrium line. While King and Ritter & et al. believed that the snow line was completely different from the equilibrium glacial line and it cannot be considered equivalent, because each one of them is at a different heights.Method: It is tried to announce a relation with the use of effective variables on the height of the permanent snow line such as latitude, temperature, amount and direction of land surface slope in the radiation gauge stations, to evaluate the height of permanent snow line. As a matter of fact the amount of solar energy doesn't have many changes in flat areas. So it is used 16 stations in whole of Iran. Because of the Importance of direction and slope as the most important effective parameters & its changes in the solar elevation angle and the energy of the sun, it is tried to use relations which we can evaluate the temperature change due to solar elevation angle and its tilt in different directions. Consequently, it can have a relationship between different directions & resultant temperatures with the use of temperature situation & solar elevation angle in stations & changes of solar elevation angle in steep surfaces, what are more these relations can be used to estimate permanent snow line or ice and the water equilibrium line.Results: It was resulted that each boost or decrease in slope situation, boosts or decreases the height of snow line of about 23 meters in leeward & also each percentage increase or decrease in address, increases or decreases 16.75 meters of the height of snow line. Consequently there is an A-south west land surface with a slope of 13o or 23.3%, which could have more temperature of 5 to 6 degrees in contrast with an A-northeast land surface in equal height, & as a conclusion it could be, effective in water evaporation, snow melting and soil moisture loss. This factor leads to an increase in plant height and temperature belts. And also the processes of cold areas extend to higher elevations in southwest in contrast with the A-northeast land surface. There is a bit difference between the figures estimated in this paper with some previous studies, which is due to several factors including: 1-The estimation of height of snow line in Wright's method is involved a loads of paying attention in the time of circus floor in topographic maps. What is more, a few handling marks on topographic maps, causes a large change in elevation determined. 2-This study has been done nationally. The average slope is (23.3%) and the decrease of mean temperature of Quaternary is (8.8o C) which considered generally, & could have a great various in the environment and cause to reduce the temperature of the article & as a result its decrease is more than what assumed in most cases.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Flooding behavior of rivers of Iran, lack of water and necessity of surface water controlling detect the importance of river’s behavior simulating and modeling. In this way we can have a long term plan for proper and reasonable operating from potential of rivers. Rain -Runoff water simulation is main step for managing of basins. This process is one of the complicated nonlinear phenomenons in water engineering. Most of calculation and designing in water engineering need a proper evaluation of quantity and quality of running water that comes from a determined rain. There are common and various methods for evaluating of basin’s runoff. Nowadays, using of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in various branch of hydrology engineering is acceptance because this method is capable with good accuracy simulate and predict the nonlinear functions. This research tries to predict runoff in southern sub-basin of Gharasoo river in Ardabil province by Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). This research based on 5 climatic parameters (2007-2010) that affects runoff. These data is obtained from Hydrometric station that located in the end of this basin.Methodology :Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is a simple model from human’s brain that with a special mathematic structure in each system is able to clarify the process and nonlinear relation between inputs and outputs. These networks during teaching process are teached and are used for feature predicting. For best designing of ANN model in this research to predict runoff in basin under study, first correlation of humidity average, rain average, monthly temperature average and evaporation average with the flow of basin is obtained. Then effective parameter with more correlation for multi-layer perceptron network is selected. Data matrix with following input and output is made. Inputs: monthly rain average (mm), monthly rain average (million m3), monthly relative humidity average (percent) and monthly temperature average (c) Outputs: Predicting monthly runoff in next year’s. From existing 39 year statistical period, 90 percent of them is used for net teaching and other 10 percent for test step is used. After selecting input and output data of net and defining net structure (stimulator function, number of neurons ,hidden layers ,number of cycle, amount of educational parameters) Net teaching by program teaching algorithm, first with one hidden neuron is began and with increasing that up to all neuron number is continuing. After each teaching, net is tested via regression analyzing and correlation coefficient between input and output data (in teaching step) and error percent (in test step). Basis of neuron numbers and cycles was maximum correlation and errors less than 5 percent. By detected number of hidden optimum neurons and cycles, to reach an optimum network several times the value of teaching parameters and the number of hidden layers is changing. For this reason network is designed in a way that by entering last years information (rain, relative humidity, temperature, evaporation, runoff) is able to predict next year’s flow with error less than 5 percent. After designing of 12 various networks for predicting of basin flow, various structure of percepetron is selected to reach an optimum network. For evaluating of ANN function, amount of R2, RMSE, MAE and Rare used.Discussion :The result of this research show that in all months there is a high correlation (more than 93%) between runoff and average of rain, humidity, temperature, evaporation and monthly flow. Minimum correlation coefficient in teaching step belongs to April (93%) and Maximum belongs to Jun (98%). For this research, Marcoart-Levenberg algorithm is the best algorithm because of more correlation in Teaching step and lower error in test step. For defining proper number of hidden neurons, maximum number of neurons for all 12 networks is 10 neurons. In the selected network, most of neuron number belongs to January with10 neuron in the first- layer and 2neuron in the second hidden layer and minimum of them is related to October with 3neuron in the first hidden layer. For defining hidden layer number, some of the networks (except February, March, May, July, October and December) with one hidden layer have a good result and some other with 2 hidden layers have a good result. The primary number of teaching cycles of network for each month in Marcoart-Lonberg algorithm first with 10 cycle for each neuron in hidden layer and with initial error value (=0.005) starts and maximum up to 700 continuing and in the end network with minimum cycle (10 cycle) in July and maximum cycle (700 cycle) in December reached to its goal. 4- Result The result of this research show that one model with 5 parameter including(monthly rain average, monthly runoff average, monthly relative humidity average, monthly evaporation average and monthly temperature average) is the best ANN for predicting the flow of river because with error less than 5 percent and high correlation can predict the runoff level. Number examination of various neuron in hidden layers show that one model with 4 neuron in the first hidden layer and 3neuron in second hidden layer sigmoid tangent stimulator function in the first hidden layer and 10 cycle, has best accuracy. The best ANN model in this research is one perceptron model with 3 layers and 4neuron in the first hidden layer and 4 neuron in the second hidden layer a 2 hidden layer stimulator function an one output and Marcoart-Lonberg teaching algorithm. The result of this research show that ANN model with low error and proper capability for predicting of basin rivers flow is a good model for evaluating of this parameter in future.

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Introduction: Quantitative changes of green space in cluding loss of green space are the result of changes of landuse and fragmentation of its surfaces, and changes in species composition and green space density and degree of connection of green spots may indicate the qualitative change. The diverse functions of urban green space play aprominent role in improving quality of life of citizens and hence constitute the key factor in shaping a sustainable city. Increasing evidences indicate that the presence of green areas in city increase the quality of life in many ways. In addition, many of the environmental services of urban green space provide psychological benefits to human communities, source of positive feelings, achieving non-financial services and consumer benefits and enrichment of human life. One important feature of GIS is modeling. Modeling and its use are considered as important principles in geographic researches by researchers. Location models are set of principles by help of which optimization of service activities is explained.Methodology: The purpose of applied research is development and improvement of methods and structures. This research is apart of applied research. Its approach is «descriptive - analytical». The statistical community includes districts of municipality of Shiraz. First, field, spatial and needed feature data were collected through maps of present situation of comprehensive plan of Shiraz, detailed plan review of District 4, statistical year book of the city of Shiraz in 1387 and sites associated with there search council of Shiraz. With data (population, area of districts, area green space and per capita of green space, etc.) added to GIS’s spatial data, a database was built. Using the spearman rank correlation indicator and gini coefficient, we analyzed the distribution of landuse of green space districts and optimally located regional parks with overlapping layers by weighting method FAHP. To analyze statistical data and spatial data and mapping Excel and Arc Map (GIS) are used respectively.discussion: By urban green spaces’ per capita it is meant useful per capita of spaces that have functions of move, leisure and social for people, not biological per capita which includes all surfaces of green spaces. Considering the population and area of all the 9 Shiraz districts, the per capita of green spaces is about 12.13 square meters in 1387. Accordingly the per capita of green space of Shiraz is appropriate to standards of the Ministry of Housing and Urbanization, but it is less than international urban green space which is about 20 to 25 square meters per person. The District 3 has the highest level of per capita green space. Because of low population density and small size of district to area of green space, we observe the standard level of per capita green space in the Districts 1 and 6 less than that of 2, 4, 7 and 8. District4, which will be checked, has most of its green spaces composed of neighborhood parks and a regional park, and population density is high therein. Assessment of implementation of green space landuse District 4 with detailed and comprehensive plan proposals of green spaces of Shiraz Evaluating the rate of changes with the recommendations of detailed plan indicate that the most changes are related to green space and 39/5 % of the landuse is changed into other types of landuse. However, only 2.2% of the proposed residential landuse has been converted into other sorts of landuse. Comprehensive plan of green space of Shiraz is prepared by consulting engineers from Pouyesh Jonoub with aim of creating a green city. The mentioned plan has dealt with estimating the required parks in detailed plans of 9 districts (year 2021) regarding locating urban parks in the detailed plan districts and according to model of central place. Evaluating the location of regional and neighborhood parks of detailed plan of green space and their consistency with present District 4 of municipality indicate that two regional and six neighborhood proposed parks of this plan is located in District 4. As with the proposals of plan about the District 4 considering proposed criteria of the plan including legal, socio-economic and ecological locating, ownership and ease of ownership of land by them unicipality (locating legal) are accounted for. Thus the proposed location is consistent with the detailed plan. And now none of the neighborhood parks in the area has begaun to be constructed. Much of physical expansion of the city is occurred in Districts 4 and 9 which due to increasing population in them it is required to create green space in the pattern of neighborhood and regional parks. Accordingly, the high population density of District 4 is chosen as a case study. To locate parks the model of overlapping of layers in GIS is used. 4 layers including 1: Population density layer, 2: Access network layer, 3: Landuse of industries layer(consistency and inconsistency), 4: Landuse of waste land bayer, are prepared from map of district and the weight of each layer is determined by weighting method in FAHP. Optimized locating to construct parks by the system provides more possibility of decisions for planners. Thus, using fuzzy logic and overlapping layers identified sites of neighborhood parks, which could be suitable and desirable locations for regional parks, considering future expansion of the city.Conclusion: Landuse of green space considering population and area of each district of Shiraz is evaluated indicating highest per capita urban green space is in District 3 and the lowest per capita is for Districts 4, 7, 8 and 9. Spearman Rank correlation between population and land area of green space is equivalent to 0.78. Distribution of the area parameters of green spaces and population in the urban districts of Shiraz according to gini coefficient are 0.16, both of which indicate a relatively balanced distribution of green space and population of the districts. But this does not mean the optimum location and good access of all citizens to urban parks. Results of optimal locating neighborhood parks with overlapping of various layers with a specific weights in GIS, urban neighborhoods of 5, 6 and 9 were located in District 4.

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Introduction: The prediction of a watershed hydrologic condition is one of the most important studies in water engineering sciences. There are several methods to simulate rainfall-runoff processes, which one of them is the use of computer models. None of the models is completely reliable and modeling helps to make engineering acceptable decisions. The aim of this study is daily runoff estimation in Nazlou Chay watershed in west Azarbyjan. In order to predict the daily rainfall runoff relationships in watershed, AWBM and SimHyd models were used. Nazlou Chay watershed is one of the most important watersheds in the region and the results of this study can be beneficial to know its hydrologic conditions.Methodology: In this study, the daily rainfall, runoff and evapotranspiration data were used for ten years period. Because of a lot of water removal by farmers in Nazlou Chay river downstream, the area of Abajalou sub-watershed was eliminated by GIS technique and the watershed residual part was studied which was about 1756.9 km2. Three stations with the longest daily data records, Tapik, Marze sero and Karimabad, were used to simulate rainfall-runoff modeling process. Rainfall and evapotranspiration data have been modified with long term DEM maps in GIS in order to have more adaption with the watershed’s real condition. By averaging data for 12 months in ten years period and comparing them with long term averages, the modifying coefficients were obtained and by multiplying them to individual data, the modified data were determined. The modeling process including calibration and verification was accomplished by entering the input data. The sum of 224 times of calibration and verification for each model was accomplished and finally the optimized model parameters were obtained. The correlation coefficient and Nash criterion coefficient were used to determine the efficiency of the models.Discussion: By changing the optimization method and objective functions, the calibration was performed automatically. In this study optimization methods e.g. genetic algorithm and pattern search, were utilized and despite of many problems in input data, there was an acceptable adaption in model simulation comparing with the observed data. The correlation coefficient wasn’t only adequate to investigate model efficiency and the better criterion was Nash efficiency coefficient. This was in the direction of former researches which showed the models with high correlation coefficient but high value of Nash coefficient haven’t good fit but the models with medium correlation coefficient and low values of Nash coefficient show good fit (Tattgen and Van rijn 2010, 247-252). After obtaining the optimized model parameters, the model sensitivity analysis was accomplished which is the most important part of each modeling study because the model sensitivity to parameter changing can be realized by this way. During data selection and parameter determination, this object causes more attention to the parameters that change the model.Conclusion: In this research, despite of many data deficiencies in the watershed and hydrologic stations, the models adaption is acceptable and the models can be the base of engineering decisions. In this study, like the previous researches about the correlation coefficient, it was obvious that the high correlation coefficient doesn’t obligatory agree with suitable fitting. The highest correlation coefficient in SimHyd model series was obtained in 95th calibration that was about 0.766, and the model had an acceptable adaption with the observed data. The most preferable model in AWBM model series was obtained when the calibration method and optimization criterion were SCE-UA and sum of difference of logs, respectively. In this case the correlation coefficient and Nash criterion were 0.745 and -0.265, respectively. Opposite of the common imagination, model ability don’t depend on its type or complexity, but it depend on input data accuracy. This point was clarified in present study by comparing the obtained results from modeling with the results of applying the same models in watersheds which had more accurate input data. The uncertainties can’t be omitted in modeling and are more obvious in daily models rather than monthly or yearly ones. Finally, appropriate models were obtained to simulated Nazlou Chay watershed condition.

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Introduction: Phonology is the study of plant and animal life cycle phenomenon, composed of environmental changes (Meier et al, 2009). Most agricultural issues such as suitable date for implanting, irrigation, reaping, fight against pest vermin and the optimum production can be obtained through determining the stages of phonology in each area, the required temperature units in each stage and the overall period of plant growth (Mir Haji et al, 2010).Rose is one of the most important crops for floriculture industry. Rosa includes 200 species and more than 18.000 types (Baydar et al, 2004). Gole Mohammadi flower, that is known as Rosa Damacsena Mill is of Rosaceae group and is one of the most renowned and ancient roses in the history of gardening. The products of this plant include rosewater, essence, petal and dry bud (Ahmadi et al, 2008). In this study the growth process of the rose is determined based on the following stages: germination, leaf production, side stem development, the main stem elongation, beginning of the end of vegetative development, inflorescence, flowering, fruit growth, ripeness and dormancy (sleep). Mattson and Lieth (2007) have considered the growth stages of two kinds of roses, Cardinal and Fire ‘Ice’, as germination, appearance of the first leaf pair production, bud production, last leaf production and reaping. According to Pasian and Lief (1994, 1996), from germination to reaping, the speed rate of Karma rose increased linearly between 5-30 ◦C accumulated thermal unit; according to them, the thermal unit for hybrid Cara Mia, Royalty and Sonia roses are 510, 580 and 545(GDD) from germination to reaping, respectively. In all calculations, the threshold temperature is considered as 5.2. Mattson and Lieth (2007) considered the (GDD) of 5.2 (GDD) for hybrid rose types: the Cardinal and the Fire ‘Ice’. Stings and et al (2002) considered, the required temperature from germination to inflorescence as 9.5◦C and 479 (GDD) for Red Sunblaze with 8.1◦C base temperature and 589 (GDD). In general, the leaf area, stem length and the stem diameter of Cardinal rose generally grew with a decrease in temperature, but the best stem growth was observed at 18◦C .Flower dry weight, however, increased from 0.7 to 3.0 (g) as temperature decreased from 30 to 15◦C (Shier et al, 2001). Kafi and Riazi (2001) are of the opinion that the 21◦C in day time and 15◦C at night with +5 -10◦C can be effective for the quality of essence. Provinces of Fars, Kerman, Isfahan and eastern Azarbayjane in Iran are the appropriate regions for Gole Mohammadi cultivation. Isfahan has the highest level of flower production among these four provinces (Nemat Allahi, 2006). Although the amount of rosewater produced in Iran is very high which contributes to national economy, there do not exist phonological studies in this field. Here the attempt is made to analyze the phonological conditions of Gole Mohammadi. The species of rose under investigation: The species of the rose under investigation is Gole Mohammadi. Gole Mohammadi that is known as Rosa Damacsena Mill is of the Rosaceae group. It is one of the most important rose shrubs in the history of gardening. Based on the botanical science, Gole Mohammadi is a shrub with many pressed wide fine hook- shaped thorns, and with aromatic pink half-filled petals that are sometimes red. It has 5-7 small oval shaped-arrow-tipped- fine toothed petals. The leaves are shiny green with a furry back. The site under investigation: The site under investigation is a one acre farm that is located in Barzok, a suburb of city of Kashan, Isfahan province at 33◦C 45′ N latitude and 51◦C 14′ E altitude, at 2226 MSL height. Fig.1: the study site plan There are 450 Gole Mohammadi shrubs in 27 agricultural plots in the farm under investigation. The annual average temperature of the area is 12.5◦C; the average temperature of the hottest month (July) (min. 20.1◦C – max. 29.7◦C) with 24.9 ◦C average and in the coldest month (January) (min. -3.7◦C – max. 3.5◦C) with a -0.1◦C. The annual precipitation average of the area (1980-2009) has been 213.10 mm; with April with the highest precipitation of 34.4 mm and July with 7.8 mm at the lowest (Table 1). The categorization of climate is done through Demarter, Amberje and Karimi methods (1985). They categorized the area into semi-arid, dry and cold, semi-humid and moderate with cold winters. Table 1: Specification of the climatic elements in Barzok station Annual Mar Feb Jun ِDes Nov Oct Sep Agu Jul Jon Apr May parameters 16.7 10.6 5.1 3.5 5.3 10.9 22.0 25.9 29.1 29.7 25.7 19.7 13.8 Max. temp average 9.1 2.1 -2.5 -3.7 -0.5 5.1 13.5 16.8 19.8 20.1 15.9 10.8 5.4 Min. temp average 35 24.0 15.4 16.0 16.0 22.0 32.0 33.0 35.0 35.0 32.0 27.4 25.0 Max. absolute temp -20 -6.0 -6.0 -20 -2.0 -4.0 6.0 30.0 14.2 12.0 5.5 3.2 -4.0 Min. absolute temp 213.10 29.8 30.9 24.0 22.4 15.7 4.8 7.8 2.2 3.2 7.9 29.91 34.4 Rain(mm) Uneven surface and the soil of the region: Barzok is a mountainous area 1800- 2600 meter above MSL. The soil of the area is mostly of depository type. Three samples of soil from various depths of 0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 Cm are selected and analyzed in the soil mechanics laboratory. The findings of the analysis indicate that the structure of the soil from 0-30 depth is Loam, and from 30-60 and 60-90 depths is Sandy Loam. The PH of the soil is of the alkaline type. The capability of electric conductivity of the three samples under investigation is suitable and unlimited for Gole Mohammadi cultivation. Table 2: Analysis of the texture of the soil structure of the test farm Physical tests P a.v.m p.p.m K a.v.a p.p.m N % o.c % T.N V Gypsum % Ph SP % Description Depth (Cm) LAB NO. Text C Si S L 15 37 48 4.46 384 0.06 0.54 26.45 Not seen 8.08 30.98 0-30 1-2920 S.L 13 31 56 2.27 160 0.05 0.51 32.75 Not seen 8.14 27.9 30-60 2-2920 S.L 11 27 62 4.32 108 0.05 0.49 30.66 Not seen 8.14 47.09 60-90 3-2920 Material and Method: In order to analyze the phonological conditions of Gole Mohammadi, a pair of maximum thermometer and a pair of wet and dry thermometer are installed in the screen box of the shelter house in the site. The maximum and minimum variables and wet and dry daily temperature rates are checked in addition to phonological observations 3 times a day at (6:05, 12:05, 18:05 Hrs.) and are recorded in observation cards. In order to check the errors in readings the thermometers of the site were controlled and calibrated through the synoptic station measuring devices in Kashan station. Based on the findings of the meteorological and phonological observations from bud swelling to dormancy (sleep), the major phases of growth, the length of each phase and the required temperature of each phase are calculated. The calculated amount was specified based on (GDD). It should be mentioned that the irrigation program, once every 12 days, followed the irrigation program of the similar farms. Using specific codes in agriculture is a traditional method for describing the phonological growth stages of the plants (Zadoks et al., 1974) .These stages are coded from 0-9 according to BBCH. In this research, BBCH coding system is applied. This scale has a table of 100 sections from 0-99 designed for different phases of the plants’ growth. In this scale, the growth stages are divided into two principal and secondary stages from 01-99. The principal growth stages are described using numbers from 0 to 9; each principal stage is divided in to secondary stages through coding from 1 to 99. In the principal stage for red flowers, BBCH scale has more advantages than that of the Flecking scale for fruit products of Rosaceae group (Fleckinger, 1948). The Flecking scale has only 11 stages, describing the round bud visible bud process mostly, but do not describe the opening of the flower, fruit, germination, leaf production and stem growth stages in full ( Meier et al., 2009). Therefore, all phonological stages of Gole Mohammadi from germination to dormancy (sleep) are based on BBCH and are recorded in the observational cards. Discussion: In order to calculate the required temperature in phonological growth stages of the plant, two popular methods, the effective (GDD) and cardinal temperature are applied. In the effective (GDD) threshold the base biological temperature of the plant is used and in cardinal temperature threshold mostly 0◦C temperature is used as the base temperature. The effective (GDD) is determined through the equation 1, where Tb is the base temperature and Ti is the average daily temperature and n is the time space between the two growth stages per day. Equation (1): Most of the scientists used 5.2 base temperature rates for Hybrid roses and because Gole Mohammadi is a kind of Hybrid rose, the same base temperature is considered 5.2 in order to calculate the effective temperature. The (GDD) is determined through equation 2 because the cardinal temperature is considered above zero. In this equation Tb is zero (Khoshhal and Baratian, 2009).Equation (2) The required level of temperature unit for Red flowers is determined based on the sum of the effective and cardinal temperature rates. Based on the findings illustrated in table 4, the Gole Mohammadi shrub requires 866.2(GDD) based on effective temperature and 1337 (GDD) based on cardinal temperature to accomplish the biological activities until the end of inflorescence stage in the mentioned region. The rate of total (GDD) 5 stages based on effective temperature is 48.5, 174.7, 305.6, 337.4, 1218.1, respectively; the cardinal temperature for the same stages is 134.5, 299.5, 446, 457, and 1644.5, respectively. The maximum temperature unit for Gole Mohammadi inflorescence stage until reaping is 337.4 (GDD) effective temperature and 457 cardinal temperature days; and the minimum temperature unit for germination stage is 48.5 ◦C effective temperature and 134.5 Cardinal temperature days. The sum of effective temperature rate from germination to three leaf pair unfolding stage (until the end of leaf growth) is 223.2(GDD). Conclusion:In this research, the phonological growth stages of Gole Mohammadi are divided in to 5 main stages: germination, shoot production, bud visible, inflorescence and dormancy (sleep). According to table 2, the germination begins on 19 March and ends on 3May. The period of germination is 17 days in this area. This stage begins when the temperature reaches 6.5◦C the average daily, minimum and maximum temperature rates are 2.11 and 13.7◦C, respectively. In the second stage (shoot production) the temperature rate is increased and the growth reached its peak. In this stage the average, minimum, and maximum temperature rates are 12.4, 6.25, 18.7◦C, respectively. The daily minimum and maximum temperature rates belong to the germination and open flower stages which are 7.91 and 19.86◦C, respectively. Among the phonological growth phases of Gole Mohammadi, the bud visible is the longest stage and the germination is the shortest, that take 27 and 17 days, respectively. In general, for Gole Mohammadi, from bud swelling that occurs in the winter dormancy period to reap stage 91 days are required. In general, the growth of Gole Mohammadi begins in second week in March and ends in the fourth week of June. The required temperature unit is calculated through the sum of (GDD) and cardinal temperature methods. Based on the findings, that is illustrated in table 4, the shrub of Gole Mohammadi requires 866.2 (GDD)based on effective temperature and 1337 temperature unit based on cardinal temperature in order to accomplish biological activities until the end of reaping.

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Introduction: Agriculture is an essential need and thus an activity of prime importance for human. As such, investigation of impacts of climate change on agriculture gains importance and necessity. One of the effective parameters in the crops productivity is better understanding of irrigation demands of the crops. Global warming via wielding impact on the climate parameters of temperature, precipitation, and evaporation can affect water demand in agricultural sector, and in some cases, challenge the food security of the nation through increasing the water demand and paucity of water resources required to better growth of crops. So, the rationale of the present study include the following: investigation, detection and prognostication f trends of change in temperature and precipitation in the country according to different scenarios of global warming, exploration of agro-climate of the crops, determination of the proper time and place of cultivation and risk and crisis management and food security of the country.Methodology: The present study aims at the simulation of the impact of global warming on the irrigation demand of the dry cultivation (autumnal) in different regions of Iran. To do the research, data for 92 synoptic and climatic weather stations across the country have been used. To simulate the weather components up to 2100, the MAGICC/SCENGEN 5.3 has been used in the study. As the purpose of the present study is calculation of irrigation demand, the Terence White method of evaporation-perspiration. Ultimately, the losses and excess of water needed for irrigation for different periods of 1980, 2005, 2025, and 2100 were measured using the method provided by American Soil Conservation System (SCS), calculating the effective precipitation and then subtracting it from the water demand.Discussion: Simulations of the temperature trend up to 2100 shows indicates a 4.25 degrees centigrade rise for Iran compared to that for a long term of 1961 to 1990. Findings are also showing that the increase in water deficit in 2100 will be 152mm compared to that in 1980.Conclusion: It should be noted that in spite of a 36 percent increase in annual precipitation across the country by the year 2100 compared to its mean in the long period of 1961-1990, the increased amount will not suffice the water demand due to the increasing trend in temperature. The conclusion is that water deficit in the dry cultivation period (fall to spring) will rise to 23 percent in 2050 from 5.2 percent in 1980 and finally it will soar to a 38 percent high in 2100.

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Introduction: Land suitability evaluation and classification is one of the most useful efforts in land resources management and utilization optimization and the base of such studies are soil maps. In conventional land suitability and soil studies, the information of one studied point (profile) has been generalized to the whole of a map unit. Thus, are the spatial variability of soil properties disregarded and only a unique management is adopted for the whole of that unit of soil map. Such approach causes the efficiency of land evaluation studies decrease, due to the impurity and variabilities in soil map units. Fuzzy approach in land suitability classification enables to interpret the gradual variations of soil spatial properties and so to increase the purity of soil map units. Therefore, applying of a unique managerial method for each unit of soil map will more be rational. Soil maps as a conventional sources of land suitability analysis information, have encountered the problems, mainly due to the generalization of a representative pedon results to all of a soil unit area with no taking consideration of temporal and spatial variabilities. Thus, the present study attempts to introduce a method in order to take in account the uncertainty of land suitability variations and consequently improve of soil units purity by using of fuzzy set theory approach.Materials and Methods: The area under investigation has a size of approximately 1300 ha. It is located between 32o17’ and 32o 20’ N, and 51o 3’ and 51o 5’ 30’’ E in the province of Chaharmahal-Va-Bakhtiari, Central Iran. As well as representative pedon, another 31 pedons were also excavated and investigated in the soil map unit. Soil land suitability classes of all pedons were determined using fuzzy approach and conventional method suggested by Sys et al. (1991). Then, comparison of the results were done for both methods and also compared to the results of representative pedon. The later allows understanding if the land suitability class of representative pedon could show the reality of the soils in the map units or not.Results and Discussion: In conventional (traditional) method, the unit P was distinguished as a consociation map unit with the suitability class of S2. According to the results of all pedons in this unit, only 16.1% of the pedons have S2 suitability class. This means that generalization of the results of the representative pedon to whole the unit could be mis-leading considerably. Considering fuzzy logic approach, the amount of land index for representative pedon is 53.1% which is close to the border of S2 and S3 classes of conventional method. Using fuzzy membership degrees, the suitability class of representative pedon could be S3 not S2. Using α-cut of 85%, the purity of unit P is 34.4 and 96.9 for S2 and S3 classes, respectively. This indicates S3 class is more reasonable to use for management purposes.Conclusion: In conventional soil surveys, the results of representative pedon are used to management purposes because analyzing all pedons in a map unit is time and cost-consuming. The results suggest that generalization of the results from representative pedon to the whole land unit can be mis-leading considerably. So, finding the methods which is more accurate and closer to reality and also use representative pedon data could be more useful. Fuzzy approach is a good option to solve the problems arises from the biased results when a suitability class lies close to the border of two different classes.

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Introduction: Landslide is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to falling down or movement of sediments materials along the hillsides. Velocity and wideness of the phenomenon cause attractive & tragedy one, which can affect on thousands of cubic meter of soil & stone. This phenomenon is the most Common natural earth change phenomena that occur in the geological period which is nowadays known as natural disaster. In present decade its importance is considered to deal with natural disaster and to reduce its risk. One of the important objectives of this research is to identify different parameters in landslides of sensitive area. This project also aims to identify high risk area and low risk area of landslide in order to reduce harmful effects landslide. Therefore, nowadays we need to provide landslide hazard zonation in sensitive areas with unstable hillside because every year it causes huge damages. Therefore, research is necessary for which different methods that give acceptable results by the researchers such as systematic or map query from which statistical method is chosen. In this research, Marbor river basin is zonated by using two variants statistical method which includes value of information and density area.Methodology: In order to prepare the hazard zonation landslide map, it is necessary first to prepare the distribution map of landslide in the region. This is done by field study and using geological maps, topographic maps, digital elevation model (DEM) and land use maps using Ilwis software. The obtained data is then transferred to I1wis software and six information layers such as slope, lithology, rainfall, land use, and distance from roads were used. These layers were then intersected, and classified landslide hazard zonation map with 2 statistical method.Discussion: This research attempts to zonate the Marbor River domain in the south of Semirom city with an area of 1438 km2 using Binary statistical method because of increasing instability of the slopes and landslide phenomena, to prevent it from human and financial damages. Therefore, by collecting required information on landslides dispersion in the region, landslide dispersion map is provided by preparing six informative layers which includes slope, aspect, lithology, landuse, distance from the road, and precipitation rate. These layers were then intersected, and classified landslide hazard zonation map with Binary statistical method. These methods contain: 1) Information Value This method is based upon the following formula: Wi=Ln (Densclass/Densmap)=Ln(Npix(Si)/Npix(Ni))/(Npix(Si)/ ∑npix(Ni)) where, Wi = the weight given to a certain parameter class (e.g. a rock type, or a slopeclass). Densclas = the landslide density within the parameter class. Densmap = the landslide density within the entire map. Npix(Si) = number of pixels, which contain landslides, in a certain parameter class. Npix(Ni) = total number of pixels in a certain parameter class. 2) Density Area D=Nix (Sxi)/Npix(Xi) W=1000*(D-(∑Npix(Sxi)/ ∑Npix(Xi)) Afterwards, we analyzed the accuracy and precision of each method (P, QS). For the analyses and accuracy of the used method, two equations of accuracy and precision are used which are P method and QS method, and to compare the accuracy and precision of the two maps in linear regression and audit analysis, the best method is chosen. These relations are shown: (P) method''s accuracy: Area of land slide in medium and high hazard zone is divided by their area as shown by the correlation: P=KS/S where, P is method's accuracy in medium and high hazard zones, KS is the landslide area in medium and high hazard zone and S is the related hazard zones area The (QS) method''s Precision is obtained by density ratio as shown in this equation: DR = percent of landslide / percent of area QS=_(DR-1)2*Area(%) The result showed the Infomation value is better than other method for this region.Conclusion: 1. Using hazard zonation map of landslide we can design road networks, technical structures, power lines, gas, etc, in sustainable zones and reduce damage 2. Map prepared by Information value method is an appropriate for Landslide hazard zonation in this area 3- The factors studied show maximum of landslide Have occurred in 12-25 slope, South East, Daryan formation, 500-700 rainfall and and with 0-1500 metter distance to road. 4- Avoid building structures near the river. because in this area has high potential for occurrence landslide. 5- East and South East region have minimum potential for occurrence landslide.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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